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Someone was heard ()the stairs.

A. come up

B. to come up

C. went up

D. goes up

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更多“ Someone was heard ()the stair…”相关的问题
Jim, I heard someone _______ outside. Can you hear?


B.to shout



Li Qiang has been in Beijing for a few days. He wants to visit the China Railway Museu
m. He asks his friend Ma Kai for help. Li Qiang: Hi, Ma Kai. Do you know the China Railway Museum? I heard that many people all over the world visit it every day. Ma Kai: Yeah. It is the () professional museum about the railway system in China. Li Qiang: Oh, really? It must be () . Ma Kai: Yes, you.ll be able to see a large number of () objects, () ,photos, () and multi-media, etc. All these will give you a detailed () to the development of the Chinese railway system in the past century. Li Qiang: Where is the Museum () ? Ma Kai: It is located in Chaoyang District, about 15 kilometers () of downtown Beijing. Li Qiang: Is it () for you to take my brother and me there? I.d like someone () with the museum to go with us. Ma Kai: Sure, I.d be very glad to be your tour guide.

A.as B.for C.to D.beyond E.outLove to us human is what water _____1 fish.Love shines the
A.as B.for C.to D.beyond E.out

Love to us human is what water _____1 fish.Love shines the most beautiful light of humanity.We were born in it and we live by it.We should cherish love,but too often we take it_____2granted.How to cherish the love?I have heard a saying:the quickest way to receive love is to giveit;the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly;the best way to keep love is to give it wings.

When you are young,you may want several love experiences.But _____3 time goes on,you willrealize that if you really love someone,the whole life will not be enough.You need time to know,to forgive and to love.It is important for us to learn to love as the first class in our life.Only whenyou know how to love will you be a real man in this world.Love brings us bright when life gets hard and dark.Love brings us confidence toward life when we are tired _____4 and want to give up.Love deserves all the admiring words,and love is even _____5 the life and death.That is what love is all about in my eyes.

Dear Mr. Smith,I am pleased to offer you the position of after-sales manager at our compan

Dear Mr. Smith,

I am pleased to offer you the position of after-sales manager at our company starting on 16 June, 2009. I propose that the terms of employment will be those in the attached draft individual employment agreement.

Please note that you are entitled to discuss this offer and to seek advice on the attached proposed agreement with your family, a union, a lawyer, or someone else you trust. If you want some information on your employment rights, you can also contact the Employment Service Office or visit our website.

Also, if you disagree with, or do not understand or wish to clarify anything in this offer, please ring me to discuss any issue you wish to raise.

If you are happy with the proposed terms and wish to accept this offer of employment, please sign the duplicate copy of this letter and return it to me by 1 June, 2009. In the event I have not heard from you by that date, this offer will be automatically withdrawn on that date.

I look forward to working with you.

Yours sincerely,

John Brown

56. What job position is offered to Mr. Smith in the letter?


57. From whom may Mr. Smith seek advice about the proposed agreement?

His family, a union, _____________________, or someone else he trusts.

58. How can Mr. Smith get information about employment rights?

By contacting the ___________________________ or visiting its website.

59. When should Mr. Smith return the signed duplicate copy of this letter?

By _______________________________________________________.

60. What will happen if the duplicate copy of the letter is not returned by the deadline?

This offer will be ___________________________________ on that date.

When I told my family that I was thinking of taking a cooking job, the roars of laughter w
ere rather discouraging. No one believed that I could cook at all, as I had never had achance to practise at home, Our cook had ruled in the kitchen for thirty years and had an annoying tendency to regard the saucepans, stove and all the kitchen fittings as her own property. I once crept down there when I thought she was asleep in her room to try out an omelette (妙蛋). Noiselessly I removed a frying pan from its hook and the eggs from their cupboard. It was the pop of the gas that woke her, I think, for I was just breaking the first egg when a pair of slippered feet moved round the door and a shout of horror caused me to break the egg on the floor. This disaster, together with the fact that I was using her one very special beloved and cared for frying-pan, upset her so much that she locked herself in the store room with all the food and we had to make our Sunday dinner of bananas. If the family weren&39;t going to be helpful I would look for a job all by myself and not tell them about it until I&39;d got one. I had seen an agency in a local paper, so as soon as there was no one about to say "Where are you going?" I rushed out of the house in search of it. I sat on the edge of a chair and could see my nose shining out of the corner of my eye.I thought perhaps it was a good thing; it might look more earnest. The woman at the desk examined me through her glasses. Having asked me a few questions, she told me that it would be difficult to get a job without experience. "But," she said, "I&39; ve got someone who needs a cook badly. " She wrote down a number, and my spirits went up as I took the slip of paper she held out to me, saying:“Ring up this lady. She wants a cook. You wouldhave to start tomorrow by cooking dinner for ten people. Could you manage that?" “Oh yes," said I, never having cooked for more than four in my life.

Of the following, which would best characterize the response of the author’s family to her plan of taking a cooking job?





One reason for the author’s: lack of practice in cooking was that___.A.no one in her family would like her to practise cooking

B.everything in the kitchen was property belonging to the cook

C.the cook would never allow her to do any cooking

D.she was not yet born when the cook came to the house

The cook felt uncomfortable when____.A.She heard a shout of horror

B.she heard the sound of a pair of slippered feet moving round the door

C.she saw the author creep down to the kitchen

D.she saw the author break an egg on the floor

When there was no one about, the author rushed out of the house because_____.A.she was afraid of seeing the cook again

B.she couldn’t answer the question her family would ask

C.that was the only chance for her to leave the house

D.didn’t want to reveal what she was going to do


A nurse and her elderly uncle were waiting for a bus at a corner in downtown Chicago.
Buses came by, but not the one they wanted. The woman finally half-entered one of the buses and asked the driver if the bus she wanted stopped at that corner.The driver ignored her, so she repeated the question. Incredibly, he then closed the door -- on her arm -- and drove off.The woman, her arm stuck in the door, trotted alongside the bus, shouting. Passengers said the driver stopped after almost a block only because they, too, were shouting.When the driver finally did stop and opened the door, the woman jumped on the bus to get his badge number. Then he took off again and went another couple of blocks before other shouting passengers persuaded him to stop and let the woman off.After the driver's bosses at the Chicago Transit Authority--a tax-supported governmental body -- heard of the incident, they looked into it and set his punishment: a five-day suspension without pay. That struck me as rather light.But Bill Baxa, a CTA public-relations man, said, "That's a pretty harsh penalty. "

Five days off work is a harsh penalty for dragging a woman alongside a bus by her arm? Baxa said, "Any time you take money away from someone, it is a harsh punishment. The driver makes $14 an hour. Multiply that by 40 and you can see what he lost. "

Yes, that comes to $560, a tidy sum. But we know that people in the private sector are fired for far less every day. If the people who run the CTA think that the loss of a week's pay is more than enough, I offer them a sporting proposition: Give me a bus. Then have their wives stick their arms in the doorway of the bus, and I'll slam the door shut, stop the gas pedal and take them for a fast one-block jog. And I'll pay $560 to anyone who is bold enough to try it. Any takers? Mr. Baxa? Anybody? I didn't think so.

1.The nurse half-entered one of the buses because____.

A、the bus they wanted didn't stop there

B、she wanted the driver to stop the bus

C、she wanted to get some information from the driver

D、she and her uncle couldn't wait any longer at the corner

2.The reason why the woman trotted alongside the bus was that____.

A、she couldn't get herself away from the bus

B、the driver closed the door before she heard the answer

C、she was dragged by the bus driver

D、she wanted to get the driver's badge number

3.How many blocks was the woman away from the corner where she waited when the bus driver finally let her off? ____

A、Almost one block.

B、Almost two blocks.

C、Probably three blocks.

D、Probably five or six blocks.

4.The bus driver's punishment was____.

A、being dismissed from the CTA

B、being out of work for a week

C、paying a fine of $560

D、working without pay for five days

5.Why did the author offer a sporting proposition? ____

A、Because the CTA paid little attention to the incident.

B、Because the bus driver had not been fired.

C、Because he wanted to threaten the CTA people.

D、Because he thought the penalty was not a harsh on

I have heard him ____ about you often.

A.to talk



D.to talking

There was so much noise that the speaker couldn’t make himself _______.


B.to hear



I haven’t heard from him ______. I want to know how everything is going on with him.(
I haven’t heard from him ______. I want to know how everything is going on with him.(


It is believed that some insects can build complex societies ________ different types o

A.heard of

B.taken from

C.composed of

D.developed from

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