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Before the summer of 2000, the 54 year old John Haughom could accomplish just about any th

ing at work. "I could move mountains if I put my mind to it."he says of those days. But that summer Haughom found he couldn't move them any more. On the phone with his wife one morn ing, Haughom broke down. A couple of days later Haughom checked himself in for a three-week stay at the Professional Renewal Center, an in-patient clinic 30 miles outside Kansas City that helps him deal with stress.

Haughom is far from alone. A host of new studies and plenty of anecdotal evidence show that stress in the workplace is skyrocketing. Whatever the cause, stress levels are at record highs. The statistics are startling. According to a new study by the federal government's Nation al Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, more than half the working people in the U.S. view job stress as a major problem in their lives. This year the European Community officially dubbed stress the second-biggest occupational-health problem facing the continent.

Ten years ago experts warned that stress was out of control, in part because of a shaky economy. What's notable about today's wave of stressed-out workers is that it rises all the way to the top. Lack of control is generally considered one of the biggest job stressors, so it used to be thought that middle managers carried the brunt: sandwiched between the top and the bottom, they end up with little authority. Powerful chief executive officers (CEOs) were seen as the least threatened by stress. But in today's tough economy, top executives don't have as much control as they used to. "Stress is just part of the job, fortunately or unfortunately, stress'is part of our character building," Lebenthal says. "But I think I don't need any more character building. What I need is a vacation."

But if you think that going on vacation is hard—and studies show that 85%of corporate executives don't use all the time off they're entitled to. Being able to handle stress is perhaps the most basic of job expectations. So among the corporate elite, succumbing to it is considered a shameful weakness. Stress has become the last affliction that people won't dare admit to. Most senior executives who are undergoing treatment for stress—and even many who aren't—refused to talk on the record about the topic."Nothing good can come out of having your name in a story like this," one CEO said through his therapist.

What is this passage mainly about?

A.Increasingly serious lack of work places.

B.The second biggest disease in the world.

C.The most serious problem people have to face.

D.Increasingly serious stress faced by working people.

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更多“Before the summer of 2000, the…”相关的问题
听力原文:My first semester of college was the worst I've been through. I had made plans du

听力原文: My first semester of college was the worst I've been through. I had made plans during the summer to share an apartment with two of my close friends from high school. But before we moved in,problems started developing.

One of the two girls I was to share an apartment with was going to work instead of going to college。 However,a week before we were to move in,she found out that she didn't get the job. She is forced to live at home and look for work. The rest two of us lasted for a month and then agreed that we couldn't make it with the higher monthly rent payments. I started looking around.

I found another apartment and the rent wasn't bad. The place was noisy,but it was the best I could afford for the time. However,one day when I returned,I saw smoke coming from the back of the house. The cottage had caught fire,and my room was a burned mess。I was once more out of a place to stay.

I finally gave up looking around and moved home. I had to drive forty miles to school every day,so I almost spent as much on gas as I would have on lodging. I was very bored I almost lost the will to study. It had been really a bad semester!


A.To look for two of her close friends.

B.To stay at home and study.

C.To share an apartment with friends.

D.To move out and live alone.

In the summer vocation, I usually go to my relative’s home in the country to rest after many months in school in the city. The summer days I recently spent _1_ me with happy memories. Let me tell you

In the summer vocation, I usually go to my relative’s home in the country to rest after many months in school in the city. The summer days I recently spent _1_ me with happy memories. Let me tell you our daily program _2_ the short stay and the country life we enjoyed there. We usually get up at six and took a walk _3_ the beautiful grassland of wild flowers. The air was so clean and fresh. The pretty birds had just risen from their sleep and were jumping from branch to branch, singing their merry songs. Soon the rays of the sun could be seen on the river. We _4_ under the shade of trees for an hour and then went home. During the afternoon, we went to swim in a small river till the glorious sun was _5_ in the west. Sometimes, after it rained, the sky _6_ to be more beautiful. After supper, people began to enjoy the refreshing soft wind outside. Then _7_ came the bright moon. Occasionally one or two meteors (流星) would suddenly run across the sky as if they were playing with the fireflies. _8_, the world was warpped in sleep. The sweet notes of flute were heard _9_ the woods. Oh, how touching the _10_ was! It made us forget all the worries of life. [共10题]


(A) gave (B) brought (C) filled (D) offered


(A) during (B) in (C) between (D) before


(A) to (B) along (C) into (D) towards


(A) lay (B) lie (C) lain (D) laid


(A) rising (B) arising (C) setting (D) setting down


(A) got (B) looked (C) felt (D) watched


(A) around (B) about (C) over (D) out


(A) Now and then (B) From then on (C) By and by (D) Up till now


(A) over (B) in (C) through (D) across


(A) music (B) song (C) voice (D) sound

Now comes July, and with it examinations; but these are soon finished and with them en
ds the school year.Boys and girls have nearly two months’ holiday before them as they leave school by train and car to return home to their fathers and mothers.

The summer holidays are the best part of the year for most children.The weather is usually good, so that one can spend most of one’s time playing in the garden or, if one lives in the country, out in the woods and fields.Even if one lives in a big town, one can usually go to a park to play.

The best place for a summer holiday, however, is the seaside.Some children are lucky enough to live near the sea, but for the others who do not, a week or two at one of the big seaside towns is something which they will talk about for the whole of the following year.

In England, it is not only the rich who can take their children to the seaside; if a factory worker or a bus driver, a street cleaner or a waiter wants to take his wife and children to Southend or Margate, Blackpool or Clacton, he is usually quite able to do so.

Now, what is it that children like so much about the seaside? I think it is the sand, sea and sun more than any other things.Of course, there are lots of new things to see, nice things to eat, and exciting things to do, but it is the feeling of sand under one’s feet, of salt water on one’s skin, and of the warm sun on one’s back that makes the seaside what it is.

1.Summer holidays start _________.

A.with July

B.as soon as the examinations are over

C.in mid-June

D.in August

2.After the examination, all pupils leave for home ________.

A.by train only

B.by air

C.by bike

D.by either train or car

3.The summer holiday lasts _______.

A.as long as two months

B.more that two months

C.one and a half months

D.a little less than two months

4.July and August are the brightest months for most children, for they can _______.

A.stay with their parents for all the vacation

B.do more reading

C.play out of doors

D.meet their old friends

5.Children like the seaside so much because they can _______.

A.swim in the sea

B.play with the sand

C.take a sun bath

D.do all of the above

Younger people and older people do not always agree. They sometimes have different ideas a
bout life, work and play. But in one special program in New York State, adults and teenagers live together in peace. Each summer 200 teenagers and 50 adults live together for eight weeks as members of a special work group. Everyone works several hours each day. The aim is not just to keep busy but rather to find meaning and enjoyment in work. Some teenagers work in the woods or on the farms near the village. Some learn to make furniture and to build houses. The adults teach them these skills. There are several free hours each day. Weekends are free, too. During the free hours some of the teenagers learn photography or painting. Others sit around talking and singing. Each teenager chooses his own way to spend his free time. When people live together, rules are always necessary. In this program the teenagers and the adults make the rules together. If someone breaks a rule, the problem goes before the whole group. The group discusses the problem. They ask, "Why did it happen?" "What should we do about it?" One of the teenagers has this to say about the experience: "You stop thinking only about yourself. You learn how to think about the group. What is the passage mainly about?A.A special way into the woods.

B.Life of adults in a special work group.

C.Life of teenagers in a special work group.

D.How adults and teenagers live together in a special work group.

When and where was the special program offered?A.Every summer in New York city

B.Every winter in New York state

C.Every summer in New York state

D.Every winter in New York city

What will people do when someone breaks the rule?A.Criticize him or her.

B.Have a group discussion about it.

C.Make more rules.

D.Ask him or her to work more in the woods.

Which of the following is not stated directly in the passage as a purpose of the program?A.To keep members of the group busy doing something

B.To make the people there understand the meaning of work

C.To find a way to solve the generation gap

D.To help people find enjoyment in work

What do the teenagers not do when they are free?A.They learn photography

B.They learn painting

C.They build houses

D.They sit around singing


As I type these lines, my daughter, Harriet, who is 14, is on her iPhone skipping among no
fewer than eight social media sites. My son, Penn, who is 15, will be asleep for hours yet. He was【C1】______all night with a friend playing two video games, in a jag fueled by his favorite foodlike【C2】______. I like that my kids are comfortable and alert in the wired world. But increasingly I am【C3】______for them. Its more【C4】______every day that screens have gradually stolen them from themselves. My wife, Cree, and I have【C5】______them to drift quite distantly into the online world, and we fear our casualness has been a【C6】______. Each summer Cree and I resolve to【C7】______things back. This is【C8】______we draft rules for a new school year, strictures like: no laptops in bedrooms during the week; homework before screen time; no electronics after 10 p.m.. These rules invariably begin to【C9】______by Day 3. By Day 4, there is pleading, and the discreet slamming of doors. By Day 8, no one is sure what the【C10】______are anymore. Were back where we started, and plump with fear. This year it【C11】______to me we needed help. So I sat down with a new book that【C12】______assistance, and understanding. It is The Big Disconnect: Protecting Childhood and Family Relationships in the Digital Age, whose primary【C13】______, Catherine Steiner-Adair, is a clinical psychologist who teaches at Harvard Medical School. Her book is【C14】______on thousands of interviews, and it can be eloquent about the need to ration our children s computer time. Here the author has pinned me. I like to think I m a good father, perhaps even casually【C15】______in my better moments,【C16】______there is zero doubt that, without my iPhone in my palm, I feel I lose something since Im fairly【C17】______. I must change my life a bit. Cree and I are still hammering out our kids computer rules. We are trying to【C18】______in mind that we re not our kids best friends; we re their【C19】______. And we are【C20】______if theres an app for fortitude.






There’s nothing like a beautiful summer dayblue skies, warm breezes, birds singing li
e back and dream about your future. You have the world before you.

Allow yourself to dream, and think big big as the sky. The world’s greatest achievers are some of the best dreamers. Walt Disney, Amelia Earhart, Henry Ford, Susan B. Anthony, Andrew Carnegie, and hundreds more, all had dreams.

Then take the first step to make your dreams come true. Form. a goal and accomplish it. Create a new goal and accomplish it. Every time you set and achieve a goal, you’ll move one step closer toward building the future you want for yourself.

When you achieve a target you’ve set for yourself, it helps build your self-confidence and teaches you self-discipline. Each goal you achieve will boost your confidence and help you set bigger goals for your future. Soon, you’ll find yourself moving on a path to success.

Steps for reaching your dreams:

It can be as easy as starting a savings account at your credit union. Give yourself a goal. First, what do you want to save for? It might be a new CD player, your first car, or college.

Next, where will your savings come from? Will you use a portion of your allowance, or can you think of other ways to earn money?

It’s okay to set small goals at first. In fact, that may be wise so you begin to understand the rewards and personal satisfaction that come from achieving your goals.

You can keep your goals secret or share them with someone close to you who may help you stay on track.

Another important step is to write your goal on paper. Post your written goal (or a photo of it) in your room where you can see it regularly. This will remind you of what you are working toward.

Give yourself a pat on the back when you’ve achieved your goal and start thinking about your next personal challenge.

Before you know it, you’ll be living your dreams.

(1)What is the first step for reaching your dreams?

A、To start a savings account.

B、To give yourself a goal.

C、To save money for something you want.

D、All of the above.

(2)To make dreams come true, how many steps are mentioned in the passage?





(3)Andrew Carnegie and Henry Ford are mentioned to show ___________.

A、they all had dreams

B、they are greatest achievers in the world

C、we should dream and think big

D、we are achievers if we are dreamers

(4)According to the passage, you praise and encourage yourself when you _________.

A、have formed a goal

B、have accomplished a goal

C、build your self-confidence

D、are planning a personal goal

(5)You’ll be living your dreams〃 means you’ll __________.

A、live in your dreams

B、be dreamers

C、reach your dreams

D、believe your dreams

This summer vacation, had a () journey.





Kunming is unique in China______its temperature varies little, summer or winter.A.in which

Kunming is unique in China______its temperature varies little, summer or winter.

A.in which

B.in that

C.for that

D.but that

Our summer holiday is coming. Two()the sdudents in our school will go to the beach.



C.hundred of

D.hundreds of

It has been a good year on the farm. The warm, wet spring and the fine summer have bee
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