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What methods can Not be used to assess the suitabilityof candidates and determine whet

her they would be ableto perform. the role successfully__________

A.Pre-screening test

B.Group exercises

C.Post recruitment information

D.In tray exercises

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更多“What methods can Not be used t…”相关的问题
What can we learn about the research on tree genes?A.The research methods are the same as

What can we learn about the research on tree genes?

A.The research methods are the same as the analysis of human genes.

B.The findings are expected to be as fruitful as the analysis of human genes.

C.It will take as much time and effort as the analysis of human genes.

D.The research has been mainly concentrated on the genes of young trees.

The garbage does not simply disappear.It may go on to a transfer station.Since it is
difficult and expensive to dispose at landfill sites and incinerators .People are encouraged to recycle and compost (堆肥) picked up and taken and will be carefully buried or burned.The problem with these methods othey cost money, take up land and cause pollution.

One solution to the problem of solid waste disposal is composting.Some things that can beand vegetable peels.People can compost these food products by placing them in an outdoor decompose(分解 ) into a substance called compost.Compost, which contains plant nutrients, cto help other plants grow.

Another solution to the problem of solid waste disposal is recycling.Some things can be recycled, such as glass newspapers.People can recycle used products by putting them in the "blue box".The recycled goods are melt doRecycling and composting are two ways of reducing the amount of solid waste.These methods show people a nmany things people throw away can be used again .

1.Which of the following situation will be after the new ways to deal with garbage is used? ()

A、more solid waste will be produced

B、less solid waste will be produced

C、The same amount of solid waste will be produced

D、people will stop producing solid wast

2.The passage encourages people to ()their solid waste




D、recycle or compost

3.The main idea for the second paragraph is

A、compost is a special substance that provides your garden with nutrients

B、composting is one of ways to reduce solid waste

C、it can take a long time for compost to z, depending on what you put in the compost bi

D、meat, fish and grease are three things that you cannot put in your compost

4.The passage is mainly concerned with ().

A.Explain how to make compost and how it can benefit your garden.

B.Choose the best way to reduce solid waste: composting or recycling.

C、Compare and contrast composting with traditional garbage disposal.

D、Classify the different methods of throwing away household garbage

5.Which place is not a destination for solid waste?

A、a transfer station

B、a landfill site

C、a recycling depot

D、an incinerator

Methods of studying vary; what works【21】______for some students doesn't work at all for ot

Methods of studying vary; what works 【21】______ for some students doesn't work at all for others. The only thing you can do is experiment 【22】______ you find a system that does work for you. But two things are sure: 【23】______ else can do your studying for you, and unless you do find a system that works, you won't go through college. Meantime, there are a few rules that 【24】______ for everybody. The hint is "don't get 【25】______ ".

The problem of studying, 【26】______ enough to start with, becomes almost 【27】______ when you are trying to do 【28】______ in one weekend. 【29】______ the fastest readers have trouble 【30】______ that. And ff you are behind in written work that must be 【31】______ , the teacher who accepts it 【32】______ late will probably not give you good credit. Perhaps he may not accept it 【33】______ . Getting behind in one class because you are spending so much time on another is really no 【34】______ . Feeling pretty virtuous about the seven hours you spend on chemistry won't 【35】______ one bit if the history teacher pops a quiz. And many freshmen do get into trouble by spending too much time on one class at the 【36】______ of the others, either because they like one class much better or because they find it so much harder that they think, they should 【37】______ all their time to it. 【38】______ the reason, going the whole work for one class and neglecting the rest of them is a mistake, if you face this 【39】______ , begin with the shortest and easiest 【40】______ . Get them out of the way and then go to the more difficult, time consuming work.






You can try these methods to keep your interview anxiety()control.A. underB. onC. with

You can try these methods to keep your interview anxiety()control.

A. under

B. on

C. with

回答下列各题: The Importance of Good Communications Effective communication is essent
ial for all organizations. It links the activities of the various parts of the organization and ensures that everyone is working towards a common goal. It is also extremely important for motivating employees. Staff need to know how they are getting on, what they are doing right and in which areas they could improve. Working alone can be extremely difficult and it is much easier if someone takes an interest and provides support. Employees need to understand why their job is important and how it contributes to the overall success of the firm. Personal communication should also include target setting. People usually respond well to goals, provided these are agreed between the manager and subordinate and not imposed. However, firms often have communication problems that can undermine their performance. In many cases,these problems occur because messages are passed on in an inappropriate way. There are, of course, several ways of conveying information to others in the organization which include speaking to them directly, e-mailing, telephoning or sending a memo. The most appropriate method depends on what exactly it is you are communicating. For example, anything that is particularly sensitive or confidential, such as an employees appraisal, should be done face-to-face. One of the main problems for senior executives is that they do not have the time or resources needed to communicate effectively. In large companies, for example, it is impossible for senior managers to meet and discuss progress with each employee individually. Obviously this task can be delegated but at the cost of creating a gap between senior management and staff. As a result, managers are often forced to use other methods of communication, like memos or notes, even if they know these are not necessarily the most suitable means of passing on messages. The use of technology, such as e-mail, mobile phones and network systems, is speeding up communication immensely. However, this does not mean that more investment in technology automatically proves beneficial: systems can become outdated or employees may lack appropriate training. There are many communications tools now available but a firm cannot afford all of them. Even if it could, it does not actually need them all.The potential gains must be weighed up against the costs, and firms should realize that more communicationdoes not necessarily mean better communication." As the number of people involved in an organization increase, the use of written communication rises even faster. Instead of a quick conversation to sort something out numerous messages can be passed backwards and forwards. This can lead to a tremendous amount of paperwork and is often less effective than face-to-face communication. When you are actually talking to someone you can discuss things until you are happy that they have understood and feedback is immediate. With written messages, however, you are never quite sure how it will be received what you think you have said and what the other person thinks you have said can be very different. The amount of written information generated in large organizations today can lead to communication overload. So much information is gathered that it gets in the way of making decisions. Take a look at the average managers desk and you will see the problem -- it is often covered with letters, reports and memos. This overload can lead to inefficiencies. For example, managers may not be able to find the information they want when they need it. Communication is also becoming more difficult with the changes occurring in employment patterns. With more people working part-time and working at home, managing communication is becoming increasingly complex. In the first paragraph the writer recommends that communication with staff should include

A.some feedback on their job performance.

B.an explanation of how company targets have been set.

C.information on promotion prospects within the company.

D.an indication of which duties they can expect assistance with.

We might marvel at the progress made in every field of study, but the methods of testing a
person's knowledge and ability remain as primitive as ever they were. It really is extraordinary that after all these years, educationists have still failed to device anything more efficient and reliable than examinations. For all the pious claim that examinations text what you know, it is common knowledge that they more often do the exact opposite. They may be a good means of testing memory, or the knack of working rapidly under extreme pressure, but they can tell you nothing about a person's true ability and aptitude.

As anxiety-makers, examinations are second to none. That is because so much depends oil them. They are the mark of success of failure in our society. Your whole future may be decided in one fateful day. It doesn't matter that you weren't feeling very well, or that your mother died. Little things like that don't count: the exam goes on. No one can give of his best when he is in mortal terror, or after a sleepless night, yet this is precisely what the examination system expects him to do. The moment a child begins school, he enters a world of vicious competition where success and failure are clearly defined and measured. Can we wonder at the increasing number of "drop outs": young people who are written off as utter failures before they have even embarked on a career? Can we be surprised at the suicide rate among students?

A good education should, among other things, train you to think for yourself. The examination system does anything but that. What has to be learnt is rigidly laid down by a syllabus, so the student is encouraged to memorize. Examinations do not motivate a student to read widely, but to restrict his reading; they do not enable him to seek more and more knowledge, but induce cramming. They lower the standards of teaching, for they deprive the teacher of all freedoms. Teachers themselves arc often judged by examination results and instead of teaching their subjects, they are reduced to training their students in exam techniques which they despise. The most successful candidates are not always the best educated; they are the best trained in the technique of working under duress.

The results on which so much depends are often nothing more than a subjective assessment by some anonymous examiner. Examiners are only human. They get tired and hungry; they make mistakes. Yet they have to mark stacks of hastily scrawled scripts in a limited amount of time. They work under the same sort of pressure as the candidates. And their word carries weight. After a judge's decision you have the right Of appeal, but not after an examiner's. There must surely be many simpler and more effective ways of assessing a person's true abilities. Is it cynical to suggest that examinations are merely a profitable business for the institutions that run them? This is what it boils down to in the last analysis. The best comment on the system is this illiterate message recently scrawled on a wall: I were a teenage drop-out and now I are a teenage millionaire.

The main idea of this passage is ______.

A.examinations exert a pernicious influence on education

B.examinations are ineffective

C.examinations are profitable for institutions

D.examinations are a burden on students

Boys and girls, never forget that you educate your

selves. Schools, books and teachers are help, but you have to do the work. Only by persevering, industrious efforts can you become well educated

There are two objects in education: first, to develop yourself; second, to gain knowledge. To develop yourself is to strengthen and cultivate your whole being: to improve your memory and reasoning powers; to learn to think and judge correctly; in short, to have yourmind grow, so that you will be better able to do your work in life.

You develop yourself by acquiring an education, thinking about, and using it, for ducation is the food to make your mind grow. To gain knowledge is to leam tacts and methods which will be of use to you in life

There are four sources from which to derive education: from your own observation, from your experience, from the conversation of others, and from study. You can leam much without books and teachers

When you visit a manufactory, examine the machinery; try to leam how the power applied at one point moves levers and wheel until it reaches the part that dose the work Wherever work is going on, be sure to learm how it is done. Study into causes and result. The steam engine came from the boy Watt's watching a boiling teakettle, and thinking about it.

Listen to conversation, you can leam something useful from every one. Every one can teach the best-educated man something. Ask people to tell you of what they have seen and known. Never be ashamed to ask about what you do not understand. A leaned man was asked how he had acquired such a vast amount of knowledge. "By asking information of every one,he answered.

To educate yourself, you must read, study, observer, reflect, reason, and think. Keep your eyes open, and your mind at work.

1. The most appropriate title for this passage would be ().

A、Measures of Developing Oneself

B、Objects in Education


D、spend time and try hard

2.According to the passage, to develop oneself is all of the following except().

A、having a better memory

B、enhance your reasoning abilities

C、improving the ability to judge correctly

D、acquiring an education

3.According to the passage, which of the following statements is true().

A、To improve yourself is to have your mind grow.

B、You can become well educated only by observing

C、You can only get information through books and teachers

4.It can be inferred from the passage that().

A、formal education is less important than self-education

B、thinking is much more important than knowledge in developing yourself

C、schools and teachers are unnecessary in developing yourself

D、in order to be well educated, you have to spend time and try hard

5.According to the author, a mature mind will enable you to ().

A、learn without books and teachers

B、gain knowledge

C、acquire an education

D、work better in your life

During a period of falling prices, which of the following inventory methods generally results in the lowest balance sheet amount for inventory. ()

A、average method

B、LIFO method

C、FIFO method

D、can not tell without more information

According to the news, what is the main reason for Chinas rapid economic growth?A.People"s

According to the news, what is the main reason for Chinas rapid economic growth?

A.People"s living standard is rising.

B.The society is steady and secure.

C.Successful business investment.

D.Effective methods of constraining commercial banks" lending.

What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? I think the following would be gener
ally accepted.

First, the teacher s personality should be lively and attractive. This does not rule out people who are plain-looking, or even ugly, because many such people have great personal charm. But it does rule out such types as the over-excitable, sad, cold, and frustrated.

Secondly, it is not merely desirable but essential for a teacher to have a genuine capacity for sympathy, a capacity to understand the minds and feelings of other people, especially, since most teachers are school teachers, the minds and feelings of children. Closely related with this is the capacity to be tolerant not, indeed, of what is wrong, but of the weaknesses and immaturity of human nature which induce people, and again

especially children, to make mistakes.

Thirdly, I hold it essential for a teacher to be both intellectually and morally honest. This means that he will be aware of his intellectual strengths and limitations, and will have thought about and decided upon the moral principles by which his life shall be guided. There is no contradiction in my going on to say that a teacher should be a bit of an actor. That is part of the technique of teaching, which demands that every now and then a teacher should be able to put on an act to enliven a lesson, correct a fault, or award praise. Children, especially young children, live in a world that is rather larger than life.

A teacher must be capable of infinite patience. This, I may say, is largely a matter of self-discipline and self-training, for we are none of us born like that.

Finally, I think a teacher should have the kind of mind which always wants to go on learning. Teaching is a job at which one will never be perfect; there is always something more to learn about it. There are three principal objects of study: the subjects which the teacher is teaching; the methods by which the subjects can best be taught to the particular pupils in the classes he is teaching; and by far the most important the children, young people, or adults to whom the subjects are to be taught. The two fundamental principles of British education today are that education is education of the whole person, and that it is best acquired through full and active co-operation between two persons, the teacher and the learner.

S1. Plain-looking teachers can also be admired by their students if they have


S2. The author says it is S2 that teachers be sympathetic with their students.


S3. A teacher should be tolerant because humans tend to have


and to be


S4. A teacher who is S4 will be able to make his lessons more lively.


S5. How can a teacher acquire infinite patience?


S6. Since teaching is a job no one can be perfect at, it is necessary for teachers to keep improving their knowledge of the subjects they teach and their


S7. Teachers most important object of study is


S8. Education cannot be best acquired without S8 between the teacher and the learner


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