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He always () to everything and never agrees with anybody.







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更多“He always () to everything and…”相关的问题
When ever a big company _____ a small one, the product almost always gets worse.

A.cuts down

B.puts up with

C.takes over

D.gets in with

According to a recent survey, employees in many companies today work longer hours than emp
loyees did in 1979.They also take shorter vacations than employees in 1979.It seems that Americans are working harder today than ever before. Or are they? A management consultant, Bill Meyer, decided to find out. For three days, he observed an investment banker hard at work. Meyer wrote down everything the banker did during his long workday, At the end of the three-day period, Meyer reviewed the banker’s activities with him. What did they find out? They discovered that the man spent 80 percent of his time doing unnecessary work. For example, he attended unnecessary meetings, made redundant (多余的) telephone calls, and spent time packing and unpacking his two big briefcases.

(76)Apparently, many people believe that the more time a person spends at work, the more he or she accomplishes. When employers evaluate employees, they often consider the amount of time on the job in addition to job performance. Employees know this. Although many working people can do their job effectively during a regular 40-hour work week, they feel they have to spend more time on the job after normal working hours so that the people who can promote them see them.

A group of headhunters (猎头) were asked their opinion about a situation. They had a choice of two candidates for an executive position with an important company. The candidates had similar qualifications for the job.For example, they were both reliable. One could do the job well in a 40-hour work week. The other would do the Same job in an 80-hour work week just as well. According to a headhunting expert, the 80-hour-a-week candidate would get the job.The time this candidate spends on the job may encourage other employees to spend mote time at work, too. Employers believe that if the employees stay at work later, they may actually do more work.

However, the connection between time and productivity (生产率) is not always positive. (77) In fact, many studies indicate that after a certain point, anyone’s productivity and creativity begin to decrease. Some employees are not willing to spend so much extra, unproductive time at the office once they finish their work satisfactorily, they want to relax and enjoy themselves. For these people, the Solution is to find a company that encourages people to do both.

What is the main idea of this passage?

A.Many people work long hours but do not always do a lot of work.

B.Most people can get more work done by working longer hours.

C.Most Americans work 80 hours a week and some work even longer.

D.People can make more money by working longer hours.

According to a recent survey, employees in many companies today work longer hours than emp
loyees did in 1979.They also take shorter vacations than employees in 1979.It seems that Americans are working harder today than ever before. Or are they? A management consultant, Bill Meyer, decided to find out. For three days, he observed an investment banker hard at work. Meyer wrote down everything the banker did during his long workday, At the end of the three-day period, Meyer reviewed the banker’s activities with him. What did they find out? They discovered that the man spent 80 percent of his time doing unnecessary work. For example, he attended unnecessary meetings, made redundant (多余的) telephone calls, and spent time packing and unpacking his two big briefcases.

(76)Apparently, many people believe that the more time a person spends at work, the more he or she accomplishes. When employers evaluate employees, they often consider the amount of time on the job in addition to job performance. Employees know this. Although many working people can do their job effectively during a regular 40-hour work week, they feel they have to spend more time on the job after normal working hours so that the people who can promote them see them.

A group of headhunters (猎头) were asked their opinion about a situation. They had a choice of two candidates for an executive position with an important company. The candidates had similar qualifications for the job.For example, they were both reliable. One could do the job well in a 40-hour work week. The other would do the Same job in an 80-hour work week just as well. According to a headhunting expert, the 80-hour-a-week candidate would get the job.The time this candidate spends on the job may encourage other employees to spend mote time at work, too. Employers believe that if the employees stay at work later, they may actually do more work.

However, the connection between time and productivity (生产率) is not always positive. (77) In fact, many studies indicate that after a certain point, anyone’s productivity and creativity begin to decrease. Some employees are not willing to spend so much extra, unproductive time at the office once they finish their work satisfactorily, they want to relax and enjoy themselves. For these people, the Solution is to find a company that encourages people to do both.

What is the main idea of this passage?

A.Many people work long hours but do not always do a lot of work.

B.Most people can get more work done by working longer hours.

C.Most Americans work 80 hours a week and some work even longer.

D.People can make more money by working longer hours.

Sylvester and I are watching television advertisements because we need information for
a class research project. We have to discuss realism and fantasy (幻想) in television advertising, and so we are looking for examples of distortions (歪曲) and falsehoods in television commercials. The question we are asking is, "Is the commercial true to life, or does it offer an unreal picture of the product? "

Sylvester is keeping track of the distortions, and he already has quite a long list. He says that all housewives seem to live in lovely homes, dress beautifully, and love their household chores. They smile and boast about floor waxes and proudly display their dirty laundry, dusty tabletops, and filthy ovens. In addition, he has never seen men doing housework. Sylvester thinks that this view of family life is filled with distortions.I am keeping track of the people who appear in the advertisements. I have found handsome men courting the All-American Girl, and they are always recommending brand X toothpaste or brand Y cologne. I see teenagers and children surrounded by their friends, having wonderful times at parties and at school, and they are usually enjoying large harmonious family gatherings. I think that these advertisements are also filled with fantasy.Sylvester and I have concluded that much of American life is pictured unrealistically in commercials. Teenagers do not always have fun at parties, and very few people love doing chores. People do have problems, but few of these are ever shown in commercials. Instead, we watch Cinderella (灰姑娘) discover a miracle floor wax, finish the kitchen chores, and waltz off to the ball. Our heads are filled with these fantasies, and they also suggest that, for any problem, brand Z will provide the instant cure. Sylvester and I will have very few facts and a lot of fantasy to write about in our research reports.

1.Judging from the context, Sylvester and the author are most probably ____.


B、teacher and student

C、father and son

D、research workers

2.Sylvester has found that in advertisements housewives ____.

A、are sad and tired

B、enjoy doing their housework

C、have their husbands help them

D、never touch dirty things

3.The author thinks that life of teenagers shown in commercials is ____.




D、true to life

4.Sylvester and the author have come to the conclusion that commercials ____.

A、truly reflect American life

B、lack in fantasy

C、seldom give expression to people's real problems

D、give great fun to children

5.The most suitable title for the passage would be ____.

A、A Class Research Project

B、American Life As Shown by TV

C、Beautiful Commercials

D、Distortions in TV Advertisements

John's father ______ mathematics in this school ever since he graduated from .

A.has taught


C.is teaching


回答题Text 2Every year for more than a decade I"ve gone with some good male friends to the

回答题Text 2

Every year for more than a decade I"ve gone with some good male friends to the music festi- val. Women are not invited, but they do prepare a picnic for our trip. The better the food, the more likely we are to continue our annual tradition and give them peace at least one week out of the year.

When we"re not eating, we sit around in circles and talk about manly stuff: women, mostly.After years of this special journey I have figured out women are different from us, especially when it comes to how we communicate. Women don"t need to manufacture reasons to chat, but guys need excuses like outings or organized events.

And I"ve noticed that when women are in groups there can be several conversations going on at once. When men are in a group, one man talks, and everybody else listens. It"s like bluegrass jamming in a way; one musician plays the lead, and the rest try to follow.

I"ve had more heartfelt conversations with other men at the festival than I"ve had at any other time in my life, partly because there are no women there, and partly because we"re all a little drunk. It was males bonding over whatever parts we still had left. The festival is also the only place I"ve ever cried in front of other men.

As the years have slipped by, some in our group have lost parents and grandparents, some have divorced, and others have changed careers, not always on purpose. It seems that every year something distressing has happened to at least one member of our crew, and the rest of us are there to listen and offer support.

I hope that this column can offer some comfort to women: if your man heads out on a bowling or poker night with the guys, be happy. Chances are good he"s not fleeing you and the kids, but he"s running toward the conversations he can only have with other men, and he"ll come home the better for it.

It is implied in the first paragraph that 查看材料

A.the trip is a relief for both men and women________

B.the trip will continue in spite of everything

C.the quality of the picnic needs improvement

D.the women can rarely get peace themselves

John’s father _______ mathematics in this school ever since he graduated from Harva
rd University.

A. teaches

B. is teaching

C. has taught

D. taught

He is a good student. He () early.A. come alwaysB. always comesC. always come

He is a good student. He () early.

A. come always

B. always comes

C. always come

He is always the first man____.A: comeB: to comeC: comingD: came

He is always the first man____.

A: come

B: to come

C: coming

D: came

He was always()in sharing his enormous knowledge.A. generousB. generationC. generate

He was always()in sharing his enormous knowledge.

A. generous

B. generation

C. generate


He always thinks of ()he can do more for the family.





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