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No one knows a child’s()towards fatness is inherited or due to the food he eats.





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更多“No one knows a child’s( )towar…”相关的问题
_______, he knows a lot about computer.A、As he is a childB、Child as is heC、Child as he

_______, he knows a lot about computer.

A、As he is a child

B、Child as is he

C、Child as he is

She didn't realize what everyone knows: namely, the expression one wears on one

She didn't realize what everyone knows: namely, the expression one wears on one's face is far more important than the clothes one wears on one's back.()


The word “lie” meaning “make a statement that one knows to be untrue” and the word “l


B.perfect homonyms


D.polysemic words

When we talk about intelligence we do not mean the ability to get good scores on certain
kinds of tests or even the ability to do well in school. By intelligence we mean a way of living and behaving,especially in a new situation. If we want to test intelligence,we need to find out how a person acts instead of how much he knows to do.For example,when in a new situation,an intelligent person thinks about the situation,not about himself or what might happen to him. He tries to find out all he can do,and then he acts immediately and tries to do something about it. He probably isn’t sure how it all works out,but at least he tries. And if he cannot make things work out right,he doesn’t feel ashamed that he failed,he just tries to learn from his mistakes. An intelligent person,even if he is very young,has a special outlook in life,a special feeling about life,and a special way of how he fits into it.If you look at children,you’ll see a great difference between what we call "bright" children and "not bright" children. They are actually two different kinds of people,not just the same kind with different amounts of intelligence. For example,the bright child really wants to find out about life—he tries to get in touch with everything around him. But the unintelligent child keeps more to himself and his own dream world; he seems to have a wall between him and life in general.

1.According to this passage,intelligence is the ability to ().

A、work by oneself do well in any


C、know what is right and wrong

D、adapt oneself to a new situation

2.Why does an unintelligent child seem to have a wall between him and life in general?()

A、Because he can hardly see the outside world.

B、Because life is far away from him.

C、Because he knows nothing about life in general.

D、Because he has little interest in things around himself.

3.In a new situation,an intelligent person ().

A、knows more about what might happen to him

B、is well-prepared for his action

C、pays greater attention to the situation

D、completely ignores himself

4.If an intelligent person failed,he would ().

A、feel ashamed about the failure

B、learn from his experiences

C、find out what he can’t do

D、make sure what’s wrong with his outlook in life

5.An intelligent child ().

A、learns more about himself

B、shows interest in things around him

C、studies everything that may be interesting

D、looks down upon unintelligent children

阅读下面的文章, 根据文章内容, 完成相应的选择题。(每题 10 分)


Door-knocking is the most effective way of making face-to-face community contact, but it has become a lost art. With the recent focus on customer privacy, door-knocking seems like an intrusion into other people' s lives. But those who try it for the first time are usually surprised by the pleasant reception they receive. Here are some suggestions that will help you promote your services face-toface.


◆ Begin with a door hanger

Try leaving a door hanger two days before you go door-knocking. It should briefly describe the project and say that someone will be around in person.

◆ Wear an official name tag

Door-knockers should wear name tags with the logo of their organization. The best name tags will also include a color photo and the name of the caller.

◆ Have people knock their own blocks

The easiest way to do door-knocking is to try your local area first. Being a neighbor creates an immediate connection with the person answering the door; after that, everything else is easy.

◆ Find a good excuse to door-knock

A short survey about local concerns or a current project is a good excuse. Figure out responses for various situations. What if the person who answers the door cannot speak English? What if a child answers the door?


◆ When to go and what to do first

The best times to knock are usually Saturdays. On other days, after dinner is ideal. When someone answers the door, smile and introduce yourself; say you are a volunteer and, if it helps, state where you live. Give the name of your organization and, briefly, the reason for the visit.

◆ State what action the other person should take and the benefits

Tell the person what they need to do and how their actions will benefit themselves and others. If a person hesitates, emphasize benefits you' ve already mentioned and then, if necessary, add further benefits. If a person agrees, follow up immediately. If possible, get a donation,a signature, or a promise.

◆ Record contact information on the spot

Record names, addresses, e-mail addresses, phone numbers, and responses to questions on the spot. You won' t remember them later!

(1)Why does the author say that door-knocking has become a lost art?

A. It is not effective, no one will take this method any more.

B. People focus on privacy increasingly, so door-knocking seems like an intrusion into other people' s lives

C. It is very difficult to do door-knocking, no one knows how to do it now.

(2) Which step should be firstly taken when you try door-knocking?

A. Find a good excuse to door-knock

B. Wear an official name tag

C. Leave a door hanger

(3) What does the underlined phrase “on the spot” mean?

A. without delay

B. at some place

C. in a difficult situation

(4) Which time is not appropriate for door knocking?

A. Saturday afternoon

B. Monday morning.

C. Thursday evening.

(5) Who will receive pleasant reception when they try door-knocking?

A. A stranger who is not living in this community and gives no notice for his/her visit.

B. An offensive acquaintance who comes at any time.

C. A neighbor who does good preparation and has significant project to introduce.

Observe a child: any one will do. You will see that not a day passes in which he does not
find something or other to make him happy, though he may be in tears the next moment. Then look at a man: any one of us will do. You will notice that weeks and months can pass in which every day is greeted with nothing more than resignation, and endured with polite indifference. Indeed, most men are as miserable as sinners, though they are too bored to sin—perhaps their sin is their indifference. But it is true that they so seldom smile, that when they do we do not recognize their face, so distorted it is from the fixed mask we take for granted. And even then a man can not smile like a child, for a child smiles with his eyes, whereas a man smiles with his lips alone. It is not a smile, but a grin: something to do with humor, but little to do with happiness. And then, as anyone can see, there is a point(but who can define that point?)when a man becomes an old man, and then he will smile again. It would seem that happiness is something to do with simplicity, and that it is the ability to extract pleasure from the simplest things such as a peach stone, for instance.

Legends about King Arthur have existed since the 6th century. Stories of the man and his d
oings have grown far beyond anything that could be regarded as factual history. Here are some of the highlights.

Arthur was born as a result of the wizardry of Merlin, who arranged all adulterous liaison between Arthur's father, King Uther Pendragon, and his lover, a married duchess. Merlin agreed to do this only if the lovers allowed him to bring up the child born of the affair. When Uther Pendragon died some years later, there was confusion in the kingdom about who should inherit the throne. Merlin arranged a pageant where many knights came to try their luck at pulling a sword out of a stone. Whoever successfully extracted the blade was the rightful king. After many a brave knight had tried and failed, Merlin presented the young Arthur who, to everyone's surprise, easily pulled out the sword.

As king, Arthur established the knightly fellowship of the Round Table at his castle of Camelot, so appear all the other chivalrous knights associated with the king. The knights of the Round Table spent much of their time on the quest for the Holy Grail. The Grail is the cup used by Jesus at the Last Supper, which was allegedly brought to Britain, then somehow lost. It is notoriously hard to get hold of, as finding it requires an almost superhuman degree of moral purity. At last it was the true gentleman Sir Galahad who eventually found it and set off to return it to its rightful place in the Holy Land.

Arthur's death is a matter of some debate. According to legend, one of Arthur's less intelligent moves was his decision to marry the Lady Guinevere, who fell in love with Sir Lancelot, and their adultery led to war among the knights of the Round Table, culminating in the Battle of Camlan and Arthur's mortal woound. After the Battle of Catalan the wounded king was taken to the mysterious isle of Avalon ruled by his sister Morgan Le Faye. She, being skilled in the arts of witchcraft and healing, was apparently meant to cure him. But evidently Arthur thought he had little chance, because he gave his sword, Excalibur, to Sir Bedivere to return to the Lady of the Lake, an enigmatic character from whom Arthur had originally received the blade. Bedivere hurled the sword over the water, where a spooky hand appeared from the lake to catch it, waved it around for a while and then carried it down to the murky depths where, who knows, perhaps it still lies. As for Arthur, we can only conclude that his sister wasn't such a good doctor.

The passage is mainly about ______ .

A.a brief history of King Arthur

B.the story of the Round Table Knights

C.a legendary life of King Arthur

D.the death of King Arthur

Some children are backward in speaking. Most often the reason for this is that the mot
her is insensitive to the cues and signals of the infant, whose brain is programmed to mop up(吸收) language rapidly. There are critical times, it seems, when children learn more readily. If these sensitive periods are neglected, the ideal time for acquiring skills passes and they might never be learned so easily again. A bird learns to sing and to fly rapidly at the right time, but the process is slow and hard once the critical stage has passed.Linguists suggest that speech milestones are reached in a fixed sequence and at a constant age, but there are cases where speech has started late in a child who eventually turns out to be of high IQ (Intelligence Quotient(智商. At twelve weeks a baby smiles and utters vowel-like sounds; at twelve months he can speak simple words and under- stand simple commands; at eighteen months he has a vocabulary of thirty to fifty words. At three he knows about 1000 words which he can put into sentences, and at four his language differs from that of his parents in style. rather than grammar.Recent evidence suggests that an infant is born with the capacity to speak. What is special about man's brain, compared with that for the monkey, is the complex system which enables a child to connect the sight and feel of, say, a teddy-bear with the sound pattern "teddy-bear". And even more incredible(不可思议) is the young brain's ability to pick out an order in language from the hubbub(喧哗) of sound around him, to analyse, to combine and recombine the parts of a language in novel ways.But speech has to be triggered(触发), and this depends on interaction between the mother and the child, where the mother recognizes the cues and signals in the child's babbling, (咿咿呀呀) clinging, grasping, crying, smiling, and responds to them. Insensitivity of the mother to these signals dulls the interaction because the child gets discouraged and sends out only the obvious signals. Sensitivity to the child's non-verbal cues is essential to the growth and development of language.

1.The reason some children are backward in speaking today is that ____.

A、they do not listen carefully to their mothers

B、their brains have to absorb too much language at once

C、their mothers do not respond to their attempts to speak

D、their mothers are not intelligent enough to help them

2.By "critical times" the author means ____.

A、difficult periods in the child's life

B、moments when the child becomes critical towards its mother

C、important stages in the child's development

D、times when mothers often neglect their children

3.Which of the following is NOT implied in the passage____.

A、The faculty of speech is inborn in man.

B、Children do not need to be encouraged to speak.

C、The child's brain is highly selective.

D、Most children learn their language in definite stages.

4.It the mother does not respond to her child's signals ____.

A、the child will never be able to speak properly

B、the child will stop giving out signals

C、the child will invent a language of its own

D、the child will make little effort to speak

5.Which of the following is true according to the passage____.

A、By the age of a year and a half the child's vocabulary is still under 100 words.

B、By the age of four children still make many grammatical mistakes.

C、The author does not believe that children select and analyse their language.

D、All children of high IQ start to speak early.

Crime is a very serious problem in Britain. One sort of crime which particularly worri
es people is juvenile delinquency—that is, crimes committed by young people. For some years juvenile delinquency had been increasing. There are two main sorts of juvenile crimes: stealing and violence. Most people do not understand why young people commit these crimes. There are, I think, a large number of different reasons.

These crimes are not usually committed by people who are poor or in need. Young people often dislike and hate the adult world. They will do things to show that they are rebels. Also in Britain today it is easier for young people to commit crimes because they have more freedom to go where they like and more money to do what they like.

There are two other possible causes which are worth mentioning. More and more people in Britain live in large towns. In a large town no one knows who anyone else is or where they live. But in the village I come from crimes are rare because everyone knows everyone else.

Although it is difficult to explain, I think the last cause is very important. Perhaps there is something with our society which encourages violence and crime. It is a fact that all the time children are exposed to films and reports about crime and violence. Many people do not agree that this influences the young people, but I think that young people are very much influenced by the society they grow in. I feel that the fault may be as much with our whole society as with these young people.

6. From the passage we know that many British people are confused about ().

A. the cause of juvenile crimes

B. the rise of the crime rate

C. the problem of crimes in their country

D. the various kinds of juvenile delinquency

7. One reason why young people in large cities are more likely to commit crimes is that ().

A. nobody knows anything about others

B. they are free to move

C. they live a better life

D. they need more money

8. According to the passage, which groups of the following young people are LEAST likely to commit crimes?

A. Those living in big cities

B. Those who are in need of help

C. Those who are very poor

D. Those living in the countryside

9. Unlike many others, the author holds that one important cause for juvenile delinquency is that().

A. young people nowadays do not like adult world

B. young people in Britain today are freer than before

C. too many young people have come to live in big cities

D. young people are influenced by crime and violence in films and newspapers

10.According to the passage, which is to blame for juvenile crimes, apart from the young people themselves?

A. The adult world

B. Their parents

C. The development of the cities

D. The society

完型填空What is museum? A museum is a good place to keep old and beautiful things. A m


What is museum? A museum is a good place to keep old and beautiful things. A museum may be a place to learn about science. A museum can be a place {for; on; about} art of Indians or animals. What is inside a museum? Some museums have old cars and airplanes. Many museums have pictures and statues (雕像). Others have rocks and old bones. One museum even has {the; a; an} coal mine inside! Many cities have museums. Some very small {towns; homes; countries} have museums, too. Indianapolis has a {child's; child; children's} museum. Children do not have to pay to get in. Children go to the museum often. They like to look at the dinosaur bones. They see a white bear ten feet tall. They go inside an old log cabin (小木屋). On Saturday, Indianapolis children can {listen; to hear; hear} talks about animals and trees. They see movies.

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