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He was reading a book() The Old Man and The Sea.


B.to call



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更多“He was reading a book() The Ol…”相关的问题
He always thinks that it is no use to reading many books.()
He always thinks that it is no use to reading many books.()


He used to_______ in the sun,but now he gets used to ______ at night.A、read,readB、readi

He used to_______ in the sun,but now he gets used to ______ at night.




D、reading ,reading

He ______ a habit of reading a few pages of English novels every day.





Will you lend him a magazine____________?A、to be readB、for readingC、to readD、he read

Will you lend him a magazine____________?

A、to be read

B、for reading

C、to read

D、he read

There is no doubt that adults,and even highly educated adults,vary greatly in the spee
d and efficiency of their reading. Some proceed very slowly throughout; others dash along too quickly and then have to regress. Poor readers in particular may lack the ability to vary their manner of reading according to the type of reading matter and to their intentions in reading it. A good reader can move at great speed through the text of a novel or similar light reading matter. He may be able to skim a page,picking up a word or two here and there,and gain a general idea of what the text is about without really reading it. In reading more difficult material,with the intention of taking in the whole of it,he will proceed more slowly,but even then he will vary his pace,concentrating on the key words and passages,perhaps re-reading them several times and pass more quickly over the remainder. A less efficient reader tends to maintain the same speed whatever the material he reads. Consequently,even light reading matter gives him little pleasure because he reads so slowly. But this pace may be too fast for really difficult material which requires special concentration at difficult points.A type of reading which necessitates careful attention to detail is proofreading in which the reader, in order to detect misprints in a sample print has to notice not so much the meaning of what he reads as the exact shape and order of letters and words in the text. This is extremely difficult for most people,since they are accustomed to overlooking such details. In fact,considerable practice is required to practise this task efficiently and it can be done only by reading very slowly,and by paying comparatively little attention to the general meaning of the text.

(1) The author claims that there is a difference in reading speed ___________.

A、among all the readers

B、among readers who have different experience

C、between the poorly educated and the highly educated

D、among the highly educated people

(2) A good reader is a reader who ___________.

A、concentrates on the wonderful part of the article

B、always reads slowly and carefully

C、changes his speed according to the type of reading matter

D、changes his speed according to the interesting part of the text

(3) The author says that when reading more difficult material,a good reader can read ___________

A、every part of the book

B、the most wonderful part of the book

C、the major part of the book

D、the scientific part of the book

(4) The last two sentences of the first paragraph mean that ___________.

A、reading speed too slow for a difficult book is just right for a non-serious one

B、reading speed too slow for a non-serious book may be too fast for a difficult one

C、reading speed too fast for difficult material is just right for a non-serious book is also too slow for a difficult one

D、reading speed too slow for a non-serious book is also too slow for a difficult one

(5) What is the passage mainly about?

A、Practise reading skill.

B、Difference between the highly educated and the poorly educated.

C、Reading and listening.

D、Difference in the speed and efficiency of reading.

Among the pleasures in the world, the joy from reading can be one. Happy is the man who ac
quires the 【C1】______ of reading when he is young. He has secured a lifelong 【C2】______ of plea sure, instruction, and 【C3】______ . So long as he has his 【C4】______ books, he need never feel lonely. He always has a pleasant 【C5】______ of leisure moments, 【C6】______ he need never feel 【C7】______ .He is the possessor of wealth more 【C8】______ than gold. Ruskin Calls books "Kings' Treasuries"-- treasuries filled, not 【C9】______ gold and silver and precious stones, but with 【C10】______ much more valuable than these--knowledge, 【C11】______ thoughts, and high ideals. Poor indeed is the men who does not read, and empty is his life.

【C12】______ we choose the right kind of books, reading gives the 【C13】______ kind of pleasure. Some books we read simply for pleasure and 【C14】______ -- for example, good novels. And novels and books of imagination must have their 【C15】______ in everyone's reading. When we are tired, or the brain is weary with 【C16】______ study, it is a recreation to 【C17】______ ourselves in some absorbing story written by a 【C18】______ hand.

But to read nothing but books of fiction is like eating nothing but cakes and sweetmeats. 【C19】______ we need plain, wholesome food for the body, so we must have serious reading for the 【C20】______ . And here we can choose according to our taste.






A.He always liked reading more than watching television.B.He used to watch television

A.He always liked reading more than watching television.

B.He used to watch television more than he does now.

C.It's important to select television programs carefully.

D.The woman should do more reading.

Decide whether the following sentences chosen from a letter are communicating facts, opi
nions and/or emotions. Mr. Thomson, the postman of our area deserves to be fired. He does not deliver the mails in time. Sometimes, he throws the packages in the open courtyards instead of putting it properly into the letter boxes installed in the houses. I have seen him even handing down letters to little children. Above all, Mr. Thomson is very rude and discourteous. He is not ready to own his mistake when it is brought to his notice. Sometimes, he delivers the newspapers carelessly to wrong houses, without reading the addresses properly. It is, therefore, requested that Mr. Thomson should preferably be replaced by a more competent postman or at least he should be brought to a training().

A、Communicating facts

B、Communicating opinions

C、Communicating emotions

D、All above

How to Find Time to ReadDo you want to know how to improve yourself all the time without h

How to Find Time to Read

Do you want to know how to improve yourself all the time without having to spend more time reading because you get involved in work everyday? Does it sound too good to be true? Well, read on, please.

An Average Reader

If you are an average reader you can read an average book at the rate of 300 words a minute. You cannot maintain that average, however, unless you read regularly every day. Nor can you reach that speed with hard books in science, mathematics, agriculture, business, or any subject that is new or unfamiliar to you. The chances are that you will never attempt that speed with poetry or want to race through some passages in fiction over which you wish to linger. But for most of the novels, biographies, and books about travel, hobbies or personal interests, if you are an average reader you should have no trouble at all in absorbing meaning and pleasure out of 300 printed words every 60 seconds.

Statistics are not always practical, but consider the following: If the average reader can read 300 words a minute of average reading, then in 15 minutes he can read 4 500 words. Multiplied by 7, the days of the week, the product is 315 000. Another multiplication by 12, the months of the year, results in a grand total of 1 512 000 words. That is the total number of words of average reading an average reader can do in just 15 minutes a day for one year.

Books vary in length from 60 000 to 1 000 000 words. The average is about 75 000 words. In one year of average reading by an average reader for 15 minutes a day, 20 books will be read. That's a lot of books. It is 4 times the number of books read by public-library borrowers in America. And yet it is easily possible.

Sir William Osier

One of the greatest of all modern physicians was Sir William Osier. He taught at the Johns Hopkins Medical School He finished his teaching days at McGill University. Many of the out-standing physicians today were his students. Nearly all of the practicing doctors of today were brought up on his medical textbooks. Among his many remarkable contributions to medicine are his unpublished notes on how the people die.

His greatness is attributed by his biographers and critics not alone to his profound medical knowledge and insight but to his broad general education, for he was a very cultured man. He was very interested in what men have done and taught throughout the ages. And he knew that the only way to find out what the best experiences of the race had been was to read what people had written. But Osler's problem was the same as everyone else's, only more so. He was a busy physician, a teacher of physicians, and a medical-research specialist. There was no time in a 4-hour day that did not rightly belong to one of these three occupations, except the few hours for sleep, meals, and bodily functions.

Osler arrived at his solution early. He would read the last 15 minutes before he want to sleep. If bedtime was set for 11:00 Pm, he read from 11:00 to 11:15. If research kept him up to 2:00 AM, he read from 2:00 to 2:15. Over a very long time, Osler never broke the role once he had established it. We have evidence that after a while he simply could not fall asleep until he had done his 15 minutes of reading.

In his lifetime, Osler read a significant library of books. Just do a mental calculation for halfa century of 15-minute reading periods daily and see how many books you get. Consider what a range of interests and variety of subjects are possible in one lifetime. Osler read widely outside of medical specialty. Indeed, he developed from this 15-minute reading habit a vocational specialty to balance his vocational specialization. Among scholars in English literature, Osler is known as an authority on Sir Thomas Browne, seventeenth century English prose master, and Osler's library on Sir Thomas is considered one of t




阅读理解Most of us can find 15 minutes or half an hour each day for some specific regu
lar activity.It may be a free period or a regular wait, say in the queue for a bus or meal --- even while eating breakfast.One famous surgeon always made it a rule to spend at least 15 minutes on general reading before he went to sleep each night.Whether he went to bed at 10 pm or 2:30 am made no difference.Even if you cannot keep to this kind of discipline, it is a good idea to make sure you always have a general interest book in your pocket.Don’t forget it should be a book which entertains you and the English must not be too difficult for you.

Nearly all “speed reading” courses have a “pacing” element --- some timing device which lets the student know how many words a minute he is reading.You can do this simply by looking at your watch every 5 or 10 minutes and noting down the page number you have reached.Check the average number of words per page for the particular book you are busy reading.Well, this is difficult at first.A friend can help by timing you over a set period, or you can read within hearing distance of a public clock which strikes the quarter hours.Pace yourself every three or four days, always with the same kind of easy, general interest book.You should soon notice your habitual w.p.m.rate creeping up.

6.The passage recommends setting aside for reading practice().

A.two hours a day

B.one hour a day

C.15 minutes or half an hour a day

D.three minutes a day before meal

7.One famous surgeon always made it a rule to read() .

A.15 minutes at 10 pm each night

B.for at least 15 minutes at bedtime

C.no matter it was early or late

D.whenever he had a spare moment

8.It is a good idea always to carry in your packet ().

A.a book you will never forget

B.a serious book

C.several books of various kinds

D.an easy and interesting English book

9.According to the passage, a “pacing” device() .

A.measures a student’s reading speed

B.is not included in most speed reading courses

C.is an aid to vocabulary learning

D.should be used whenever we read alone

10.Looking at your watch every 5 or 10 minutes ().

A.avoids the need for reading faster

B.is not the same as pacing

C.is not easy at first

D.helps you to remember the page number you were at last time

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