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Material, human, financial, and informational are combined to be ().

Material, human, financial, and informational are combined to be ().

A. foundations of business

B. a service business

C. marketing research report

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False teeth have been found in Italy in human heads that are over 2,500 years old

False teeth have been found in Italy in human heads that are over 2,500 years old. They were made of bone and set in gold. However,for hundreds of years afterwards,the apparent dental skill of those early people was lost. Without false teeth people looked old before their time,since so many lost their teeth at an early age.

Toward the end of the 17th century,rich people could buy false teeth made from ivory. The teeth were tied together with silk thread,but it was difficult to keep them in the mouth. That was why rich people would rather buy teeth from the poor who would often sell their teeth to buy food and clothing.

Early in the 18th century a French doctor used steel springs to hold teeth in place. However,it was difficult to close one‘s mouth! Late in the same century porcelain (瓷)teeth set in gold were often used to make false teeth.

Although the use of artificial teeth increased,human teeth continued to be used also. In the 19th century,teeth from soldiers killed in battle were made into artificial teeth. For example,teeth from the dead in the American Civil War were sent to England.

By the middle of the 19th century,an American doctor,Claudius Ash,invented a better kind of porcelain tooth made of a special kind of hard rubber.

26.When did people with the earliest false teeth live according to the passage?

[A] At the end of the 17th century.

[B] In the early 18th century.

[C] In the middle of the 19th century.

[D] Over 2,500 years ago.

27.Which material would wealthy people use to make artificial teeth in 1693?

[A] Porcelain.

[B] Hard rubber.

[C] Ivory.

[D] Bone.

28.Who first used steel springs to tie false teeth together according to the passage?

[A] An Italian doctor.

[B] A French doctor.

[C] An American doctor.

[D] An English doctor.

29.We can learn from the passage that ___________.

[A] one looked older than his real age with artificial teeth

[B] we are using the same method as ancient people in making false teeth

[C] poor people would often sell their teeth to get money in the 17th century

[D] human teeth were no longer used in making false teeth after the 18th century

30.The passage is mainly about ___________.

[A] the discovery of false teeth

[B] the material of false teeth

[C] the use of false teeth

[D] the history of false teeth Passage Three

?Read the text below about a management training course. ?In most of the lines(41-52)ther

?Read the text below about a management training course.

?In most of the lines(41-52)there is one extra word.It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fin with the sense of the text.Some lines,however,are correct.

?If a line is correct,write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet.

?If there is an extra word in the Iine,write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet

Managing-the human side of many enterprise-today calls for top-level talents in

42.self-management and the management of others and this type course offers the inside

43.track to gaining skills which needed to achieve outstanding effectiveness.It is designed

44.for executives at all levels,to strengthen core skills in the areas of management

45.and communication skills.By the end of the course,individuals will have been taken a

46.major step forward in their ability to achieve truly excellent levels of performance,

47.from themselves and others.To maintain a high level of stimulation throughout course,

48.a variety of learning methods will be employed.These include formal lectures.

49.team exercises and case studies All will be carefully managed to ensure you that

50.learning is developed through relating to each one individual’S own work experiences.

51 In order to ensure that each participant derives the maximum of benefit from

52 the course,numbers are l imited to 15.So don't delay-book your place now!


In the late 20th century, information has acquired two major utilitarian connotations. On
the one hand, it is considered an economic resource, somewhat on par with other resources such as labour, material, and capital. This view stems from evidence that the possession, manipulation, and use of information can increase the cost-effectiveness of many physical and cognitive processes. The rise in information-processing activities in industrial manufacturing as well as in human problem solving has been remarkable. Analysis of one of the three traditional divisions of the economy, the service sector, shows a sharp increase in information-intensive activities since the beginning of the 20th century. By 1975 these activities accounted for half of the labour force of the United States, giving rise to the so-called information society.

As an individual and societal resource, information has some interesting characteristics that separate it from the traditional notions of economic resources. Unlike other resources, information is expansive, with limits apparently imposed only by time and human cognitive capabilities. Its expansiveness is attributable to the following: (1) it is naturally diffusive; (2) it reproduces rather than being consumed through use; and (3) it can' be shared only, not exchanged in transactions. At the same time, information is compressible, both syntactically and semantically.

The second perception of information is that it is an economic commodity, which helps to stimulate the worldwide growth of a new segment of national economies-the information service sector. Taking advantage of the properties of information and building on the perception of its individual and societal utility and value, this sector provides a broad range of information products and services. By 1992 the market share of the U.S. information service sector had grown to about $ 25 billion. This was equivalent to about one-seventh of the country's computer market, which, in turn, represented roughly 40 percent of the global market in computers in that year. However, the probable convergence of computers and television (which constitutes a market share 100 times larger than computers) and its impact on information services, entertainment, and education are likely to restructure the respective market shares of the information industry before the onset of the 21st century.

The first paragraph is mainly about ______.

A.the remarkable rise in information-processing activities

B.a sharp increase in information-intensive activities

C.information as an economic resource

D.the birth of information society

We are profoundly ignorant about the origins of language and have to content ourselves wit
h more or less plausible speculations. We do not even know for certain when language arose, but it seems likely that it goes back to the earliest history of man, perhaps haft a million years ago. We have no direct evidence, but it seems probable that it took the earliest forms of human cooperation. In the Ice Ages of the Pleistocene(更新世) period, our earliest human ancestors established the Old Stone Age culture; they made stone tools and, later, tools of bone, ivory, and antler; they made fire and cooked their food; they hunted big game, often by methods that called for considerable cooperation and coordination. As their material culture gradually developed, they became artists and drew pebbles as well as wonderful paintings of animals on the walls of caves. It is difficult to believe that the makers of these Paleolithic(旧石器时代的) cultures lacked the power of speech. It is a long step, admittedly, from other earliest flint weapons to the splendid spear of the late Stone Age: the first crude flints date back perhaps to 500,000 B.C., while the finest achievements of Old Stone Age man are later than 100,000 B. C.; and in this period we can envisage a corresponding development of language, from the most primitive and limited language of the earliest human groups to a fully developed language in the flowering time of Old .Stone Age culture.

How did language arise in the first place? There are many theories about this, based on various types of indirect evidence, such as the language of children, the language of primitive societies, the kinds of changes

that have taken place in language in the course of recorded history, the behavior. of higher animals like chimpanzees, and the behavior. of people suffering from speech defects. These types of evidence may provide us with pointers, but they all suffer from limitations.

When we consider the language of children, we haw to remember that their situations are quite different from those of our earliest human ancestors because the child, growing up in an environment where there is al- ready a fully developed language, is surrounded by adults who use that language and are teaching it to him. For example, it has been shown that the earliest words used by children are mainly the names of things and people ("doll," "spoon," "Mummy"), but this fact does not prove that the earliest words of primitive man were also the names of things and people. When the child learns the name of an object, he may then use it to express his wishes or demands.

"Doll!" often means,. "Give me my doll!" or "I've dropped my doll. Pick it up for me!" The child is us- ing language to get things done, and it is almost an accident of adult teaching that the words used to formulate the child's demands are mainly nouns instead of words like "Bring!" "Pick Up!" and so on.

Theories of the origin of language include all of the following EXCEPT______.

A.communication among primitive men

B.the need to communicate

C.the language of children

D.the first man's extensive vocabulary































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