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听力原文:M: Can we make you an offer? We would like to run the campaign for four extra wee


W: Well, can we summarize the problem from our point of view? First of all, the campaign was late. It missed two important trade fairs. The ads also did not appear into key magazines. As a result, the campaign failed. Do you accept that summary of what happened?

M: Well, the delay wasn't entirely our fault. You did in fact make late changes to the specifications of the advertisements.

W: Hmm, actually, you were late with the initial proposals, so you had very little time. And in fact, we only asked for small changes.

M: Well, whatever. Can we repeat our offer to run the campaign for four extra weeks?

W: That's not really the point. The campaign missed two key trade fairs. Because of this, we're asking you either to repeat the campaign next year for free, or we only pay 50% of the fee for this year.

M; Could we suggest a 20% reduction to the fee together with the four-week sustention to the campaign?

W: We are not happy. We lost business.

M: I think we both made mistakes. The responsibility is on both sides.

W: Ok, let's suggest a new solution. How about a 40% cut in fee, or a free repeat campaign?

M: Well, let's take a break. We're not getting very far. Perhaps we should think about this.

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

22. What do we learn about the man's company?

23. Why was the campaign delayed according to the man?

24. What did the woman propose as a solution to the problem?

25. What does the man suggest they do at the end of the conversation?


A.It publishes magazines.

B.It is engaged in product design.

C.It sponsors trade fairs.

D.It runs sales promotion campaigns.

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更多“听力原文:M: Can we make you an off…”相关的问题
听力原文:M:Lisa, do you think we make too much use of tinned and frozen food in Britain?Th
e supermarkets here are full of them,aren't they? (19)Perhaps that is why our food is not very tasty.as you may have found out already.

W:But frozen foods are convenient and handy.aren't they? Just think of all tile tedious work we would have to do in the kitchen if it weren't for frozen foods and the like.

M:Yes.that's true! (20)But you spend much more time cooking and preparing meals in your country than we do in Britain.don't you?

W:Yes.I suppose we do.You make less fuss about food than we do.In my own country,we have two big meals a day,that is,lunch and dinner,and we spend a lot of time preparing them.(21)Here in Britain,you have only one big meal a day, apart from breakfast and lunch snack, and you spend much less time preparing it.

M:Yes,but we're just as fond of good and delicious food as you are.

W:Well, you certainly don't show it!

M:We do fuss about our meals sometimes,and remenber,we like to eat out on special occasions,such as weekend evenings.birthday parties and other celebrations.London is full of foreign restaurants where you can get all the exotic dishes of the world.You must come out with us one evening,Lisa.

W:Thank you very much,I'd love to.That's what I like about London.(22)There's always so much to see and do!I think I made a wise decision when I chose to live and study in London.


A.They are everywhere and tasty.

B.Food is not tasty because of them.

C.They spoil the food in Britain.

D.They make food taste bad.

听力原文:W: It's really a big problem to teach our children how to behave. When I'm angry,
I say things I don't mean.

M: If you want your kids to be polite, you have to be polite to them.

Q: What conclusion can we draw from the conversation?


A.Children learn by example.

B.Children must not tell lies.

C.Children don't like discipline.

D.Children must control their temper.

听力原文:W: Hello, Mr. Black's office.M: Hello, may I speak with the educational advisor?W

听力原文:W: Hello, Mr. Black's office.

M: Hello, may I speak with the educational advisor?

W: I'm sorry. Mr. Black's not here this morning, I'm his secretary. May I help you?

M: Yes, I would like some information about English-language schools in the United States. I'm graduating from Kuwait University this year and I want to study for my master's degree in America.

W: Have you been accepted by an American university yet?

M: Yes, I've just been accepted at the University of Chicago, but the university wrote me that I have to take an intensive English course before entering their program.

W: Well... there are many schools in the U.S. that offer English courses. Perhaps you should come down and talk to Mr. Black.

M: Ok. Could you make an appointment for me?

W: Yes, would nine o'clock tomorrow be all right?

M: No, I'm sorry. I can't come then. I have an exam at that time. Could I come the day after tomorrow at ten o'clock?

W: Yes, that will be fine, I think. May I have your name and phone number?

M: Sure, my name is Suleiman Mohammed and my phone number is 6536667.

W: Thank you, Mr. Suleiman. We'll see you Wednesday, June ninth, at ten o'clock.

M: Thank you. Good-bye.

W: Good-bye.


A.Mr. Black's secretary.

B.Mr. Suleiman.

C.The educational advisor.

D.A teacher at the University of Chicago.

听力原文:M: You know, I have been with Cindy for about two years. And both of us think it'
s time to say goodbye to the single life.

W: That's great. Well, a drink to you and Cindy. Congratulations!

Q: What can we learn about the man?


A.He will say goodbye to Cindy.

B.He will drink with Cindy.

C.He will marry Cindy.

D.He has been with Cindy for three years.

听力原文:W: I think there should be greater restrictions placed on the press and the stori
es they print. I can't open a newspaper or magazine without reading stories full of false information about myself or people I know. It's get ting...

M: Sorry, but I can't believe that you're actually complaining about free publicity. I mean I remember, Shelley, before you were famous, you were begging us to write features about you...anything...

W: If you would just let me finish of course the press have been important. I'm an actress and I understand the power of the press. But the thing is, I rarely seem to read anything true about myself these days... The point I'm trying to make here is that famous people have families with feelings.

M: Oh, sorry. You're really hurt by that particular article last week.

W: To increase circulation and make more money, certain newspapers continue to print those stories when it's obvious that they're not true.

M: But I think we have to consider the relationship between fame, the public and the press. The public are fascinated by fame and scandal, and they love to read about their favorite stars.

W: I'm sick of gutter-press making up stories. It's irresponsible and it messes up people's life.

M: The problem is, it's not always clear what's true and what isn't. I mean, if a newspaper prints something scandalous or embarrassing about a famous person, they're bound to deny it, but that doesn't mean it's not true.

W: Are you trying to say...

M: No smoke without fire, if you ask me.


A.A little known actress and a literary critic.

B.A well-known actress and a newspaper editor.

C.A movie star and one of her fans.

D.A movie star and a TV interviewer.

Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. T

Section A

Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices A , B, C, and D.

听力原文:M: This house won't be big enough when the new baby arrives in two months. I'm afraid we'll have to buy a big one.

W: But I don't see we can afford it right now. We can let Andy live with my mother then.

Q: What can we learn from this conversation?


A.A new baby will be born soon.

B.They will buy a big house in two months.

C.They will live with the man's mother.

D.The new baby will be sent to the man's mother.

听力原文:M: Mary, (19)you want to talk about your second essay, right?W: Yes, Dr. Richards

听力原文:M: Mary, (19)you want to talk about your second essay, right?

W: Yes, Dr. Richardson. I just need your comments on what I'm planning to do. (19)I'm doing the essay on the differences between TV news programs at different hours of the day.

M: How many times slots are you planning to consider?

W: Well, I think I'd look at all of them. That'd be five slots. The breakfast news, midmorning news. midday news. mid-afternoon news and evening news.

M: That's rather a lot. And you'd have too much to consider. (20)Why don't you just do two. Say the midmorning and then evening news. That should give you two contrasting approaches with two main audience compositions.

W: OK, just two then.

M: Yes, I think that would be much better. Now how many actual programs do you plan to work with?

W: What do you think of analyzing a whole week's news programs?

M: Well, that depends on how much of each program, if you concentrate on one particular type of news item, say the sports news or local items, it might be alright.

W: Yes. that would be a good idea. (21)I won't make a decision before I collect a sample of programs over a whole week. I'll look at them and see what items appear throughout the week.

M: Yes, that's a sound approach. (22)Now we’re getting close to the deadline. Can you finish it in time?

W: Yes, I think so. I've completed the reading and I know what my basic approach is, so it's really just a matter of pulling it all together now.

M: Fine, Mary. I'll look forward to reading it.


A.To discuss the second essay.

B.To get the comments on TV news.

C.To plan to join TV news programs.

D.To tell the difference of TV news.

听力原文:M: Could you give me your office phone number or fax number so that we can contac
t each other more often?

W: But I' ve been trying to find a new job in another company. You see, I' ve worked here for 3 years without a raise. That' s unfair to me.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She doesn't have a fax machine.

B.She may quit her present job soon.

C.She is tired of her present job.

D.Her phone number has changed.

听力原文:W: Dave. I'm going to the supermarket to pick up food and drink for Saturday's pi
cnic. Any suggestions?

M: Well, everyone has been talking about having a barbecue down by the river, so why don't you pick up some hamburger and hot dogs?

W: Okay, but how much hamburger are we going to need? And hot dogs too?

M: Uh, I don't know. How about three pounds of hamburger and a couple packages of hot dogs?

W: Oh, that's not going to be enough. Do you remember the last picnic we went on? Your roommate, Jim, ate about ten hamburgers by himself!

M: You're right. Let's see. I'd better write this down. Uh, let's see about nine pounds of hamburger meat and, uh .... seven packages of hot dogs.

W: And you'd better pick up some chicken for those who don't like hamburger or hot dogs.

M: Okay. How about five or six bags of potato chips?

W: Humm. Better make that eight or so.

M: All right. Oh, and we're gonna need some hamburger and hot dog buns, How about five packages a piece? I think that sounds about right.

W: Yeah, you'd better pick up some mustard, catchup, and mayonnaise too.

M: Okay. What else? Uh, we're gonna need some soft drinks. How about ten of those big 2-liter bottles?

W: Sounds fine, but be sure to buy a variety of drinks.

M: Okay. And what about dessert?

W: Well, maybe we could ask Kathy to make a few cherry pies like she did last time.

M: Well, I heard that she's been very busy working two jobs, so we'd better not ask her, uh... Hey, why don't you whip up some of your oatmeal cookies? Hey, you could even ask, uh... what's her name.., yeah that new girl, Susan, the one that moved in across the street! I bet she'd be willing to help you !

W: Nah, I don't think I could ask her, I haven't got a phone number. Anyway, I can try myself.


A.At a park.

B.At the beach.

C.At Dave's house.

D.By a river.

听力原文:M: So, what do you want to do tomorrow?W: Well, let's look at this city guide her

听力原文:M: So, what do you want to do tomorrow?

W: Well, let's look at this city guide here. Uh, here's something interesting. Oh! Why don't we first visit the art museum in the morning.

M: Okay. I like that idea. And where do you want to eat lunch?

W: How about going to an Indian restaurant? Humm. The guide recommends one downtown a few blocks from the museum.

M: Now that sounds great. After that, what do you think about visiting the zoo? Umm, well, it says here that there are some very unique animals not found anywhere else.

W: Well, to tell the truth, I'm not really interested in going there. Why don't we go shopping instead? There are supposed to be some really nice places to pick up souvenirs.

M: Nail, I don't think that's a good idea. We only have few traveler's checks left, and I only have fifty dollars left in cash.

W: No problem. We can use your credit card to pay for MY new clothes.

M: Oh, no. I remember the last time you used my credit card for your purchases.

W: oh well. Let's take the Subway down to the seashore and walk along the beach,

M: Now that sounds like a wonderful plan.






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