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Losing your ability to think and remember is prett...

Losing your ability to think and remember is prettyscary. We know the risk of dementia (痴呆症) increases with age. But if you have memory slips, you probably needn't worry. There are pretty clear differences between signs of dementia andage-related memory loss. After age 50, it's quite common to have trouble remembering the names of people, places andthings quickly, says Dr. Kirk Daffner of Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. The brain ages just like the rest of the body. Certain parts shrink, especially areas in the brainthat are important to learning, memory and planning. Changes in brain cells can affectcommunication between different regions of the brain. And blood flow can be reduced asblood vessels narrow. Forgetting the name of an actor in a favorite movie, for example, is nothing to worry about. Butif you forget the plot of the movie or don't remember even seeing it, that's far moreconcerning, Daffner says. When you forget entire experiences, he says, that's "a red flag that something more seriousmay be involved." Forgetting how to operate a familiar object like a microwave oven, orforgetting how to drive to the house of a friend you've visited many times before can also besigns of something going wrong. But even then, Daffner says, people shouldn't panic. There are many things that can causeconfusion and memory loss, including health problems like temporary stoppage of breathingduring sleep, high blood pressure, or depression, as well as medications (药物) likeantidepressants. You don't have to figure this out on your own. Daffner suggests going to your doctor to checkon medications, health problems and other issues that could be affecting memory. And the bestdefense against memory loss is to try to prevent it by building up your brain's cognitive (认知的) reserve, Daffner says. "Read books, go to movies, take on new hobbies or activities that force one to think in novelways," he says. In other words, keep your brain busy and working. And also get physicallyactive, because exercise is a known brain booster.Why does the author say that one needn't be concerned about memory slips? 1..Why does the author say that one needn't be concerned about memory slips?()

A、Not all of them are symptoms of dementia.

B、They occur only among certain groups of people.

C、Not all of them are related to one's age.

D、They are quite common among fifty-year-olds.

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更多“Losing your ability to think a…”相关的问题
If you put your money into that business, you risk _____ every penny.

A.to lose

B.to losing


D.to have lost

According to the passage, to develop oneself is all of the following except ______.A.havin

According to the passage, to develop oneself is all of the following except ______.

A.having a better memory

B.acquiring an education

C.improving the ability to judge correctly

D.improving your reasoning abilities

Part V Writing Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. Yo

Part V Writing

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a letter of complaint according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do the task on the Translation/Composition Sheet.








Words for reference:


奥运会the Olympic Games

Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. T

Section A

Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices A , B, C, and D.

听力原文:M: This house won't be big enough when the new baby arrives in two months. I'm afraid we'll have to buy a big one.

W: But I don't see we can afford it right now. We can let Andy live with my mother then.

Q: What can we learn from this conversation?


A.A new baby will be born soon.

B.They will buy a big house in two months.

C.They will live with the man's mother.

D.The new baby will be sent to the man's mother.

Passage 1A new study finds that even mild stress can affect your ability to control your e

Passage 1

A new study finds that even mild stress can affect your ability to control your emotions. A team of neuroscientists at New York University say that their findings suggest that certain _1_ that teach people how to better control their emotions—such as those used to treat social anxiety and phobias— may not work as well during stressful situations. “We have long suspected that stress can _2_ our ability to control our emotions, but this is the first study to document how even mild stress can undercut therapies designed to keep our emotions in _3_ said senior author and psychology professor Elizabeth Phelps. “In other words, what you learn in the clinic may not be as _4_ in the real world when you’re stressed.” To help patients learn to _5_ their emotional impairment, therapists sometimes use cognitive restructuring techniques encouraging patients to alter their thoughts or approach to a situation to change their emotional response. These might include focusing on the positive or non-threatening aspects of an event or _6_ that might normally produce fear. To test how these techniques hold up in real-life situations, the team _7_ a group of 78 volunteers, who viewed pictures of snakes and spiders. Some of the pictures were paired with an electric shock, and participants _8_ developed a fear of these pictures. The subjects “reported more _9_ feelings of fear when viewing the pictures, compared with when they viewed images not paired with a shock. Next the participants were taught cognitive strategies, similar to those _10_ bytherapists and known as cognitive-behavioral therapy, to learn to diminish the fears brought on by the experiment.

A) check

B) regulate

C) eventually

D) consequences

E) impair

F) stimulus

G) bleak

H) enlisted

I) relevant

J) prescribed

K) therapies

L) confined

M) incidentally

N) intense

O) breach


The dictionary definition of negotiation is "to discuss with the goal of finding terms ofa

The dictionary definition of negotiation is "to discuss with the goal of finding terms of

agreement" . Unfortunately, in our world today, many people will interpret negotiation

41.as being the skill of persuading the other people to accept their point of view.

42.Frequently when a deal is struck to the advantage of one of party and the detriment

43.of the other, seeds of disagreement and retaliation are being sown, which can

44.have unforeseen future results. Negotiation is about both sides contributing

45.to an outcome that they feel they can progress the relationship with.

46.It will almost certainly involve in compromise on both sides. A better way

47.to negotiate with is to find out what the needs of the other person are and

48.try to meet them without losing all sight of your own goals. Do not attribute your

49.motives to other people. Regardless of personal style, where there are some things

50.every negotiator should not do, even before the meeting begins—preparation is

51.the first step. Before starting any negotiation calculating the goals is more essential,

52.including what you are and what you are not prepared to compromise and be flexible on.


A Health ProfileA health profile is a portrait of all of the factors that influence your h

A Health Profile

A health profile is a portrait of all of the factors that influence your health. To draw your health profile, you will(1)what diseases run in your family, what health hazards you may be exposed to(2)work, how your daily(3)compares to the recommended standards, how much time per week you(4)exercising and what type of exercise you engage(5), how stressful your work and family environments are, what kinds of illnesses you get regularly, and(6)or not you have any one of a number of addictions.(7)this portrait, your should have a checkup to determine how your blood, heart, and lungs are functioning. This checkup will serve(8)a baseline, to which you can then compare later tests.

(9)this profile is thoroughly drawn, you can begin to think about setting health priorities based(10)your particular portrait. For example, if you drink two martinis every evening, have a high-stress(11), are overweight, smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, and use marijuana occasionally on weekends, you should quit smoking first, followed(12)losing the excess weight, reducing the stress of your job, giving up your marihuana habit, and then finally giving some(13)to those martinis if you want to prevent first cancer, and then heart disease. Even for the youthful working person who has never been sick a day in his life, who is(14)excellent health, a good look at all health habits and at work and home environments may suggest changes that will(15)him in the future.

profile n. 侧影,概貌

hazard n. 危险,危害

checkup n. 健康检查,体检

martini n. 马提尼酒

baseline n. 基础,起点

marihuana n. 大麻烟 (一种毒品)


B.have known

C.need know

D.need to know

It is exciting to apply for a job that really appeals to you. In making your application,
there are a number of points for you to【C1】______.

In your letter of application, aim to say just enough to give a good【C2】______of yourself, without being【C3】______. If you are answering an advertisement, any information for【C4】______it asks must, of course, be given. This will usually【C5】______your scholastic record and【C6】______education and training. You may also be asked to give the names of one or two persons to【C7】______references, for this pur- pose you should choose people who know you【C8】______enough to vouch(担保)for your character and ability;and in courtesy(礼貌), you should seek in【C9】______their permission to be named as referees.

It will depend on【C10】______how much you can usefully add about yourself. Your【C11】______is to bring to the【C12】______of the employer any good reason why you rather【C13】______any of the other applicants should be chosen for the job. If【C14】______you feel you have any special skill or aptitude for the work【C15】______, for example, any【C16】______interest in the line of business, let this be known.

Finally,【C17】______is your use of language. You cannot go【C18】______if you keep your sentences and paragraphs short, making sure the sense is clear and well expressed. Choose【C19】______words so long as they【C20】______your meaning.






This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write an ad
vertisement according to the following instructions given in Chinese.

说明:为你的上司David Jones总经理写一封致歉信给Smith Hubert先生,日期为2008年3月18日。内容如下:


Directions: This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences
. It consists of 2 sections.

Section A

Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

16. We must find a way to cut prices ________ reducing our profits too much.

A) without

B) despite

C) with

D) for

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