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Happiness can be described as a positive mood and a pleasant state of mind. According to r

ecent polls (民意测验) sixty to seventy percent of Americans consider themselves to be moderately happy and one in twenty persons feels very unhappy. Psychologists have been studying the factors that contribute to happiness. It is not predictable nor is a person in an apparently ideal situation necessarily happy. The ideal situation may have little to do with his actual feelings. A good education and income are usually considered necessary for happiness. Though both may contribute, they are only chief factors if the person is seriously undereducated or actually suffering from lack of physical needs. The rich are not likely to be happier than the middle-income group or even those with very low incomes. People with college educations are somewhat happier than those who did not graduate from high school, and it is believed that this is mainly because they have more opportunity to control their lives. Yet people with a high income and a college education may be less happy than those with the same income and no college education. Poor health does not rule out happiness except for the severely disabled or those in pain. Learning to cope with a health problem can contribute to happiness. Those with a good sex life are happier in general, but those who have a loving, affectionate relationship are happier than those who rely on sex alone. Love has a higher correlation with happiness than any other factor. It should be noted that people quickly get used to what they have, and they are happiest when they feel they are increasing their level no matter where it stands at a given time. Children whose parents were happily married have happier childhoods are not necessarily happier adults. The best formula for happiness is to be able to develop the ability to tolerate frustration, to have a personal involvement and commitment, and to develop self-confidence and self-esteem. It can be inferred from the passage that______.

A.happiness is predictable

B.a person in an apparently ideal situation must be happy

C.the rich are likely to be happier than the middle-income group

D.happiness is not necessarily connected to one's situation in society

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更多“Happiness can be described as …”相关的问题
Can Money Buy Happiness? (金钱能买来幸福吗?) 1.有人认为金钱是幸福之本(source of happiness)。 2.也

Can Money Buy Happiness?


1.有人认为金钱是幸福之本(source of happiness)。

2.也有人认为金钱是万恶之源(root of all evil)。


Can Money Buy Happiness? 1.有人认为金钱是幸福之本(source of happiness)。 2.也有人认为金钱是万恶之源

Can Money Buy Happiness?

1.有人认为金钱是幸福之本(source of happiness)。

2.也有人认为金钱是万恶之源(root of all evil)。


A.under B.over C.as D.when E.ofHappiness is a choice;you can choose to be sad when every
A.under B.over C.as D.when E.of

Happiness is a choice;you can choose to be sad when everything is going well for you and you can choose to be happy even _____1 nothing seems right.To be happy at all times,you need to make happiness a habit and not just an act.Scientists believe that 20 minutes of exercise can make you happy regardless of how sad you may be.Exercise raises your heart rate and triggers a surge _____2 hormonal changes._____3 your heart begins to pound,certain hormones are released which create a sense of total well being and you begin to feel well again,the mind stress is gone and everything is_____4 control.Another thing you can do is take a walk,this works for me all the time.When you take a walk,you are able to think____5 matters that are bothering you and come up with solutions to them.


根据以下内容回答题:Happiness can be described as a positive mood and a pleasant state of m


Happiness can be described as a positive mood and a pleasant state of mind. According to recent polls sixty to seventy percent of Americans consider themselves to be moderately happy and one in twenty persons feels very unhappy.Psychologists have been study-ing the factors that contribute to happiness.It is not predictable nor is a person in an apparently ideal situation necessarily happy.The ideal situation may have little to do with his actual feel-ings. A good education and income are usually considered necessary for happiness.Though both may contribute,they are only chief factors if the person is seriously under-educated or actually suffering from lack of physical needs. The rich are not likely to be happier than the middle-income group or even those with very low incomes.People with college educations are somewhat happier than those who did not gra-duate from high school,and it is believed that this is mainly because they have more opportuni-ty to control their lives.Yet people with a high income and a college education may be less happy than those with the same income and no college education. Poor health does not rule out happiness except for the severely debilitated or those in pain.Learning to cope with a health problem can contribute to happiness.Those with a good sex lifeare happier in general,but those who have a loving affectionate relationship are happier than those who rely on sex alone.Love has a higher correlation with happiness than any other factor. It should be noted that people quickly get used to what they have,and they are happiest when they feel they are increasing their level no matter where it stands at a given time. Children whose parents were happily married have happier childhoods but are not nece—ssarily happier adults. The best formula for happiness is to be able to develop the ability to tolerate frustration,to have a personal involvement and commitment,and to develop self-confidence and self-esteem.

According to the article,happiness is greatly dependent upon() .

A.happy childhood

B.great wealth

C.a feeling that conditions are improving over what they were

D.a college degree

Happiness can be described as a positive mood and a pleasant state of mind. (69) According

Happiness can be described as a positive mood and a pleasant state of mind. (69) According to recent polls (民 意测试) , sixty to seventy percent of Americans consider themselves to be moderately happy and one in twenty persons feels very unhappy. Psychologists have been studying the factors that contribute to happiness. It is not predictable nor is a person in an apparently ideal situation necessarily happy. The ideal situation may have little to do with his actual feelings.

A good education and income are usually considered necessary for happiness. Though both may contribute, they are only chief factors if the person is seriously undereducated or actually suffering from lack of physical needs.

The rich are not likely to be happier than the middle-income group or even those with very low incomes. (70) People with college educations are somewhat happier than those who did not graduate from high school, and it is believed that this is mainly because they have more opportunity to control their lives. Yet people with a high income and a college education may be less happy than those with the same income and no college education.

Poor health does not rule out happiness except for the severely disabled or those in pain. Learning to cope with a health problem can contribute to happiness. Those with a good sex life are happier in general, but those who have a loving, affectionate relationship are happier than those who rely on sex alone. Love has a higher correlation with happiness than any other factor.

It should be noted that people quickly get used to what they have, and they are happiest when they feel they are increasing their level no matter where it stands at a given time.

Children whose parents were happily married have happier childhoods yet they are not necessarily happier adults when they grow up.

The best formula for happiness is to be able to develop the ability to tolerate frustration, to have a personal involvement and commitment, and to develop self-confidence and self-esteem.

It can be inferred from the passage that______.

A.happiness is predictable

B.a person in an apparently ideal situation must be happy

C.happiness is not necessarily connected to one's situation in society

D.the rich are likely to be happier than the middle-income group

Many people think that when they become rich and successful, happiness will naturally
follow. Let me tell you that nothing is further from the truth. The world is full of very rich people who are as miserable as if they were living in hell. We have read stories about movie stars who committed suicide or died from drugs. Quite clearly, money is not the only answer to all problems. Wealth obtained through dishonest means does not bring happiness. Lottery winnings do not bring happiness. Gambling winnings do not bring happiness. To my mind, the secret to happiness lies in your successful work, in your contribution towards others’ happiness and in your wealth you have earned through your own honest effort. If you obtain wealth through luck or dishonest means, you will know that it is ill-earned money. If you get your money by taking advantage of others or by hurting others, you will not be happy with it. You will think you are a base person. Long-term happiness is based on honesty, productive work, contribution, and self-esteem. Happiness is not an end; it is a process. It is a continuous process of honest, productive work which makes a real contribution to others and makes you feel you are a useful, worthy person. As Dr. Wayne wrote, “There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way.” There is no use saying “Someday when I achieve these goals, when I get a car, build a house and own my own business, then I will be really happy.” Life just does not work that way. If you wait for certain things to happen and depend on external circumstances of life to make you happy, you will always feel unfulfilled. There will always be something missing.

1.What does “nothing is further from the truth” mean?

A、 Something. is completely untrue.

B、 Something is completely true.

C、 We can find out the truth.

D、 We cannot find out the truth.

2.What are the secrets to happiness in the author’s mind?

A、 successful work

B、 contribution to other’happiness

C、 honest effort

D、 all of the above.

3.Which of the following is not dishonest means for wealth?

A、 lottery winning

B、 gambling winnings

C、 hard work

D、 taking advantage of others

4.What does the sentence “There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way.” mean according to the passage?

A、 Happiness is not an end; it is a process.

B、 People do not know how to get happiness.

C、 It is hard to get happiness.

D、 Happiness is what you feel.

5.What is the meaning of the word “unfulfilled”?

A、 uncontrolable

B、 impolite

C、 dissatisfied

D、 abnormal


Questions are based on the following passage.Knowing that you are paid less than your pee

Questions are based on the following passage.

Knowing that you are paid less than your peers has two effects on happiness.One is negative: athinner pay packet hurts self-esteem (自尊).The other is called the "tunnel" effect: the income gap isseen as improving your own chances of similar riches.

A paper co-authored by Felix FitzRoy of the University of St.Andrews separates the two effectsusing data from household surveys in Germany.Previous work showed that the income of others canhave a small, or even positive, overall effect on employees" satisfaction in individual finns in Denmarkor in very dynamic economies, such as Eastern Europe.But Mr.FitzRoy"s tean~ proposed that olderworkers, who largely know their lifetime incomes already, will enjoy a much smaller tunnel effect.Thenegative effect on reported levels of happiness of being paid less than your peers is not visible for peopleaged under 45.In western Germany, seeing peers" incomes rising actually makes young people happier.It is only those people over 45, when careers have "reached a stable position", whose happiness is harmed by the success of others.

The prospect of more than 20 years of hard work might make retirement seem more attractive.Those with jobs are no happier after they retire, however, perhaps because their lives already agree with social expectations.Unemployment is known to damage happiness because not working falls shortof social expectations.Pensions or increased leisure time cannot make up for the loss of social acceptance.Unemployed people are dissatisfied with their life not only because they have lowerincomes, but also because they may get low and negative recognition from others.

Indeed, retiring early from work can have side-effects.Another paper, co-authored by AndreasKuhn of the University of Zurich, investigates the effect of a change in Austrian employment-insurancerules that allow blue-collar workers earlier retirement in some regions than others.Men retiring a yearearly lower their chance of surviving to age 67 by 13%.Almost a third of this higher death rate seemed

to be concentrated among those who were forced into early retirement by job loss.The death wascaused by smoking and alcohol consumption.If you"re in a job, even when you are paid less, hang on in there.

One of the effects of lower pay than your peers‘ is that().

A.it can motivate you to struggle for a similar salary

B.it can inspire you to argue with your manager

C.it may make you feel proud of your peers

D.it may force you to quit your current work

How often one hears children wishing they were grown up, and old people wishing they w
ere young again.Each age has its pleasures and its pains, and the happiest person is the one who enjoys what each age gives him without wasting his time in useless regrets.

Youth is a time when there are few tasks to make life difficult.If a child has good parents, he is fed, looked after and loved.It is impossible that he will again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return.In addition, life is always presenting new things to the child— things that have lost their interest for older people.But a child has his pains: he is not so free to do what he wishes to do; he is continually being told not to do things, or being punished for what he has done wrong.

When the young man starts to earn his own living, he can no longer expect others to pay for his food, his clothes, and his room, but has to work if he wants to live comfortably.If he breaks the laws of society as he used to break the laws of his parents, he may go to prison.If, however, he works hard, keeps out of trouble and has good health, he can have the great happiness of building up his position in society.

1.People can experience happiness if they ________.

A.always think of the past and regret it

B.value the present

C.are no longer young

D.become old and have much experience

2.When people were young, they used to _______.

A.be in charge of many business

B.have few things to think about and take on

C.look after their younger sisters and brothers

D.face a lot of difficulties

3.The pains of children lie in the fact that _______.

A.no one helps them make right decisions

B.they are not allowed to do what they like to do

C.they cannot be accepted and praised by others

D.they are often beaten by their parents

4.Children are usually happy because _______.

A.old people lose interest in them

B.they are free to do wrong

C.they are familiar with everything going on around them

D.things are new to them

5.The author presents the passage in a(n) _____ tone.






Character is made up of those principles and values that give your life direction, meaning and depth. These constitute your inner sense of what's right and wrong based not on laws or rules of conduct but on who you are. They include such traits as integrity, honesty, courage, fairness and generosity--which arise from the hard choices we have to make in life. So wrong is simply in doing wrong, not in getting caught.

Yet some people wonder if our inner values matter anymore. After all, hasn't our noted bank executive succeeded in every visible way, despite his transgressions (过错,犯罪)?

This question demonstrates a quandary (因境) of our modern life. Many have come to believe that the only things we need for success are talent, energy and personality. But history has taught us that over the long haul, who we are is more important than who we appear to be.

During the nation's first century and a half, almost everything in the literature of success and self-help focused on what could be called the character ethic. Such eminent figures as Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson made clear their belief that we can only experience tree success and happiness by making character the base of our lives.

After we moved into the industrial age and after World WarⅠ, the basic view of success shifted to what we could call the personality ethic. Success became more a function of charm, skills and techniques that, at least on the surface, lubricate (使润滑) the process of human interaction. Rather than struggle with thorny issues of right and wrong, we turned to making things run smoothly.

Some of that philosophy expressed itself with harmless but superficial maxims such as "Smiling wins more friends than frowning." Other ideas were clearly manipulative or even deceptive-faking interest in others' hobbies so they will like you, for instance.

With a value system based solely on skill and personality, we find heroes in athletes, musicians and in powerful business executives. But despite the admiration we feel for these achievers, we shouldn't necessarily look upon them as role models. While skill is certainly needed for success, it can never guarantee happiness and fulfillment. These come from developing character.

According to the passage, character is().

A.your integrity

B.your personality

C.a guide in your life

D.your sense of good

High in the Swiss Alps many years ago, there lived a lonely shepherd(牧羊人)boy who lo

High in the Swiss Alps many years ago, there lived a lonely shepherd(牧羊人)boy who longed for a friend to share his evenings.One night he saw three old men, each holding a glass.

The first old man said:“Drink this liquid and you shall be victorious in battle.”

The second old man said:“Drink this liquid and you shall have countless riches.”

The last old man said:“I offer you the happiness of floated across the valley. He had found a friend.

So goes the legend(传说) of the horn. First known in the ninth century, the horn was used by herdsmen to call cattle, for its deep tones echoed across the mountainsides. Even today, on a quiet summer evening, its music can be heard floating among the peaks.

6.The passage tells us his lonely job about the shepherd boy.



7.The boy choose to drink the glass offered by the last old man because the boy was thirsty.



8.After the shepherd boy found the horn, he discovered it was like a new-found friend.



9.Today the horn is heard in the Swiss Alps when it rains.



10.The Legend of the Horn would be the best title for the passage.



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