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"Fingers were made before forks" when a person gives up good manners, puts aside knife and

fork, and dives into his food, someone is likely to repeat that saying.

The fork was an ancient agricultural tool, but for centuries no one thought of eating with it. Not until the eleventh century, when a young lady from Constantinpole brought her fork to Italy, did the custom reach Europe.

By the fifteenth century the use of the fork was widespread in Italy. The English explanation was that Italians were averse to rating food touched with fingers, "Seeing all men's fingers are not alike clean." English travelers kept their friends in stitches while describing this ridiculous Italian custom.

Anyone who used a fork to eat with was laughed at in England for the next hundred years. Men who used forks were thought to be sissies, and women who used them were called show - offs and overnice. Not until the late 1600's did using a fork become a common custom.

The custom of eating with a fork was ______ .

A.brought to Europe from America

B.begun when forks were invented

C.brought to Europe from Asia

D.invented by Italians

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更多“"Fingers were made before fork…”相关的问题
“Fingers were made before forks” when a person gives up good manners, puts aside knife and
fork, and dives into his food, someone is likely to repeat that saying.

The fork was an ancient agricultural tool, but for centuries no one thought of eating with it. Not until the eleventh century, when a young lady from Constantinople brought her fork to Italy, did the custom reach Europe.

By the fifteenth century the use of the fork was widespread in Italy. The English explanation was that Italians were averse to eating food touched with fingers, “Seeing all men‘s fingers are not alike clean.” English travellers kept their friends in stitches while describing this ridiculous Italian custom.

Anyone who used a fork to eat with was laughed at in England for the next hundred years. Men who used forks were thought to be sissies, and women who used them were called show-offs and overnice. Not until the late 1600‘s did using a fork become a common custom.

76. The custom of eating with a fork was _______.

A.brought to Europe from America

B.begun when forks were invented

C.brought to Europe from Asia

D.invented by Italians

To English travellers in Italy, the use of forks seemed _______.A.clever


C.good manner


By the fifteenth century forks were used _______.A.all over Italy

B.only in Constantinople

C.widely in Europe

D.In England

In England, people who used forks at that time were considered ______.A.well mannered


C.show-offs and overnice

D.both B and C

The English thought that Italians used forks in order to ________.A.imitate the people of the East

B.keep their food clean

C.impress visitors with their good manners

D.amuse the English


What were the effects of the decision she made? A) reasons B)results C) cau

What were the effects of the decision she made?

A) reasons


C) causes


The reason for all the changes being made were not explained to us yet.()
Raju and His Father's Shop My mother told me a story every evening while we waited for fat

Raju and His Father's Shop

My mother told me a story every evening while we waited for father to close the shop and come home. The shop remained open till midnight. Bullock-carts in long caravans arrived late in the evening from distant villages, loaded with coconut, rice, and other commodities for the market. The animals were unyoked under the big tamarind tree for the night, and the cartmen drifted in twos and threes to the shop, for a chat or to ask for things to eat or smoke. How my father loved to discuss with them the price of grain, rainfall, harvest, and the state of irrigation channels. Or they talked about old litigations. One heard repeated references to magistrates, affidavits, witnesses in the case, and appeals, punctuated with roars of laughter—possibly the memory of some absurd legality or loophole tickled them.

My father ignored food and sleep when he had company. My mother sent me out several times to see if he could be. made to turn in. He was a man of uncertain temper and one could not really guess how he would react to interruptions, and so my mother coached me to go up, watch his mood, and gently remind him of food and home. I stood under the shop-awning, coughing and clearing my throat, hoping to catch his eye. But the talk was all-absorbing and he would not glance in my direction, and I got absorbed in their talk, although I did not understand a word of it.

After a while my mother's voice came gently on the night air, calling, "Raju, Raju," and my father interrupted his activities to look at me and say, "Tell your mother not to wait for me. Tell her to place a handful of rice and buttermilk in a bowl, with just, one piece of lime pickle, and keep it in the oven for me. I'll come in later." It was almost a formula with him five days in a week. He always added, "Not that I'm really hungry tonight." And then I believe he went on to discuss health problems with his cronies.

But I didn't stop to hear further. I made a quick dash back home. There was a dark patch between the light from the shop and the dim lantern shedding its light on our threshold, a matter of about the yards, I suppose, but the passage through it gave me a cold sweat. I expected wild animals and supernatural creatures to emerge and grab mc. My mother waited on the doorstep to receive me and said, "Not hungry, I suppose! That'll give him an excuse to talk to the village folk all night, and then come in for an hour's sleep and get up with the crowing of that foolish cock somewhere. He will spoil his health."

I followed her into the kitchen. She placed my plate and hers side by side on the floor, drew the rice-pot within reach, and served me and herself simultaneously, and we finished our dinner by the sooty tin lamp, stuck on a nail in the wall. She unrolled a mat for me in the front room, and I lay down to sleep. She sat at my side, awaiting father's return. Her presence gave me a feeling of inexplicable coziness. I felt I ought to put her proximity to good use, and complained, "Something is bothering my hair," and she ran her fingers through my hair, and scratched the nape of my neck. And then I commanded, "A story."

Immediately she began, "Once upon a time there was a man called Devaka..." I heard his name mentioned almost every night. He was a hero, saint, or something of the kind. I never learned fully what he did or why, sleep overcoming me before my mother was through even the preamble.

Which of the following was NOT what we can infer from the conversation between Father and the cartmen?

A.Sometimes during lawsuits, one side or the other tricked the law, probably by finding faults in the legal code which were favorable to themselves.

B.There were times when the courts came to foolish decisions.

C.Matters related to fanning were of great interest to them.

D.The magistrates were ludicrous.

The archivists requested a donkey, but what they got from the mayor’s office were four w
ary black sheep,which, as of Wednesday morning, were chewing away at a lumpy field of grass beside the municipal archives building as the City of Paris’s newest, shaggiest lawn mowers. Mayor Bertrand Delano has made the environment a priority since his election in 2001, with popular bike- and car-sharing programs, an expanded network of designated lanes for bicycles and buses, and an enormous project to pedestrianize the banks along much of the Seine.

The sheep, which are to mow (and, not inconsequentially, fertilize) an airy half-acre patch in the 19th District intended in the same spirit. City Hall refers to the project as “eco-grazing,” and it notes that the four ewes will prevent the use of noisy, gas-guzzling mowers and cut down on the use of herbicides. Paris has plans for a slightly larger eco-grazing project not far from the archives building, assuming all goes well; similar projects have been under way in smaller towns in the region in recent years.

The sheep, from a rare, diminutive Breton breed called Ouessant, stand just about two feet high. Chosen for their hardiness, city officials said, they will pasture here until October inside a three-foot-high, yellow electrified fence.

“This is really not a one-shot deal,” insisted René Dutrey, the adjunct mayor for the environment and sustainable development. Mr. Dutrey, a fast-talking man in orange-striped Adidas Samba sneakers, noted that the sheep had cost the city a total of just about $335, though no further economic projections have been drawn up for the time being.

A metal fence surrounds the grounds of the archives, and a security guard stands watch at the gate, so there is little risk that local predators — large, unleashed dogs, for instance — will be able to reach the ewes.

Curious humans, however, are encouraged to visit the sheep, and perhaps the archives, too. The eco-grazing project began as an initiative to attract the public to the archives, and informational panels have been put in place to explain what, exactly, the sheep are doing here.

“Myself, I wanted a donkey,” said Agnès Masson, the director of the archives, an ultramodern 1990 edifice built of concrete and glass. Sheep, it was decided, would be more appropriate.

But the archivists have had to be trained to care for the animals. In the unlikely event that a ewe should flip onto her back, Ms. Masson said, someone must rush to put her back on her feet.

Norman Joseph Woodland was born in Atlantic City on Sept. 6, 1921. As a Boy Scout he learned Morse code, the spark that would ignite his invention.

After spending World War II on the Manhattan Project , Mr. Woodland resumed his studies at the Drexel Institute of Technology in Philadelphia (it is now Drexel University), earning a bachelor’s degree in 1947.

As an undergraduate, Mr. Woodland perfected a system for delivering elevator music efficiently. He planned to pursue the project commercially, but his father, who had come of age in “Boardwalk Empire”-era Atlantic City, forbade it: elevator music, he said, was controlled by the mob, and no son of his was going to come within spitting distance.

The younger Mr. Woodland returned to Drexel for a master’s degree. In 1948, a local supermarket executive visited the campus, where he implored a dean to develop an efficient means of encoding product data. The dean demurred, but Mr. Silver, a fellow graduate student who overheard their conversation, was intrigued. He conscripted Mr. Woodland.

An early idea of theirs, which involved printing product information in fluorescent ink and reading it with ultraviolet light, proved unworkable.

But Mr. Woodland, convinced that a solution was close at hand, quit graduate school to devote himself to the problem. He holed up at his grandparents’ home in Miami Beach, where he spent the winter of 1948-49 in a chair in the sand, thinking.

To represent information visually, he realized, he would need a code. The only code he knew was the one he had learned in the Boy Scouts.

What would happen, Mr. Woodland wondered one day, if Morse code, with its elegant simplicity and limitless combinatorial potential, were adapted graphically? He began trailing his fingers idly through the sand.

“What I’m going to tell you sounds like a fairy tale,” Mr. Woodland told Smithsonian magazine in 1999. “I poked my four fingers into the sand and for whatever reason — I didn’t know — I pulled my hand toward me and drew four lines. I said: ‘Golly! Now I have four lines, and they could be wide lines and narrow lines instead of dots and dashes.’”

Today, bar codes appears on the surface of almost every product of contemporary life.All because a bright young man, his mind ablaze with dots and dashes, one day raked his fingers through the sand.

In the first half of the 1600' s, most buildings in Jamestown were probably made of ______





Whatweretheeffectsofthedecisionshemade? A.reasons B.results C.causes D.bases

What were the effects of the decision she made?





Jason____ the composition in English when his classmates were playing outside.

A、made to rewrite

B、was made to rewrite

C、made rewrite

D、was made rewrite

But in the last ten years medicine has made a great progress.If it were now, your fath




D.disable person

Why did people stuff rice into bamboo leaves when making zongzi?()

A.Because bamboo leaves would make zongzi more delicious

B.Because they made zongzi look more appetizing

C.Because they didn’t want the fish in the river to have the zongzi

D.Because they thought bamboo leaves were healthy

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