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Before () the office she always makes sure () the lights.

A.left; turn off

B.leaving; to turn off

C.leave; turning off

D.to leave; in turning off


B、leaving; to turn off

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更多“Before () the office she alway…”相关的问题
A.Come to her office before her meeting.B.Change his major.C.Meet with her tomorrow.D.

A.Come to her office before her meeting.

B.Change his major.

C.Meet with her tomorrow.

D.Discuss the class with his roommate.

Mobile office is the mutual product of economic, scientific and social progress. Mobile of
fice has become a solution that provided users with convenient, prompt, safe, reliable and reasonably priced communications and office faculty anywhere anytime via the support of mobile interconnection platform. (MIP) and its applications systems.

When you leave your office to attend meetings or travel on business, what would happen to your business routine? of course, faxes and e-mails would be still sent to your fax machine or e-mail box, but you cannot read them and make prompt reaction timely. When your clients need you to make some urgent modifications on your work and you are neither in the office nor carrying relevant documents, what can you do? Maybe you have to say "sorry" to the clients. But, your business will be affected, the clients will be unhappy and disappointed because of your delay, and you will lose a lot of business opportunities.

In fact, very frequently, you need to check, reply, distribute, display, modify or read some materials when you are not in your office. You must get out of this dilemma. The best solution to normally handle your business anywhere anytime and not to disappoint your clients is to let your office "move" with you. Thus, you can have convenient, prompt, safe, reliable and reasonably priced communications and office faculty anywhere anytime. With the development of communications technology, network application and wireless interconnection, mobile office has become simpler and smaller, and even can be realized via one mobile phone with data communications function. Thus, mobile office has already been put into your pocket, and office mobility has been realized.

Mobile office has provided people with convenient, casual working environment, but at the same time it still has some unsatisfactory aspects such as mismatching equipment interface and inadequate battery. Nevertheless, we believe that with technical progress, people can certainly overcome all kinds of difficulties. Mobile office will make your career successful, and will realize the dream of completely free communication. Users will enjoy more colorful life and better working environment, and users' living standard, working efficiency and even enterprises' production efficiency will certainly be immensely raised.

It can be inferred from the passage that______.

A.mobile office is the only way by which people could enjoy prompt and safe working environment

B.with the development of science, mobile office comes to our life inevitably

C.people had no convenient and reliable communications and office faculty before

D.mobile interconnection platform. and its application systems is the core of mobile office

阅读文章,回答下列各题: When people print a stamp, any error made on a stamp raises its val
ue to stamp collectors. A mistake on one inexpensive postage stamp has made the stamp worth a million and a half times its original value. More than one hundred years ago in the British colony of Mauritius, a small island in the Indian Ocean, the mistake was made. In 1847 an order for stamps .was sent to a London printer -- Mauritius was to become the fourth country in the world to issue stamps. Before the order was filled and delivered, a bail was planned at Mauritius' s Government House, and stamps were needed to send out the invitations. A locai printer was instructed to copy the design for the stamps. He accidentally inscribed the words "Post Office" instead of "Post Paid" on the severai hundred stamps that he printed. Today there are only twenty-six of these misprinted stamps left-fourteen One Penny Orange - Reds and twelve Two Penny Blues. Because of the Two Penny Blues' rareness and age, collectors have paid as much as $16,800 for it. Over a century ago, Mauritius__________

A. was an independent country

B. was a smail island in the Pacific Ocean

C. belonged to India

D. was one of the British colonies

The White House is the most visitedresidence in the world. Tours may be scheduled thr
ough our Washington DCoffice. Due to security and scheduling procedures, there are a few things youshould know before requesting a tour:

• Only groups of 10 or more may request a tour.

• Requests must be submitted with a minimum of onemonth’s advance notice from the date of the tour. Notice of whether yourapplication is accepted will be given 10 days prior to the date requested. Alltours, even after they have been confirmed, are subject to cancellation due tosecurity interests.

• Tours are only conducted Tuesday through Saturdayfrom 7:30 am to 11:30 am.

To process your request for a tour, please contactour Washington office at (202) 224-5521 and provide the following information:

• Date(s) requesting.

• Security information for each person in your party,including: name as it appears on I.D. (I.D. required for ages 14 and up), dateof birth, social security number, country of origin, and citizenship (公民的身份).

• A home address and daytime and evening phonenumbers for the designated (指派的) leader of the group.

• A contact number while in DC for the designatedleader of the group.

After your request is accepted, our office willcontact you with further instructions.

1.This notice is to provide information about________.

A.application for a tour of the White House

B.the security system of the White House

C.scheduling of Washington DC tours

D.duties of a tour group leader

2.The White House is open to the public ________.

A.everyother day

B.on weekends only

C.fivedays a week

D.on weekdays only

3.Application for a group tour of the White Housemust be submitted ________.

A.exactly onthe date of application

B.any day between Tuesdayand Saturday

C.10 days before the date of the tour

D.atleast 30 days in advance

4.After your tour request has been confirmed,________.

A.you cansurely visit the White House that day

B.it isnecessary for you to start your tour immediately

C.itis still possible that your tour may be cancelled

D.youare still allowed to change your visiting date

5.It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

A.foreignersare less likely to be permitted to tour the White House

B.securityis the chief concern in scheduling White House tours

C.teenagersunder 14 are not allowed to visit the White House

D.separatetours can also be scheduled for individual visitors

America’s Internet is fester than ever before, but people still complain about their Int
ernet being too slow.

New York’s Attorney General’s office (26)_______ an investigation in the fall into whether or not Verizon, Cablevision and Time Warner are delivering broadband that’s as fast as the providers (27)_______ it is. Earlier this month, the office asked for the public’s help to measure their speed results, saying consumers (28)_______ to get the speeds they were promised. “Too many of us may be paying for one thing, and getting another,” the Attorney General said.

If the investigation uncovers anything, it wouldn’t be the first time a telecom provider got into (29)_______ over the broadband speeds it promised and delivered customers. Back in June, the Federal Communications Commission fined AT& T $ 100 million over (30)_______ that the carrier secretly reduced wireless speeds after customers consumed a certain amount of (31)_______ .

Even when they stay on the right side of the law, Internet providers arouse customers’ anger over bandwidth speed and cost. Just this week, an investigation found that media and telecom giant Comcast is

the most (32)_______ provider. Over 10 months, Comcast received nearly 12,000 customer complaints, many (33)_______ to its monthly data cap and overage (超过额度的)charges.

Some Americans are getting so (34)_______ with Internet providers they’re just giving up. A recent study found that the number of Americans with high-speed Internet at home today (35)_______ fell during the last two years, and 15% of people now consider themselves to be “cord-cutters.”


B) actually

C) claim

D) communicating

E) complain

F) data

G) deserved

H) frustrated

I) hated

J) launched

K) relating

L) times

M) trouble

N) usually

O) worried

A Day in the Life of Citizen KYZ606 and his Pet Computer DanielFriday8:00 When I wake u

A Day in the Life of Citizen KYZ606 and his Pet Computer Daniel


8:00 When I wake up, my pet computer, Daniel, smiles at me and says “Good morning”. He makes me a coffee and chooses my “look” for the day.

9:00 At the office again. I want sunshine today so Daniel changes the lighting and air conditioning to create a ____1____ day. It’s great here, because I don’t have to think – the computers do everything. While Daniel organizes my schedule, I talk to friends ____2____ my mobile videophone.

11:30 At the gym. My computer knows exactly ____3____ I need to do. I don’t like doing so ____4____ exercise, but Daniel says I’ll have a heart attack at the age of 53 if I don’t.

13:00 Lunch in the office restaurant. We press some ____5____ on the food-ordering machine, and the pills arrive quickly through a hole in the table. Everything tastes really good today.

13:30 Back in the office, there’s nothing to do so I take a ____6____. Daniel will wake me up when I’ve had enough sleep.

16:00 Daniel has woken me up, but there’s no work to do so I do a bit of ____7____ online. I love shopping. Daniel helps me find a shirt that will look good at the party tonight. He really knows what I like.

19:00 Back at home, I watch a football match, although it’s not very exciting ____8____ Daniel tells me the result before the end. He does that with films as well – I get really annoyed with him.

21:00 Party in full swing. As soon as I arrive, Daniel chooses me a partner ____9____ will be compatible. She seems very nice. I order another whisky and a red warning light goes on – I am drinking too much again!

23:00 Time ____10____ bed. Daniel prepares my pyjamas and my dreams for the night. I think I would prefer to dream on my own, but anyway… It’s been a good day...I think!






















8、A、so that









Although most people return from package holidays reasonably satisfied, this is not always
the 【C1】______ Take for Instance, the nightmare experience of a Frenchman who went on a 【C2】______ to Columbia, The hotel in the small Caribbean port was overbooked, The holiday maker was 【C3】______ round the streets, looking for A 【C4】______ and breakfast place, when he was arrested for vacancy, He was 【C5】______ ,whore ho told the magistrate that it was the hotel's 【C6】______ , The magistrate was the hotel-owner's brother, and he charged the tourist 【C7】______ making false accusations and sent him to prison for eight day, By the time of his 【C8】______ , his return flight had lets, Ho had insufficient funds to buy a return ticket, 【C9】______ he went to the Pat Office to send a telegram to hi, home in Montpellier, asking for money, He was 【C10】______ before he could, end it, This time he was charged with illegal 【C11】______ , It was explained that, having missed his return 【C12】______ , he could no longer be classified as a tourist, Ho now needed a work 【C13】______ ,be didn't have one, He was fined $ 500 for this 【C14】______ , and a further $ 500 when he again blamed the hotel for overbooking His 【C15】______ was confiscated because he couldn't pay the tines, He hitch-hiked to Bogota 【C16】______ the consulate tingly arranged to send him home.

All things 【C17】______ , I would prefer to plan my holiday independently, 【C18】______ my view, it's order to "do it yourself!", And the advantages of planning your holiday yourself are 【C19】______ . If it is well-planned, an in dependent holiday san usually be good 【C20】______ for money.






It is easier to negotiate initial salary requirement because once you are inside, the orga
nizational cortstraints(约束) influence wage increases. One thing, however, is certain: your chances of getting the raise you feel you deserve are less if you don't at least ask for it. Men tend to ask for more, and they get more, and this holds true with other resources, not just pay increases. Consider Beth's story:

I did not get what I wanted when I did not ask for it. We had cubiele(小隔间) offices and window offices. I sat in the cubicles with several male colleagues. One by one they were moved into window offices, while I remained in the cubicles. Several males who were hired after me also went to offices. One in particular told me he was next in line for an office and that it had been part of his negotiations for the job. I guess they thought me content to stay in the cubicles since I did not voice my opinion either way.

It would be nice if we all received automatic pay increases equal to our merit, but "nice" isn't a quality attributed to most organizations. If you feel you deserve a significant raise in pay, you'll probably have to ask for it.

Performance is your best bargaining chip(筹码) when you are seeking a raise. You must be able to demonstrate that you deserve a raise. Timing is also a good bargaining chip. If you can give your boss something he or she needs (a new client or a sizable contract,for example) just before merit pay decisions are being made, you are more likely to get the raise you want.

Use information as a bargaining chip too. Find out what you are worth on the open market. What will someone else pay for your services?

Go into the negotiations prepared to place your chips on the table at the appropriate time and prepared to use communication style. to guide the direction of the interaction.

According to the passage,before taking a job, a person should______.

A.demonstrate his capability

B.give his boss a good impression

C.ask for as much money as he can

D.ask for the salary he hopes to get

What do you drink? Coffee, spring water, cola or a cup of tea? Much has been said abou

t the benefits of drinking Chinese tea for such things as losing weight and staying alert, but the following points may be something new to you.

Chrysanthemum (菊花) tea, made of white chrysanthemums, is a must for office workers in the closed environment with radiation contamination.The white chrysanthemum is regarded as an ideal herb in Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCMs), which can clear away the heat and poisonous substance accumulated in the body.According to TCMs, the herb can aid in the prevention of sore throat and promoting the reducing fever and cooling you down.It is also well known for making people more alert and is often used to waken them.Ancient Chinese adopted the tradition of drinking chrysanthemum wine in autumn, believing the wine would keep healthy.

Since it’s impossible to drink wine in the office, TCMs doctors highly recommend the chrysanthemum tea, instead, especially for those who suffer from serious radiation pollution or experience dry mouth.However, doctors suggest that weak people (who are very sensitive to cold and always have cold hands and feet) should take less chrysanthemum tea, which will make them feel colder.

Mugwort (艾蒿) tea is another popular tea in China.If you drink a lot of water before sleep, you’ll find yourself looking tired and pale the next morning, and you may feel as bad as you look.Mugwort tea will help you eliminate tiredness and recover your high spirits.Only several grams of mugwort are needed for a cup of tea.The tea may also be effective for weight loss.

Unlike other teas, the fruit tea is very flavorful with a light sweet taste.The small red berry is not a common fruit, but a kind of traditional Chinese medicine that helps maintain good eyesight and get rid of the waste in bodies.Watching the lovely cherries swelling up in the glass is an enjoyable process, and adding several white chrysanthemum in the tea can make the tea more tasty and beautiful.

46.Why is chrysanthemum tea necessary for the office workers in the closed environment?()

A.It can help reduce radiation pollution

B.It can provide the weak with warmth and energy

C.It may be effective for weight loss

D.It may be a treatment to cold in autumn

47.What is the medicinal use of the white chrysanthemum?()

A.It makes people stay in shape

B.It keeps people in high spirits

C.It helps reduce a fever

D.It prevents a bad cold

48.According to the passage, the negative effect of chrysanthemum tea is ________.

A.making people look pale and tired

B.getting people addicted to the tea

C.having people experience dry mouth

D.letting the weak people feel colder

49.The function of red berries in the fruit tea is ________.

A.a decoration swelling up in the glass

B.a medicine helping maintain good eyesight

C.a fruit strengthening the immunity to colds

D.a flavor making the tea more tasty

50.Whats the passage mainly about?()

A.The medicinal use of chrysanthemum tea

B.The fruit tea is flavorful with a light sweet taste

C.The drinks we take in the break time

D.The healthy benefits of Chinese tea

UN officials pledged Thursday to bridge, the world's digital divide, bringing computers an
d Internet training to poorer countries before they fall further behind in technology and wealth. The Digital Service Corps initiative expands on a University of Pennsylvania pilot that sent three professors and 27 students to the West African country of Mall last spring. Four countries will be selected for visits in December.

In partnering with the private Global Technology Organization, the UN Office for Projects Services wants to reduce the gap separating nations with good technology from those without. "There are more Web sites originating here in New York than in all of Africa," said Reinhart Helmke, executive director of the UN agency. "There are more Web sites originating in Finland than in all of Latin America and the Caribbean." Helmke said the digital divide would be better described as a digital chasm. He said the global economy cannot be sustained if some countries are left out.

Neysan Rassekh, founder and president of Global Technology Organization, vowed to tackle the problem "country by country, town by town, citizen by citizen." The initiative carries no funding, however. The UN projects office, as a self-financing agency with a limited budget, will provide only management know-how: Rassekh's group, which organized the University of Pennsylvania group, plans to solicit(恳求) cash and equipment donations. For the Mall project, the university paid airfare and other expenses through fees that students pay to receive academic credit.

Eliminating the global divide won't be easy. Persuading foreign governments to buy computers instead of food can be tough, even though technology can reduce poverty and hunger in the long run, said Hafidh Chaibi, who promotes global access through the World of Knowledge Foundation in Orlando, Fla. Ernest Wilson, an international development specialist at the University of Maryland, said his research found information technology growing by 18 percent a year in developing countries, compared with 23 percent in industrialized nations. That means the gap continues to grow despite improvements through programs from the United Nations, the World Bank, the Markle Foundation and other organizations.

The UN announcement came as world leaders met at the UN Millennium Summit to discuss such challenges as peace, disarmament and access, to new technology. Over four weeks in May and June, the University of Pennsylvania volunteers set up four computer centers in Mall and trained 120 residents, mostly students and educators who could then teach others. Organizers are also setting up a Web site to help residents obtain information on education and health. The UN agency and its private partner plan to replicate that effort in 10 to 12 countries a year.

The "digital divide" as is used in the first passage refers to ______.

A.the gap in technology and wealth between poor and rich countries

B.inadequate training which technicians in poorer countries have received

C.the availability of computer and Internet technologies to different nations

D.the difference in the number of Web sites created in poor and rich countries

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