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You should learn to think for yourself; nothing taught by others can have the same e

You should learn to think for yourself; nothing taught by others can have the same effect on you as ______ learned by yourself.




D、the one

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更多“ You should learn to think for…”相关的问题

A.mind you

B.You should learn

C.mind what I say

In learning a foreign language, one should first pay attention to speaking.It is the
ground-work(基础)of reading and writing. You'd better try your best to speak. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. While you are doing this, a good exercise is to write --- keep a diary, write notes or letters and so on. Many mistakes in your speaking will be easily found when you write.Through correcting the mistakes.

If you are slow in speaking,When you not important to the sentence. You can do that some other time.

6.Speaking is the ground-work while you are learning a foreign language.



7.The best way to learn through mistakes is to try your best to speak.



8.When you write, you will learn how to speak.



9.When you read, you should choose interesting books for you.



10.When you find some new words in reading, you should guess their meanings first.



How to Handle a Bad Performance Review

Getting a bad performance review can make you feel angry, unappreciated, defeated, and hopeless. But it's not the end of the world. Remember that the way you respond to this appraisal can make all the difference in the next one. Even if you believe that the review is inaccurate and that your boss is completely wrong, you will benefit by reacting in a mature, adult manner.  Here are some suggestions:

Stay calm. Relax. Breathe. Do not overreact and be objective. Especially, do not say things that will likely be regretted later. Besides, the person giving the performance review may or may not be the one who has written the bad review.

What to Do When Receiving a Bad Performance Review

It's best to listen attentively. And make comments or remarks only when asked for them.  Besides, during the performance review, you will be given the chance to respond and may disagree.

What to Do After Receiving a Bad Performance Review

Don't be intimidated by the bad performance review and want to quit the job; instead, learn from it. Also, if the organization allows their employees to make a written statement on their own behalf, do make one. It is important for the worker to show why she does not agree with the bed performance review; for instance, an employee may express their different understanding and, at the same time, a willingness to comply with any constructive suggestions.

Ways to Improve a Bad Performance Review

A way to improve a bad performance review is to set self-reviews, that is, establish performance standards. Another way to improve a bad review is to learn more about what the manager, supervisor, or boss wants or expects from his/her employees. Learning what it was that caused a bad performance review helps to improve professional growth and encourages as well as motivates the worker to do better in order to receive a good review next time.


1.What should you do when you are given a bad performance review?

A. Argue with your boss.

B. Make immediate remarks.

C. Stay calm and listen carefully.

2. What should you do after you are given a bad performance review?

A. Quit your job immediately.

B. Insist on making comments.

C. Learn from the review.

3.What should you do if you do not agree with the bad performance review?

A. Tell the boss directly that you do not agree with the review.

B. Make a written statement on your own behalf if it is allowed.

C. Do not express your different understanding in a written statement.

4.How do you improve a bad performance review?

A. Understand the established performance standards.

B. Learn more about what the employee wants or expects.

C. Learn what the person who gives the review may think.

5.Why should we understand the cause of a bad performance review?

A. Because it helps the employee to get promoted immediately.

B. Because it encourages and motivates the worker to do better.

C. Because it prevents the employee from professional growth.

Have you ever heard the saying "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" (只工作,不玩耍

Have you ever heard the saying "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" (只工作,不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻). How do you interpret it and how are you going to act it out? Write a composition titled Let's Learn to Relax. You should write at least 120 words.





Angry customers tend to aim their dissatisfaction and complaints at staff members. If this happens to you, you should remember that they are actually expressing their dissatisfaction about the company

Angry customers tend to aim their dissatisfaction and complaints at staff members. If this happens to you, you should remember that they are actually expressing their dissatisfaction about the company and not about you as an individual. But if you wish to be successful in any business, then you have to learn how to handle angry customers. Listed below are a few guidelines to help you develop your own personal strategy for dealing with angry customers:

Never argue back. You must stay calm and aim to satisfy the customer even in the most difficult situations. It is only by agreeing with their view point and suggesting a possible solution that you will resolve the situation and send the customer away happy.

Use your ears more than your mouth. Make sure you listen more than you speak. By listening carefully, you will be able to understand why the customer is complaining, so that satisfactory steps can be taken.

Show that you care: Use every opportunity to express your apology and understanding. You have to show that you will do everything within your power to try and resolve the situation. This exhibition of your concern will win the customer over. There will be a significant change in their behavior.

Control your anger and be patient. Learn to relax and calm yourself. Having patience with your customers and with yourself will go a long way in winning over hostile customers.

The above guidelines are very useful in helping you successfully tackle all kinds of difficult situations in life. If you follow them, you are on your way to succeeding in your career.

21. Whom do angry customers tend to aim their dissatisfaction and complaints at?

A. Staff members.

B. Company managers.

C. Those who accompany them.

22. When a customer shouts rudely at you, you should().

A. arg1e back and protect yourself

B. keep quiet and leave the customer alone

C. keep calm and listen carefully to the customer

23. The underlined sentence “Use your ears more than your mouth” means().

A. Your mouth is not more important for you than your ears.

B. You should listen more than you speak.

C. You should talk more than you listen.

24. When dealing with an angry customer, which is NOT the right attitude?

A. Be concerned.

B. Be patient.

C. Be amused.

25. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. When the customers complain, you needn't listen carefully.

B. You needn't say sorry to those angry customers.

C. You should relax yourself and try to understand the angry customers.

Michael: They are testing the 3D printer. Don’t you come and see it?

Lucas: What? Never heard of it.

Michael: It is one of the most latest technological?innovations.

Lucas: Really?(1)_________.

Michael: Come on! You should learn to be?open-minded.

Lucas: (2)_________.

Michael: The 3D printing technology could be used in construction, engineering, biomedicine, and many other fields. It can print anything, a house, a car, even a liver!

Lucas: That can’t be true.I will never believe this.

Michael: (3)_________. All these will be absolutely carried out by 3D printers. There’ s a company called Natural Machines has introduced a 3D printer for food producing.

Lucas: I guess that there are a lot of procedures involved in this process. So this printer must be very big.

Michael:(4)_________. It can print all kinds of dessert and starter.

Lucas: Is it expensive?


A.It is about $. 1, 000

B.Maybe its functions are questionable

C.It is really true.

D.What are the main functions of it?

E.In fact, it is as big as an oven

If there is any single factor that makes success in living, it is the ability to be benefi
ted by defeat. Every success I know has been achieved because the person was able to analyze (分析) defeat and actually learn something from it in his next undertaking (从事的工作). Wrongly taking defeat for failure, you are sure indeed to fail, for it isn't defeat that makes you fail; it is your own refusal to see the guide and encouragement to success in defeat.

Defeats are nothing to be afraid of. They are common incidents in the life of every man who achieves success. But defeat is a dead loss unless you do face it, analyze it and learn why you failed. Defeat, in other words, can help to get rid of its own cause. Not only does defeat prepare us for success but nothing can cause within us such a strong wish to succeed. If you left a baby grasp a stick and try to pull it away, he will hold it more and moro tightly until his whole weight is hung up. It is this same reaction that should give you new and greater strength every time you are defeated. If you make full use of the power which defeat gives; you can compete with it far more than you are able to.

How much does the writer know about success?

A.He knows at least several examples of success.

B.He knows every success in life.

C.He knows every success that has been achieved by man.

D.It is not referred to.

Assistant To Public Relations Manager Business Press is the world's most respected publish

Assistant To Public Relations Manager

Business Press is the world's most respected publisher of business news. PR and publicity play (29) essential part in ensuring our continued (30) and this is an outstanding opportunity that (31) also be the start of a career (32) Public Relations.

(33) directly to our PR Manager, you will run her office and learn quickly to do just about everything. Filing documents, taking calls (34) journalists and answering their questions are all included in (35) You will also help to organise events and visits, prepare reports (36) month and generally help to run an efficient press office.

The perfect candidate will have a (37) standard of education, strong communication skills and an excellent telephone (38) Professional secretarial qualifications are an advantage. A minimum of two years' experience, (39) should be within a busy office, is essential. You will be confident, have a smart professional appearance and be in a hurry to (40) things done'.





Pressure Cooker (压力锅) Safety When you are cooking with a pressure cooker, you should le

Pressure Cooker (压力锅) Safety

When you are cooking with a pressure cooker, you should learn a few common sense(常识)rules:

1 . Never leave the cooker unwatched when it is in use.

2. Add sufficient liquid but never past the recommended fill point. Overfilling the colder may block the vent pipe (排气孔) and cause the cooker to explode.

3. Set the cooking time. Too much time may overcook the food or too much pressure may build up in the cooker. Too little time will lead to undercooked food.

4. If you are new to pressure cooking, follow the cooking instructions carefully. Heat and time can either result in a great meal or a ruined one.

5. Never try to force a pressure cooker cover open, Allow the cooker to cool or run it under cool water before trying to open the cover.

6. Clean the cooker thoroughly after each use . Mild detergent(洗涤剂)and hot water work the best.

Do not use stove ash or sand for they may damage the cooker. The gasket(密封圈)is best cleaned in warm soapy water and then dried. Store the gasket in the bottom of the pot.

According to the first rule, the user should______ .

A.keep the cooker under close watch

B.always keep the colder half full

C.never leave the colder empty

D.never turn off the stove

A.as B.for C.to D.beyond E.outLove to us human is what water _____1 fish.Love shines the
A.as B.for C.to D.beyond E.out

Love to us human is what water _____1 fish.Love shines the most beautiful light of humanity.We were born in it and we live by it.We should cherish love,but too often we take it_____2granted.How to cherish the love?I have heard a saying:the quickest way to receive love is to giveit;the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly;the best way to keep love is to give it wings.

When you are young,you may want several love experiences.But _____3 time goes on,you willrealize that if you really love someone,the whole life will not be enough.You need time to know,to forgive and to love.It is important for us to learn to love as the first class in our life.Only whenyou know how to love will you be a real man in this world.Love brings us bright when life gets hard and dark.Love brings us confidence toward life when we are tired _____4 and want to give up.Love deserves all the admiring words,and love is even _____5 the life and death.That is what love is all about in my eyes.

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