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When I was a small kid, I()swim in the river near our house.

A.be used to

B.used to

C.get used to

D.was used to

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更多“When I was a small kid, I()swi…”相关的问题

I haven't seen him () he left the small town.





It was the late spring of 1979, a hot Saturday afternoon. Hundreds of us sat 21 , side by,
side, in rows of wooden chairs on the maincampus lawn (校园草坪). We 22' blue robes (毕业生长袍). We listened carefully to long 23 . When the ceremony (典礼)was 24_,we threw! our caps in the air, and we were officially graduated from college.

After that, I found Morrie Schwartz, my25 professor, and introduced him to

my 26 .. He was a small man who took small steps, as ifa 27 wind could; at any time, 28 him up:into the cloudS! His teeth were in good shape: When he smiled it was as if you had just 29 him the funniest joke on earth.

He told my parents how I 30 every class he taught. He told them, "You havea 31 boy here. He helped me a 10t." Shy but 32 , I looked at my feet. Before we left,I 33 Mr. Schwartz a 'present, a briefcase with his name on the front. I didn't want to forget him. 34 I didn't want him to forget me. He asked if I would keep in35 , and without hesitation (犹豫) I said, "Of course." When he turned around, I saw tears in his eyes.

21. A. along B. around C. beside D. together

When I first knew Mike, we lived in a small village in Scotland. It was very different f
rom Mike’s life in London now. We went to school together on our bicycles. Every morning I went to his house and knocked on the door. Every morning Mike’s mum said, “I’m sorry, he’s a bit late this morning”, and so I had to wait. Each day we were late for school, and I remember the teacher got very annoyed with us. I never told her we were late because of Mike. Now, 25 years later, I play tennis with Mike. I usually drive him to the tennis club. I go to his flat and he opens the door and says, “I’m sorry. I’m a bit late today.” The only reason he wasn’t late for his own wedding is that we lied to him about the time! As boys we spent a lot of time out exploring on our bikes. We went walking and fishing. I didn’t like fishing because I couldn’t swim. Probably the funniest thing we did was when we stole a bottle of whiskey from my Dad. We cycled about 5 miles away to drink it in one of our favorite places. When we finished drinking it, we couldn’t cycle back – it was a long, slow walk. I’m sure we looked awful. We still do, when we come back from the pub on Friday nights. Nothing’s changed really. Oh, and I still can’t swim.

1.Mike now lives in __________.

A.a village in Scotland

B.a village near London


2.__________ got up late every morning.




3.25 years later, Mike __________.

A.is early in doing everything

B.still is late as in the past

C.is never late again

4.As boys both of us liked __________.



C.riding bicycles

5.We walked 5 miles back home because we __________.

A.were drunk

B.were tired

C.enjoyed walking

A certain hunter had found a piece of forest where there were plenty of animals to hun
t.The only trouble was that the place was very difficult to get to.

He returned from his first visit to the place in late autumn, and could not get back until the snow melted in the following spring.Then he went to the pilot of a small plane, who earned his living by carrying hunters over parts of the country where there were no roads and no railways.He asked the pilot to take him back to the piece of forest.

The pilot did not know the place, so the hunter showed it to him on the map.“But there is nowhere to land there,” said the pilot.“I have flown over that we can’t land anywhere between this river and these mountains.”

“I thought you were a wonderful pilot,” said the hunter, “some of my friends said you could land a plane on a postage stamp.”

“That’s right,” answered the pilot.“I can land a plane where nobody else can.But I tell you there is nowhere to land in the place you are talking about.”

“And what if I tell you that another pilot did land me there last spring?” said the hunter.

“Is that true?” asked the pilot.

“Yes, it is.I swear it.”

Well, this pilot could not let himself beaten by another, so he agreed to take the hunter.

When they reached the place, the hunter pointed out a small spot without trees in the middle of the forest, with a steep rise(陡坡) at one end.The pilot thought there was not enough room to land there, but the hunter said that the other pilot had done so the year before, so down went the plane.When it came to the rise, it turned right over onto its back.As the hunter climbed out, he smiled happily and said, “Yes, that is exactly how the other pilot managed it last time.”.

6.The hunter in the story went to the forest ().


B.two times

C.many times

D.none of the above

7.In the story the hunter asked a pilot to take him to the piece of forest.This pilot was ().

A.the same pilot who had taken him to the place once

B.a different pilot who had never been to that part of the country

C.a pilot who had been to the place many times

D.a pilot who had never heard of such a place

8.It was difficult for the pilot to land the plane because ().

A.the place for landing was as big as a room

B.the place for landing was as small as a postage stamp

C.there wasn't any place to land

D.there was a room near the landing place

9.“When it came to the rise, I turned right over onto its back.” What do the words “its back” refer to?()

A.the back of the rise

B.the pilot’s back

C.the back of the plane

D.the back of the small spot

10.The hunter got to the plane the first time().

A.by jumping out of the place during the flight

B.in an entirely different way

C.exactly the same way as he got there the second time

D.by climbing down the tree on which the place hand landed

Ever since I was very small, I have had the sense that I ought to be somewhere else. I
remember watching trains flash by and wishing I was on board. I remember going to the airport with my parents when I was 13 and reading the destinations board, seeing all the places that I could go to: Los Angeles, Chicago, London.But the trains passed by and the planes took off without me, so I wandered the world through books. I went to Victorian England in the pages of Middlemarch and A Little Princess, and to St. Petersburg before the fall of the tsar with Anna Karenina.

My home was in a pleasant place outside of Philadelphia. But I really lived, somewhere else. I lived within the covers of books. In books I traveled, not only to other worlds, but into my own. I learned who I was and who I wanted to be, what I might achieve, and what I might dare to dream about my world and myself.

I travel today in the way I once dreamed of traveling as a child- on airplanes and in train. And the irony is that I don’t care for it very much. I am the sort of person who prefers to stay at home, surrounded by family, friends, books. The only thing I do like about traveling is the time on airplanes spent reading.

It turns out that when my younger self thought of taking wing, she wanted only to let her spirit soar. Books are the plane, and the train, and the road. They are the real destinations, and the journey too. They are home.

1.What did the writer do as a curious child?()

A.She visited Victorian England and Tsarist Russia.

B.She flew to Los Angeles, Chicago and London with her parents.

C.She read all kinds of books.

D.She spent lots of time traveling on trains.

2.How does the author feel about travel today?()

A.She doesn’t like it very much.

B.She takes great pleasure in it.

C.She feels tired of it.

D.She feels as excited as when she was young.

3.What did the author learn from books as a child?()

A.About many foreign places.

B.About many historical figures.

C.About the outside world as well as her own self.

D.About the ironies of life.

4.We can infer from the passage that when traveling by air, the author

spends most of her time on the way ().

A.reading books

B.resting herself

C.imagining things

D.letting her spirit soar

5.In this passage the author mainly talks about ().

A.the wonders of travel

B.her growth from an innocent child to a learned woman

C.the benefits of reading

D.the difference between childhood dreams and life’s realities

Go for It! While watching the Olympics the other night, I came across quite a sight. It wa
s not a world record broken, but a show of determination. The event was swimming and started with only three men on the blocks. For one reason or another, two of them false started so they were disqualified(取消资格). That left only one to compete. It would have been difficult enough, not having anyone to race against, even though the time on the clock is what's important. I watched the man dive off the block and knew right away that he was not out for gold. His arms were flailing(乱摆)in an attempt at freestyle. Clearly this man was not a medal competitor. I listened to the crowd begin to laugh at this poor man who was clearly having a hard time. Finally be made his turn to start back. You could tell he was tired out. But in those few difficult strokes(划动), the crowd had changed. No longer were they laughing, but beginning to cheer. Some even began to stand and shouted things like, "Come on, you can do it!" and "Go for it!" He did. When this young man finally finished his race, the crowd went wild. You would have thought that he had won the gold, and he should have. Even though he recorded one of the slowest times in Olympic history, this man did his best. Just a short year ago, he had never even swum, let alone raced. His country had been asked to Sydney as a polite gesture. But this man gave his all; he knew that he had no chance, but he competed because of the spirit of the game. I saw a world record being broken while watching the Olympics the other night.A.True


C.Not Given

The man became very tired when he turned to swim back.A.True


C.Not Given

When the man finally finished his race, the crowd became angry with him.A.True


C.Not Given

The man came from a small country far away from Sydney.A.True


C.Not Given

The man did his best even if he was aware that he had no chance to win.A.True


C.Not Given

Two swimmers were disqualified because they had started before the official signal was given.A.True


C.Not Given

The man felt sad when he knew he made one of the slowest Olympic records..A.True


C.Not Given

It's easy for an athlete to perform well when having nobody to race against .A.True


C.Not Given

I knew that the man was not able to compete for the medals.A.True


C.Not Given

The crowd laughed at the man from beginning to end.A.True


C.Not Given


Engineering students are supposed to be examples of practicality and rationality, but when
it comes to my college education I am an idealist and a fool. In high school I wanted to be an electrical engineer and, of course, any sensible student with my aims would have chosen a college with a large engineering department, famous reputation and lots of good labs and research equipment. But that's not what I did.

I chose to study engineering at a small liberal-arts(文科) university that doesn't even offer a major in electrical engineering. Obviously, this was not a practical choice; I came here for more noble reasons. I wanted a broad education that would provide me with flexibility and a value system to guide me in my career. I wanted to open my eyes and expand my vision by interacting with people who weren't studying science or engineering. My parents, teachers and other adults praised me for such a sensible choice. They told me I was wise and mature beyond my 18 years, and I believed them.

I headed off to college sure I was going to have an advantage over those students who went to big engineering "factories" where they didn't care if you had values or were flexible. I was going to be a complete engineer: technical genius and sensitive humanist(人文学者) all in one.

Now I'm not so sure. Somewhere along the way my noble ideals crashed into reality, as all noble ideals eventually do. After three years of struggling to balance math, physics and engineering courses with liberal-arts courses, I have learned there are reasons why few engineering students try to reconcile(协调) engineering with liberal-arts courses in college.

The reality that has blocked my path to becoming the typical successful student is that engineering and the liberal-arts simply don't mix as easily as I assumed in high school. Individually they shape a person in very different ways; together they threaten to confuse. The struggle to reconcile the two fields of study is difficult.

The author chose to study engineering at a small liberal-arts university because he______.

A.wanted to be an example of practicality and rationality

B.intended to be a combination of engineer and humanist

C.wanted to coordinate engineering with liberal-arts courses in college

D.intended to be a sensible student with noble ideals

When there are small children around, it is neces

sary to put bottles of pills out of _____.

(A) reach (C) hold

(B) hand (D) place

Although most people return from package holidays reasonably satisfied, this is not always
the 【C1】______ Take for Instance, the nightmare experience of a Frenchman who went on a 【C2】______ to Columbia, The hotel in the small Caribbean port was overbooked, The holiday maker was 【C3】______ round the streets, looking for A 【C4】______ and breakfast place, when he was arrested for vacancy, He was 【C5】______ ,whore ho told the magistrate that it was the hotel's 【C6】______ , The magistrate was the hotel-owner's brother, and he charged the tourist 【C7】______ making false accusations and sent him to prison for eight day, By the time of his 【C8】______ , his return flight had lets, Ho had insufficient funds to buy a return ticket, 【C9】______ he went to the Pat Office to send a telegram to hi, home in Montpellier, asking for money, He was 【C10】______ before he could, end it, This time he was charged with illegal 【C11】______ , It was explained that, having missed his return 【C12】______ , he could no longer be classified as a tourist, Ho now needed a work 【C13】______ ,be didn't have one, He was fined $ 500 for this 【C14】______ , and a further $ 500 when he again blamed the hotel for overbooking His 【C15】______ was confiscated because he couldn't pay the tines, He hitch-hiked to Bogota 【C16】______ the consulate tingly arranged to send him home.

All things 【C17】______ , I would prefer to plan my holiday independently, 【C18】______ my view, it's order to "do it yourself!", And the advantages of planning your holiday yourself are 【C19】______ . If it is well-planned, an in dependent holiday san usually be good 【C20】______ for money.






Most of us are taught to pay attention to what is said—the words. Words do provide us with
some information, but meanings are (1)_____ from so many other sources that it would hinder our effectiveness (2)_____ a partner to a relationship to rely too heavily on words (3)_____ Words are used to describe only a small part of the many ideas we associate with any given (4)_____. Sometimes we can gain insight into some of those (5)_____ if we listen for (6)_____ words. We don't always say what we mean (7)_____ mean what we say. Mostly we mean several things at once. A person wanting to purchase a house says to the current owner. "This step has to be fixed before I'll buy". The owner says, "It's been like that for years". (8)_____, the step hasn't been like that for years, but the (9)_____ message is: "I don't want to fix it. We can put up with it why can't you?" The (10)_____ for a more expansive view of meaning can be developed by examining a message (11)_____ who said it, when it occurred, the (12)_____ conditions or situation, and how it was said.

When a message occurs can also (13)_____ associated meaning. A friend's unusually docile behavior. may only be understood by (14)_____ that it was preceded by situations that required a(n) (15)_____ amount of assertiveness.

We would do well to listen for how message are (16)_____ The words, "it sure has been nice to have you over", can be said with (17)_____ and excited or ritualistically. The phrase can be said once or (18)_____ several times. And the meaning we associate with the phrase will change (19)_____ Sometimes if we say something infrequently it assumes more importance; sometimes the more we say something the (20)_____ importance it assumes.





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