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Almost all his friends suggested ________ Mr. Johnson at once.

A、that he visits

B、to his to visit

C、that he visit

D、to him for visiting

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The law firm Patrick worked for before he died filed for bankruptcy protection a year afte
r his funeral. After his death, the firm's letterhead properly included him- Patrick S. Lanigan, 1954~1992. He was listed up in the right-hand corner, just above the paralegals. Then the rumors got started and wouldn't stop. Before long, everyone believed he had taken the money and disappeared. After three months, no one on the Gulf Coast believed that he was dead. His name came off the letterhead as the debts piled up.

The remaining partners in the law firm were still together, attached unwillingly at the hip by the bondage of mortgages and the bank notes, back when they were rolling and on the verge of serious wealth. They had been joint defendants in several unwinnable lawsuits; thus the bankruptcy. Since Patrick's departure, they had tried every possible way to divorce one another, but nothing would work. Two were raging alcoholics who drank at the office behind locked doors, but never together. The other two were in recovery, still teetering on the brink of sobriety.

He took their money. Their millions money. They had already spent long before it arrived, as only lawyers can do, money for their richly renovated office building in downtown Biloxi, money for new homes, yachts, condos in the Caribbean. The money was on the way, approved, the papers signed, orders entered; they could see it, almost touch it when their dead partner—Patrick—snatched it at the last possible second.

He was dead. They buried him on February 11, 1992. They had consoled the widow and put his rotten name on their handsome letterhead. Yet six weeks later, he somehow stole their money.

So Bogan took his share of the blame. At forty-nine, he was the oldest of the four, and, at the moment, the most stable. He was also responsible for hiring Patrick nine years earlier, and they had brawled over who was to blame. Charles Bogan, the firm's senior partner and its iron hand, had insisted the money be wired from its source into a new account offshore, and this made sense after some discussion. It was ninety million bucks, a third of which the firm would keep, and it would be impossible to hide that kind of money in Biloxi, population fifty thousand. Someone at the bank would talk. Soon everyone would know. All four vowed secrecy, even as they made plans to display as much of their new wealth as possible. There had even been talk of a firm jet, a six-seater, and for this he had received no small amount of grief.

Doug Vitrano, the litigator, had made the fateful decision to recommend Patrick as the fifth partner. The other three had agreed, and when Patrick Lanigan was added to the firm name, he had access to virtually every file in the office—Bogan, Rapley, Vitrano, Havarac, and Lanigan, Attorneys and Counselors-at-Law. A large ad in the yellow pages claimed "Specialists in Offshore Injuries." Specialists or not, like most firms they would take almost anything if the fees were lucrative. Lots of secretaries and paralegals, big overhead, and the strongest political connections on the Coast, they were all in their mid-to-late forties. Havarac had been raised by his father on a shrimp boat. His hands were still proudly calloused, and he dreamed of choking Patrick until his neck snapped. Rapley was severely depressed and seldom left his home, where he wrote briefs in a dark office in the attic.

What happened to the four remaining lawyers after Patrick's disappearance?

A.They all wanted to divorce their wives.

B.They were all heavily involved in debts.

C.They were all recovering from drinking.

D.They had bought new homes, yachts, etc.

Most children with healthy appetites are ready to eat almost anything that is offered them
and a child rarely dislikes food (31) it is badly cooked. The way a meal is cooked and served is most important and an attractively served meal will often improve a child's appetite. Never ask a child (32) he likes or dislikes a food and never discuss likes and dislikes in front of him or allow (33) else to do so. If the father says he hates fat meat or the mother refuses vegetables, in the child's hearing he is (34) to copy this procedure. Take it (35) granted that he likes everything and he probably will, Nothing healthful should be omitted from the meal because of a supposed dislike. At meal times it is a good (36) to give a child a small portion and let him come back for a second helping rather than give him as (37) as he is likely to eat all at once. Do not talk too much to the child (38) meal times, but let him get on with his food; and do not (39) him to leave the table immediately after a meal or he will soon learn to swallow his food so he can hurry back to his toys. Under (40) circumstances must a child be coaxed (哄骗) or forced to eat.A.if B.until C.that D.unless

It’s clear that success and failure are important and common topics. Every business ha
s its ups and downs, and so does every person. In other words, sometimes we succeed and sometimes we fail. Another common way of saying this is “You win some and you lose some.” Nobody wins all the time, not even in the great success stories that we read or hear about. Think of a successful entrepreneur. Now, do you think that person achieved great success on his first attempt In 99% of cases, the answer is no. Every successful businessperson learned through failure. Now have a look at your favorite business news site. You’ll see that almost every story can be put into either the category of success or that of failure. Businesses either grow or shrink but they don’t remain the same.

1. Every person has his or her ups and downs.()

2. A common saying “You win some and you lose some” means that sometimes we succeed and sometimes we fail.()

3. 99% of successful businessmen achieved great success on their first try.()

4. Successful businessmen learn through failure.()

5. Businesses either shrink or remain the same.()

Holidays in the United States usually occur at least once a month. Most months have a

national holiday that has been arranged to be celebrated on a Monday. The holidays have all been decided to be celebrated on a Monday so that the workers may have 3-day weekends—that is? Saturday? Sunday and Monday in order to rest or travel or do things with their families. Major holidays in the United States such as New Year’s Day or Christmas Day or the day? when we remember the first settlers of the United States? called Thanksgiving Day are celebrated all over the country. During these holidays most businesses close and the workers stay home and celebrate with their families.

Vacation can be from 2 weeks a year to 4 weeks a year. This usually depends on how long you’ve been working for a company? what type of position you have? whether you have a very high position or a very important position and it’s difficult to find someone to replace you. In this case? you might take a few days at a time rather than taking one month all at once. Usually the more time you spend working for a company? the more time you may get for a vacation.

1.The government of the United States makes it a rule for workers to have a ____weekend almost once a month.





2.Workers in the United States sometimes work from.()

A.Monday to Saturday

B.Tuesday to Sunday

C.Thursday to Friday

D.Tuesday to Friday

3.Which statement is NOT true according to this passage?()

A.Only a few shops remain open on New Year’s Day

B.Most of the workers needn’t work on Christmas Day

C.Days on vacation must be more than all the holidays in a year

D.All the workers have a half-month vacation

4.The reason why someone has to divide his vacation into several parts is that ().

A.no one can be found to take his place

B.he hasn’t a most high position

C.he plays an important role in his work

D.he hasn’t been working for his company for a long time

5. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?()

A.Holidays in the United States

B.Vacation in the United States

C.How Do the Workers Spend Their Holidays

D.Something About the Holidays and Vacation in the U.S

Given the lack of fit between gifted students and their schools, it is not surprising that
such students often have little good to say about their school experience. In one study of 400 adults who had achieved distinction in all areas of life, researchers found that three-fifths of these individuals either did badly in school or were unhappy in school. Few MacArthur Prize fellows, winners of the MacArthur Award for creative accomplishment, had good things to say about their precollegiate schooling if they had not been placed in advanced programs. Anecdotal (名人轶事) reports support this. Pablo Picasso, Charles Darwin, Mark Twain, Oliver Goldsmith, and William Butler Yeats all disliked school. So did Winston Churchill, who almost failed out of Harrow, an elite British school. About Oliver Goldsmith, one of his teachers remarked, "Never was so dull a boy. " Often these children realize that they know more than their teachers, and their teachers often feel that these children are arrogant, inattentive, or unmotivated. Some of these gifted people may have done poorly in school because their gifts were not scholastic. Maybe we can account for Picasso in this way. But most fared poorly in school not because they lacked ability but because they found school unchallenging and consequently lost interest. Yeats described the lack of fit between his mind and school: "Because I had found it difficult to attend to anything less interesting than my own thoughts, I was difficult to teach." As noted earlier, gifted children of all kinds tend to be strong-willed nonconformists. Nonconformity and stubbornness (and Yeats's level of arrogance and self-absorption) are likely to lead to Conflicts with teachers.

When highly gifted students in any domain talk about what was important to the development of their abilities, they are far more likely to mention their families than their schools or teachers. A writing prodigy (神童) studied by David Feldman and Lynn Goldsmith was taught far more about writing by his journalist father than his English teacher. High-IQ children, in Australia studied by Miraca Gross had much more positive feelings about their families than their schools. About half of the mathematicians studied by Benjamin Bloom had little good to say about school. They all did well in school and took honors classes when available, and some skipped grades.

The main point the author is making about schools is that______.

A.they should satisfy the needs of students from different family backgrounds.

B.they are often incapable of catering to the needs of talented students.

C.they should organize their classes according to the students' ability.

D.they should enroll as many gifted students as possible.

All Americans are at least vaguely (1)_____ with the (2)_____ of the American Indian. Cutb

All Americans are at least vaguely (1)_____ with the (2)_____ of the American Indian. Cutbacks in federal programs for Indians have made their problems (3)_____ more severe in recent years. Josephy reports," (4)_____ 1981 it was estimated that cut, backs in federal programs for Indians totaled about $500 million" (5)_____ mole than ten times the cuts affecting their (6)_____ fellow Americans. This reduced funding is affecting almost all aspects of reservation life, (7)_____ education. If the Indians could solve their (8)_____ problems, solutions to many of their other problems might not be far behind. In, this paper the current status of Indian education will be described and (9)_____ and some ways of improving this education will be proposed.

Whether to (10)_____ with the dominant American culture or to (11)_____ Indian culture has been a longstanding issue in Indian education. The next fifty years became a period of (12)_____ assimilation in all areas of Indian culture, but especially in religion and education.

John Collier, a reformer who agitated. (13)_____ Indians and their culture from the early 1920s until his death in 1968, had a different idea. He believed that instead of effacing native culture, Indian schools (14)_____ encourage and (15)_____ it.

Pressure to assimilate remains a potent force today, (16)_____. More and more Indians are graduating from high school and college and becoming (17)_____ for jobs in the non-Indian society." When Indians obtain the requisite skills, many of them enter the broader American society and succeed." (18)_____ approximately 90 percent of all Indian children are educated in state public school systems (Taylor 136, 155). (19)_____ these children compete with the members of the dominant society, however, is another (20)_____.





It is a general law in politics, that the power most to be distrusted, is that which, poss
essing the greatest force, is the least responsible. Under the constitutional monarchies of Europe, (as they exist in theory at least, ) the king besides uniting in his single person all the authority of the executive, which includes a power to make war, create peers, and unconditionally to name all employments, has an equal influence in enacting laws, his veto being absolute; but in America, the executive, besides being elective, is stripped of most of these high sources of influence, and is obliged to keep constantly in view the justice and. legality of his acts, both on account of his direct responsibilities, and on account of the force of public opinion.

In this country, there is far more to apprehend from Congress, than from the executive, as is seen in the following reasons: —Congress is composed of many, while the executive is one, bodies of men notoriously acting with less personal responsibilities than individuals; congress has power to enact laws, which it becomes the duty of the executive to see enforced, and the rally legislative authority of a country is always its greatest authority; from the decisions and constructions of the executive, the citizen can always appeal to the courts for protection, but no appeal can lie from the acts of congress, except on the grounds of unconstitutionality, the executive has direct personal responsibilities under the laws of the land, for any abuses of his authority, but the member of congress unless guilty of open corruption, is almost beyond personal liabilities.

It follows that the legislature of this country, by the intention of the constitution, wields the highest authority under the least responsibility, and that it is the power most to be distrusted. Still, all who possess trusts, are to be diligently watched, for there is no protection against abuses without responsibility, nor any real responsibility, without vigilance.

Political partisans, who are too apt to mistake the impulses of their own hostilities and friendships for truths, have laid down many false principles on the subject of the duties of the executive. When a law is passed, it goes to the executive for execution, through the executive agents, and, at need to the courts for interpretation. It would seem that there is no discretion vested in the executive concerning the constitutionality of a law. If he distrusts the constitutionality of any law, he can set forth his objections by resorting to the veto; but it is clearly the intention of the system that the whole legislative power, in the last resort, shall abide in congress, while it is necessary to the regular action of the government, that none of its agents, but those who are especially appointed for that purpose, shall pretend to interpret the constitution, in practice. The citizen is differently situated. If he conceives himself oppressed by an unconstitutional law, it is his inalienable privilege to raise the question before the courts, where a final interpretation can be had. By this interpretation the executive and all his agents are equally bound to abide. This obligation arises from the necessity of things, as well as from the nature of the institutions. There must be somewhere a power to decide on the constitutionality of laws, and this power is vested in the supreme court of the United States, on final appeal.

The author's purpose in writing this passage is to indicate ______.

A.the difference between kings and presidents

B.the power of the Supreme Court

C.the limitations of the presidency

D.the irresponsibility of Congress

When was the last time you visited a museum in which almost every collection could be touched?American lawyer Mitch Dudek built a private museum(1)______visitors can have direct contact with all the exhibits on display in the ancient city of Suzhou. The museum (2)______(name) Six Arts because it is about the six senses and stimulating all of your senses.You can touch things.You can smell things.Its different from other museums.Founded in 2018,the four-storey museum now (3)______(house) more than 40,000 Chinese antiques dating back to the Ming and Qing dynasties(1368-1911),with another 60,000 items (4)______(store) in warehouses(仓库). Having never seen or used such items in his own country,Dudek is filled (5)______strong admiration of the delicate designs and complicated carvings of these old items."I think they are just beautiful,and I should collect them," said Dudek,(6)______(add) that these items may be ignored once(7)______(random) packed in the warehouses,but they could shine again through restoration. "As more and more Chinese understand and offer me some of their old(8)______(belong),collections in the museum have become more varied and abundant.Now I plan to invite scholars and craftsmen to discover more(9)______(culture) and historical stories behind them," he said. "The collections not only help revisit old times but also present (10)______sense of beauty," said Xu Yun,a visitor from Shanghai.

"The language of a composer", Cardus wrote, "his harmonies, rhythms, melodies, colors and
texture, cannot be separated except by pedantic analysis from the mind and sensibility of the artist who happens to be expressing himself through them".

But that is precisely the trouble; for as far as I can see, Mozart's can. Mozart makes me begin to see ghosts, or at the very least ouija-boards. If you read Beethoven's letters, you feel that you are at the heart of a tempest, a whirlwind, a furnace; and so you should, because you are. If you read Wagner's, you feel that you have been run over by a tank, and that, too, is an appropriate response.

But if you read Mozart's—and he was a hugely prolific letter-writer—you have no clue at all to the power that drove him and the music it squeezed out of him in such profusion that death alone could stop it; they reveal nothing—nothing that explains it. Of course it is absurd(though the mistake is frequently made)to seek external causes for particular works of music; but with Mozart it is also absurd, or at any rate useless, to seek for internal ones either. Mozart was an instrument. But who was playing it?

That is what I mean by the Mozart Problem and the anxiety it causes me. In all art, in anything, there is nothing like the perfection of Mozart, nothing to compare with the range of feeling he explores, nothing to equal the contrast between the simplicity of the materials and the complexity and effect of his use of them. The piano concertos themselves exhibit these truths at their most intense; he was a greater master of this form. than of the symphony itself, and to hear every one of them, in the astounding abundance of genius they provide, played as I have so recently heard them played, is to be brought face to face with a mystery which, if we could solve it, would solve the mystery of life itself.

We can see Mozart, from infant prodigy to unmarked grave. We know what he did, what he wrote, what he felt, whom he loved, where he went, what he died of. We pile up such knowledge as a child does bricks; and then we hear the little tripping rondo tune of the last concerto—and the bricks collapse; all our knowledge is useless to explain a single bar of it. It is almost enough to make me believe in — but I have run out of space, and don't have to say it. Put K. 595 on the gramophone and say it for me.

According to Paragraph 1, Cardus observed that ______ .

A.a composer can separate his language and harmonies from his own mind and sensibility

B.a composer can separate his language and harmonies from the mind and sensibility of an artist

C.some people can separate the language and harmonies of a composer from his mind and sensibility

D.the language, harmonies, rhythms, melodies, colors and texture of a composer cannot be separated from each other

Remembering My GrandparentsWhen memory began for me, my grandfather was past sixty -- a
Remembering My Grandparents

When memory began for me, my grandfather was past sixty -- a great tall man with thick hair becoming gray. He had black eyes and a straight nose which ended in a slightly flattened tip. Once he explained seriously to me that he got that flattened tip as a small child when he fell down and stepped On his nose.The little marks of laughter at the corners of his eyes were the product of a kindly and humorous nature. The years of work which had bent his shoulders had never dulled his humor nor his love of a joke. Everywhere he went, "Gramp" made friends easily. At the end of half an hour you felt you had known him all your life. I soon learned that he hated to give orders, but that when he had to, he tried to make his orders sound like suggestions.One July morning, as he was leaving to go to the cornfield, he said, "Edwin, you can pick up the potatoes in the field today if you want to do that." Then he drove away with his horses.The day passed, and I did not have any desire to pick up potatoes. Evening came and the potatoes were still in the field. Gramp, dusty and tired, led the horses to get their drink."How many bags of potatoes were there?" Gramp inquired."I don't know."

"How many potatoes did you pick up?"

"I didn't pick any."

"Not any! Why not?"

"You said I could pick them up if I wanted to. You didn't say I had to."

In the next few minutes I learned a lesson I would not forget, when Gramp said I could if I wanted to, he meant that I should want to.My grandmother ("Gram") worked hard all day, washing clothes, cleaning the house, making butter, and even working in the field when help was scarce. In the evening, though, she was not too tired to read books from the community library. For more than forty years Gram read aloud to Gramp almost every evening. In this way she and Gramp learned about all the great battles of history and became familiar with the works of great authors and the lives of famous men.Gram hated cruelty and injustice. The injustices of history, even those of a thousand years before, angered her as much as the injustices of her own day.She also had a deep love of beauty. When she was almost seventy-five, and had gone to live with one of her daughters, she spent a delightful morning washing dishes because, as she said, the beautiful patterns on the dishes gave her pleasure. The birds, the flowers, the clouds -- all that was beautiful around her -- pleased her. She was like the father of the French painter, Millet, who used to gather grass and show it to his son, saying, "See how beautiful this is!"

In a pioneer society it is the harder qualities of mind and character that are of value. The softer virtues are considered unnecessary. Men and women struggling daily to earn a living are unable, even for a moment, to forget the business of preserving their lives. Only unusual people, like my grandparents, manage to keep the softer qualities in a world of daily struggle.Such were the two people with whom I spent the months from June to September in the wonderful days of summer and youth.

1.We know that Grandpa's nose ____

A、was flattened because it had been stepped on

B、was not flat when he was a boy

C、was both straight and broad

D、was straight but its tip was a bit flat

2.We learn from the passage that Grandpa ____

A、loved to give orders

B、liked making suggestions

C、was friendly and humorous

D、was a serious and strict person

3.When Grandpa told the writer to pick up potatoes if he wanted to do that, he meant that ____

A、he had to do it

B、he could do it if he wanted to

C、he could do it anytime he was ready

D、he did not really have to do so

4.The writer describes his Grandma as ____

A、someone who could find beauty in life

B、a very obedient housewife

C、a woman who complained about the injustices of life

D、a woman who loved Millet's paintings

5.According to the passage, in the days of the writer's grandparents ____

A、it was difficult for people to keep the "soft qualities" of mind and character

B、most people understood how to appreciate the beautiful things in life

C、it was the "soft virtues" that were thought to be very important

D、only ordinary people managed to appreciate the beauty of nature

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