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We thus have the general ___1__ that any normal person has the language ___2___ to han

dle anything he needs to ___3___.But there are ___4___ little exceptions.Let us consider, for __5___, forms of ___6___ to strangers.Quite often we need to __7____ a person’s attention to something ____8__ has just dropped out of ____9___ or handbag., or to the _10_____that he is just going to walk into a plate glass door.

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Are some people born clever, and others born stupid? Or is intelligence(智力)developed

Are some people born clever, and others born stupid? Or is intelligence(智力)developed by our environment and our experiences? Strangely enough, the answer to both questions is yes. To some extent our intelligence is given to us at birth and no amount of special education can make a genius out of a child born with low intelligence. On the other hand, a child who lives in a boring environment will develop his intelligence less than one who lives in rich and varied surroundings. Thus the limits of a person’s intelligence are fixed at birth, but whether or not he reaches those limits will depend on his environment. This view, now held by most experts, can be supported in a number of ways. It is easy to show that intelligence, to some extent, is something we are born with. The closer the blood relationship between two people, the closer they are likely to be in intelligence. Thus if we take two unrelated people at random from the population, it is likely that their degrees of intelligence will be completely different. If on the other hand we take two identical twins(双胞胎)they will very likely be as intelligent as each other. Relations like brothers and sisters, parents and children, usually have similar intelligence, and this clearly suggests that intelligence depends on birth. Imagine now that we take two identical twins and put them in different environments. We might send one, for example, to university and the other to a factory where the work is boring. We would soon find differences in intelligence developing, and this indicates that environment as well as birth plays a part. This conclusion is also suggested by the fact that people who live in close contact with each other, but who are not related at all, are likely to have similar degrees of intelligence.

1.The writer is in favor of the view that man’s intelligence is given to him ().

A.at birth

B.through education

C.both at birth and through education

D.neither at birth nor through education

2.If a child is born with low intelligence, he will ().

A.never become a genius

B.still become a genius if he is given special education

C.exceed(超过)his intelligence limits in rich surroundings

D.not reach his intelligence limits in his life

3.In the second paragraph," if we take two unrelated people at random from the population" means if we ().

A.pick up any two persons

B.choose two persons who are relatives

C.take out two different persons

D.choose two persons with different intelligence

4.The example of the twins put in different environments is to show ().

A.the importance of their intelligence

B.the influence of environment on intelligence

C.the importance of their positions

D.the part that birth plays

5.The best title for this passage is ().



C.Dependence on Environment

D.Effect of Education

A market is commonly thought of as a place where commodities are bought and sold. Thus fru
it and vegetables are sold wholesale at Covent Garden Market and meat is sold wholesale at Smithfield Market. But there are markets for things 【21】______ commodities, in the usual sense. There are 【22】______ estate markets, foreign exchange markets, labor markets, short-term capital markets, and so on; there may be a market for anything which has a price. And there may be no particular place 【23】______ dealings are confined. Buyers and sellers may be 【24】______ over the whole world and instead of actually meeting together in a market-place they may deal with one another 【25】______ telephone, telegram, cable or letter. 【26】______ dealings are 【27】______ to a particular place, the dealers may consist wholly or in part of agents 【28】______ instructions from clients far away. Thus agents buy meat at Smithfield 【29】______ retail butchers all over England; and 【30】______ on the London Stock Exchange buy and sell 【31】______ on instructions from clients all over the world. We must therefore define a market 【32】______ any area over which buyers and sellers are 【33】______ such close touch with one another, either directly or 【34】______ dealers, that the prices 【35】______ in one part of the market affect the prices paid in other parts.

Modem means of communication are so rapid that a buyer can discover 【36】______ asking, and can accept it if he wishes, 【37】______ he may be thousands of miles away. Thus the market for anything is 【38】______ . the whole world. But in fact things have, normally, only a local or national market.

This may be because nearly the whole demand is concentrated 【39】______ one locality. These special local demands, 【40】______ , are of quite minor importance. The main reason why many things do not have a world market is that they are costly or difficult to transport.


A.nothing other than

B.other than

C.more than

D.less than

A scientist who wants to predict the way in which consumers(消费者) will spend their money

A scientist who wants to predict the way in which consumers(消费者) will spend their money must study consumer behavior. He must obtain data both on the resources of consumers and on the motives that tend to encourage or discourage money spending.

If an economist were asked which of three groups borrow most—people with rising incomes, stable incomes, or 'decreasing incomes—he would probably answer, those with decreasing incomes. Actually, in the years 1947~1950, the answer was: people with rising incomes. People with decreasing incomes were next and people with stable incomes borrowed the least. This shows us that traditional assumptions(假设) about earning and spending are not always reliable. Another traditional assumption is that if people who have money expect prices to go up they will hasten to buy. If they expect prices to go down, they will postpone buying. But research surveys have shown that this is not always true. The expectations of price increases may not stimulate buying. One typical attitude was expressed by the wife of a mechanic in an interview at a time of rising prices. "In a few months", she said, "we'll have to pay more for meat and milk; we'll have less to spend on other things". Her family had been planning to buy a new car but they postponed this purchase. Furthermore, the rise in prices that has already taken place may be disliked and buyers' resistance may be produced. This is shown by the following typical comment; "I just don't pay these prices; they are too high".

The investigations mentioned above were carried out in America; condition most helpful to spending appears to be price stability. If prices have been stable and people consider that they are reasonable, they are likely to buy. Thus, it appears that the common business policy of maintaining stable prices is based on a correct understanding of consumer psychology(心理学).

According to the passage, if one wants to predict the way people spend their money, he should______.

A.rely on traditional assumptions about earning and spending

B.try to encourage or discourage consumers to spend money

C.carry out investigations on consumer behavior. and get data of consumers incomes and money spending motives

D.do researches in consumer psychology in a laboratory

The first thing to notice is that the media we're all familiar with—from books to televisi
on--are one-way propositions: they push their content at us. The Web is two-way, push and pull. In finer point, it combines the one-way reach of broadcast with the two-way reciprocity (互惠) of a mid-cast. Indeed, its user can at once be a receiver and sender of broadcast—a confusing property, but mindstretching!

A second aspect of the Web is that it is the first medium that honors the notion of multiple intelligences. This past century's concept of literacy grew out of our intense belief in text, a focus enhanced by the power of one particular technology-the typewriter. It became a great tool for writers but a terrible one for other creative activities such as sketching, painting, notating music, or even mathematics. The typewriter prized one particular kind of intelligence, but with the Web, we suddenly have a medium that honors multiple forms of intelligence—abstract, textual, visual, musical, social, and kinesthetic. As educators, we now have a chance to construct a medium that enables all young people to become engaged in their ideal way of learning. The Web affords the match we need between a medium and how a particular person learns.

A third and unusual aspect of the Web is that it leverages (起杠杆作用) the small efforts of the many with the large efforts of the few. For example, researchers in the Maricopa County Community College system in Phoenix have found a way to link a set of senior citizens with pupils in the Longview Elementary School, as helper-mentors (顾问). It's wonderful to sec-kids listen to these grandparents better than they do to their own parents, the mentoring really helps their teachers, and the seniors create a sense of meaning for themselves. Thus, the small efforts of the man—the seniors—complement the large efforts of the few—the teachers. The same thing can be found in operation at Hewlett-Packard, where engineers use the Web to help kids with science or math problems. Both of these examples barely scratch the surface as we think about what's possible when we start interlacing resources with needs across a whole region.

What does the word mind-stretching imply?

A.Obtaining one's mental power.

B.Strengthening one's power of thought.

C.Making great demands on one's mental power.

D.Exerting one's mental power as far as possible.

More American mothers than ever are working, and more workers are mothers. Yet their march
into the world of paid work continues to cause suspicion. One recent survey found that 48 percent of Americans believe that preschoolers suffer if their mothers work, while another found that 42 percent of employed parents think that working mothers care more about succeeding at work than meeting their children's needs.

All mothers deserve our support--those who care for children at home and those who have joined the work force. But many working mothers continue to believe that they are shortchanging (少找钱)their children. They shouldn't. Research tells us that kids do just fine when mothers work.

Suzanne Bianchi a scientist of the University of Maryland, has found that mothers today spend as much if not more time with their children than they did in 1965, even though the percentage of mothers who work rose from 35 percent to 71 percent. Then there are the obvious financial benefits. For many children, these earnings are the difference between living in poverty—or out of it.

The kids are all right. Studies conducted by the University of Michigan have consistently demonstrated that a child's social or academic competence does not depend on whether a mother is employed. In my research four out of five children (nine out of ten in single parent families) told me that having a working mother was their preferred arrangement. My study found that children with working mothers are no more likely to drop out, take drugs, break the law, or experiment with sex prematurely than children with non-employed mothers. Children have taken their mothers' example to heart. Ninety percent of the young women I interviewed said they hoped to combine work with motherhood, while two-thirds of the men said they wanted to share parenting and work.

Sadly, children support working mothers more than we do as a society. Parental leave and child-care benefits in the United States remain inadequate, particularly when compared to what's offered in other countries. Children thrive when their mothers have satisfying, well-paid jobs when they can count on other caretakers to share the load. The challenge facing us is thus not whether good workers can also be good mothers, but whether we can create the conditions that enable working mothers and fathers to be good parents.

From the first paragraph, we can see that ______.

A.now more American mothers are working than any time in American history and anywhere else in the world

B.more than half Americans think that before going to school, children need their mothers' whole-hearted care

C.a majority of Americans believe that once working outside home mothers think of their own work more than their children

D.more American mothers work than ever before, but this problem of working mothers has not been solved satisfactorily

One factor that can influence consumers is their mood state. Mood may be defined 【B1】_____
_ a temporary and mild positive or negative feeling that is generalized and not tied 【B2】______ any particular circumstance. Moods should be 【B3】______ from emotions which are usually more intense, 【B4】______ to specific circumstances, and often conscious. 【B5】______ one sense, the effect of a consumer's mood can be thought of in 【B6】______ the same way as can our reactions to the 【B7】______ of our friends -- when our friends are happy and "up", that tends to influence us positively, 【B8】______ when they are "down", that can have a 【B9】______ impact on us. Similarly, consumers operating under a 【B10】______ mood state tend to react to stimuli (刺激因素) in a direction 【B11】______ with that mood state. Thus, for example, we should expect to see 【B12】______ in a positive mood state evaluate products in more of a 【B13】______ manner than they would when not in such a state. 【B14】______ , mood states appear capable of 【B15】______ a consumer's memory.

Moods appear to be 【B16】______ influenced by marketing techniques. For example, the rhythm, pitch, and 【B17】______ of music has been shown to influence behavior. such as the 【B18】______ of time spent in supermarkets or 【B19】______ to purchase products. In addition, advertising can influence consumers' moods which, in 【B20】______ , are capable of influencing consumers' reactions to products.






"Tear'em apart!" "Kill the fool!" "Murder the referee(裁判)!"These are common remarks one

"Tear'em apart!" "Kill the fool!" "Murder the referee(裁判)!"

These are common remarks one may hear at various sporting events. At the time they are made, they may seem innocent enough. But let's not kid ourselves. They have been known to influence behavior. in such a way as to lead to real bloodshed. Volumes have been written about the way words affect us. It has been shown that words having certain connotations(含义)may cause us to react in ways quite foreign to what we consider to be our usual humanistic behavior. I see the term "opponent" as one of those words. Perhaps the time has come to delete it from sports terms.

The dictionary meaning of the term "opponent" is "adversary"; "enemy"; "one who opposes your interests." Thus, when a player meets an opponent, he or she may tend to treat that opponent as an enemy. At such times, winning may dominate one's intellect, and every action, no matter how gross, may be considered justifiable. I recall an incident in a handball game when a referee refused a player's request for a time out for a glove change because he did not considered them wet enough. The player proceeded to rub his gloves across his wet T-shirt and then exclaimed, "Are they wet enough now?"

In the heat of battle, players have been observed to throw themselves across the court without considering the consequences that such a move might have on anyone in their way. I have also witnessed a player reacting to his opponent's intentional and illegal blocking by deliberately hitting him with the ball as hard as he could during the course of play. Off the court, they are good friends. Does that make any sense? It certainly gives proof of a court attitude which departs from normal behavior.

Therefore, I believe it is time we elevated(提升)the game to the level where it belongs thereby setting an example to the rest of the sporting world. Replacing the term "opponent" with' "associate" could be an ideal way to start.

The dictionary meaning of the term "associate "is "colleague"; "friend"; "companion". Reflect a moment! You may soon see and possibly feel the difference in your reaction to the term "associate" rather than "opponent."

Which of the following statements best expresses the author's view?

A.Aggressive behavior. in sports can have serious consequences.

B.The words people use can influence their behavior.

C.Unpleasant words in sports are often used by foreign athletes.

D.Unfair judgments by referees will lead to violence on the sports field.

The gas pipes have been poorly ____, thus causing the serious leakage.






Psychologists now believe that noise has a considerable effect on people's attitudes and behavior. Experiments have proved that in noisy situations(even temporary ones), people would have more anger and less cooperation; In more permanent noisy situations, many people cannot work hard, and they suffer from severe anxiety as well as other psychological problems. Some researchers, who study various aspects of effect of noise in people's mental life, maintain that noise, either temporary noise or permanent noise, often destroy creativity and activity by disturbing people's emotion and make them more easily annoyed and hard to cooperate.

However, psychologists distinguish between "sound" and "noise". "Sound" is measured physically in decibels(分贝). "Noise" cannot be measured in the same way because it refers to the psychological effect of sound and its level of "intensity" depends on the situation. Thus, for passengers at an airport who expect to hear airplanes taking off and landing, there may be a lot of sound, but not much noise(that is, they are not bothered by the noise). By contrast, if you are at a concert and two people behind you are whispering, you feel they are talking noisily even if there is not much sound. You notice the noise because it affects you psychologically.

Both sound and noise can have negative effects, but what is most important is if the person has control over the sound. People walking down the street with earphones, listening to music that they enjoy, are receiving a lot of decibels of sound, but they are probably happy hearing sounds which they control. On the other hand, people in the street without earphones must tolerate a lot of noise which they have no control over. It is noise pollution that we need to control in order to help people live more happily.

According to the passage, people () .

A.can not complete his work in a noisy situation

B.will suffer from complete deafness because of noise pollution

C.can be psychologically affected by working in very noisy factories

D.may cooperate well in a noisy surrounding

There has been a great deal of research into the art of negotiation, and, in particu
lar, into what makes a “go od negotiator” .One point most researchers seem to agree on is that good negotiators try to create a harmonious atmosphere at the start of a negotiation.They make an effort to establish a good rapport with their opposite member, so that there will be a willingness — on both sides — to make concessions, if this should prove necessary.Good negotiators generally wish to reach an agreement which meets the interests of both sides.They therefore tend to take a long-term view, ensuring that the agreement will improve, at least not harm, their relationship with the other party.On the other hand, a poor negotiator tends to look for immediate gains, forgetting that the real benefits of a deal may come much later.Skillful negotiators are flexible.They do not “lock themselves” into a position so that they will lose face if they have to compromise.They have a range of objectives, thus allowing themselves to make concessions, for example, “I aim to buy this machine for £2 000” and not “I must buy it for £2 000” .Poor negotiators have limited objectives, and may not even work out a “fall-back position” .Successful negotiators do not want a negotiation to break down.If problems arise, they suggest ways of resolving them.The best negotiators are persuasive, eloquent people, who select a few key arguments and repeat them.Finally, it is essential to be a good listener and to check frequently that everything has been understood by both parties.

1.The best title for the passage is ()

A.Benefits on Both Sides

B.Art of Negotiation

C.Skills of Communication

D.How to Be a Good Negotiator

2.Negotiators’ good rapport can make it easy for negotiators()

A.to make them fully understood

B.to make necessary concession

C.to create a positive environment

D.to increase negotiators’ status

3.If we understand that the some real benefits of a deal may come much later()

A.we will take a long term view in the negotiation

B.we will pay more attention to the benefits on both sides

C.we will try much harder to improve the agreement

D.we will try to change the relationship with the other party

4.Many poor negotiators may not make any concession for themselves in that ()

A.they are afraid of losing face

B.they have no clear objectives

C.they are not flexible

D.they are not skillful

5.Good negotiators are usually very persuasive and eloquent in order to()

A.work out ways to resolve problems

B.make sure that everything is understood

C.have better communication with their partners

D.avoid the breakdown of the negotiation

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