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Why is the public will cautious in interfering with family affairs?A.Because there was

A.Because there was a clear line between private and public sphere

B.Because marriage is the holy matrimony decreed by God

C.Because family is a territory governed by the man

D.Because domestic sphere is sacred

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更多“Why is the public will cautiou…”相关的问题
在多数原则投票制决定公共支出水平时,解释为什么中间投票人结果不一定是有效率的。Explain why the median voter outcome need not be efficient when majority rule voting determines the level of public spending

Why would Ulf refuse to run the command “chmod-Are 777/home/ulf”?()

A.The command will copy all his files to a public directory

B.The command will allow everyone to read, write and execute all files in his directory

C.The command will create problems when his profile file initialises his user settings

D.The command is known to have security breaches associated with it, and should be avoided

SECTIONACOMPOSITION(35 MIN) Should governments spend more money on improving roads and hig


Should governments spend more money on improving roads and highways, or should governments spend more money on improving public transportation (buses, trains, subways)? Why?

Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:

Improving Roads or Improving Public Transportation?

You are to write in three parts:

In the first part, state your point of view clearly.

In the second part, give some specific reasons to support your view.

In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.

Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

We are all called upon to make a speech sometime in life, but most of us don’t do a ve
ry good job.We may get nervous, forget what we want to say, or talk too long and bore our audience.Later we may think, “Thank goodness, it’s over.I’m not good at public speaking.I hope I never have to do that again.”

It doesn’t have to be that bad.Here are some simple steps to take the pain out of speech-making.First of all, it is important to plan.Find out everything you can about your subject.And, at the same time, find out as much as you can about your audience.Who are they? Why are they coming to hear you speak? Put yourself in their shoes as you prepare your speech.

Ask yourself the purpose of your speech.What is the occasion? Why are you speaking? There are many possible speaking roles, and each one has its own special characteristics.Don’t spoil your speech by confusing one speaking role with another.

When you are making your speech, try to relax.Speak slowly and clearly and look at people in your audience.Use simple vocabulary and expressions whenever possible.Pause for a few seconds now and then to give your audience a chance to think about what you have said.

If you follow these steps, you’ll see that you don’t have to be afraid of public speaking.

1.According to the first paragraph, which of the following statements is NOT true?()

A.We may make mistakes when making a public speech

B.Most of us don’t know how to make a good public speech

C.We may think that we can never make a good speech

D.Every one of us hopes to have the chance to speak in public

2.What does “put yourself in their shoes” in paragraph2 mean?()

A.Be sure to wear nice clothing when you give your speech

B.Try on their shoes to see if they fit you

C.Take your shoes off when making your speech

D.Try to imagine how they think and feel about your speech

3.What if you confuse one speaking role with another?()

A.You will spoil yourself

B.Your speech will become a complete success

C.You will ruin your speech and make it a failure

D.You will spoil your audience.

4.While making a speech, you are NOT supposed to _______.

A.speak slowly and clearly

B.look at people in your audience

C.use simple vocabulary and expression whenever possible

D.be serious

5.What is the passage mainly about?()

A.The pleasure in making a public speech

B.One should always make a short speech

C.How to overcome your tension

D.How to improve your speaking ability

根据以下材料回答题 Movies are the most popular form. of entertainment(娱乐 ) for milli


Movies are the most popular form. of entertainment(娱乐 ) for millions of Americans.They goto the movies to escape their normal everyday existence and to experience a life more exciting thantheir own.They may choose to see a particular film because they like the actors or because theyhave heard the film has a good story.But the main reason why people go to the movies is to es-cape.Sitting in a dark theater, watching the images on the screen, they enter another world that isreal to them.They become involved in the lives of the characters in the movie, and for two hours,they forget all about their own problems.They are in a dream world where things often appear tobe more romantic and beautiful than in real life.

The biggest "dream factories" are in Hollywood, the capital of the film industry.Each year,Hollywood studios make hundreds of movies that are shown all over the world.American moviesare popular because they tell stories and they are well-made.They provide the public with heroeswho do things the average person would like to do but often can' t.People have to cope with manyproblems and much trouble in real life, so they feel encouraged when they see the"good guys"win in the movies.

The Americans go to the movies mainly because they want__________ . 查看材料

A.to enjoy a good story

B.to experience an exciting life

C.to see the actors and actresses

D.to escape their daily life

One summer night, on my way home from work I decided to see a movie. I knew the theatre wo
uld be air-conditioned and I couldn't face my【56】apartment. Sitting in the theatre I had to look through the【57】between the two tall heads in front of me. I had to keep changing the【58】every time she leaned over to talk to him,【59】he leaned over to kiss her. Why do Americans display such【60】in a public place? I thought the movie would be good for my English, but【61】it turned out, it was an Italian movie.【62】about an hour I decided to give up on the movie and【63】on my popcorn. I've never understood why they give you so much popcorn ! It tasted pretty good,【64】. After a while I heard【65】more of the romantic sounding Italians. I just heard【66】of the popcorn crunching between my teeth. My thought started to【67】. I remembered when I was in South Korea, I【68】to watch Kojak on TV frequently. He spoke perfect Korean—I was really amazed. He seemed,【69】like a good friend to me. I saw him again in New York speaking【70】English instead of perfect Korean. He didn't even have a Korean accent and I【71】like I had been betrayed. When our family moved to the United States six years ago, none of us spoke any English.【72】we had begun to learn a few words, my mother suggested that we all should speak English at home. Everyone agreed, but our house became very【73】and we all seemed to avoid each other. We sat at the dinner table in silence, preferring not to【74】in a difficult language. Mother tried to say something in English but it【75】out all wrong and we all burst into laughter and decided to forget it I We've been speaking Korean at home ever since.











A funny thing happened on the way to the communications revolution: we stopped talking

to one another.

I was walking in the park with a friend recently, and his cell phone rang, interrupting our conversation.There we were walking and talking on a beautiful sunny day and…I became invisible, absent from the conversation .

The park was filled with people talking on their cell phones They were passing people wi thout looking at them, say ing hello, noticing their babies or stopping to pat their dogs.It seems that the limitless electronic voice is preferred to human contact.

The telephone used to connect you to the absent.Now it makes people sitting next to you feel absent.Recently I was in a car with three friends.The driver hushed the rest of us because he could not hear the person on the other end of his cell phone.There we were, four friends driving down the highway, unable to talk to each other because of the small thing designed to make communication easier.

why is it that the wore connected we get.The more disconnected I feel? Every advance in ommunications technology is a setback to the closeness of human interaction(互动).With email and instant message over the internet, we can now communicate without seeing or talking to one another.With voice mail, you can make entire conversations without ever reaching anyone.If my moe has a question, I just leave the answer on her machine.

As almost every contact we can imagine between human beings gets automated(自动化), the emot ional di stance index(疏远指数) goes up.Pumping gas at the station? Why say good-morning to the assistant when you can swipe you credit card at the pump and save yourself the bother of human contact? Making a deposit at the bank? Why talk to the clerk who lives in the neight when you can put your card into the ATM?

More and more, I find myself hiding behind e-mail to do a job meant for conversation.Or being relieved that voice mail picked up because I didn ’t really have time to talk.The techno logy devoted to helping me keep in touch is making me lonelier

I own a mobile phone, an ATM card, a voicemail telephone,and an e-mail account.Giving them up isn' t a choice.They are great for what they are intended to do.It' s their unitended results that make me upset.What good is all this gee-whiz technology if there is no one in the room to hear you crying out“ Gee whiz”?

21.The author’s experience of walking in a park with a frier recently made him feel()




22.According to the author, human contact in a park means()

A.looking at each other and saying hello when passing

B.noticing their babies and stopping to pat their dogs

C.both A and B

23.According to the author, the more connected we get in communication technology, the () we are

A.more automatic


C.more disconnected

24.What are the examples the author gives to explain his idea that every advance in communication technology is a setback to the closeness of human interaction?()

A.With e-mail and instant message over the Internet.We can now communicate without seeing or talking to one another.

B.With voice mail, you can make entire conversations.without ever reaching anyone.

C.Both A and B

25.What is the unintended result of communication technology, according to the author?()

A.It makes communication easier and conversation possible everywhere.

B.It actually reates a distance between people instead of bringing them together.

C.It makes every contact between human beings automatic and makes people feel connected.

Cars–curse or craze?Johnny Watson, 30It is easy to criticize cars – they cause pollutio

Cars–curse or craze?

Johnny Watson, 30

It is easy to criticize cars – they cause pollution and accidents, and so on. But what are alternatives? Nobody wants to travel in a slow, smelly old bus when you can relax in the comfort of your own car. In most countries, the public transport system is inadequate, expensive and inefficient – and anyway, cities today are designed to meet drivers’ needs, with fast roads and car parks everywhere. The car industry also provides thousands of jobs. Roads are getting safer and more efficient every year, and cars are causing less pollution because of lead-free petrol and other technological improvement. What’s the problem?

Amanda Rees, 33

I am much happier now that I don’t have my car. I used to spend an hour stuck in a traffic jam each morning and that made me angry and irritable for the rest of the day. I was so stressed! The worst thing about cars, though, is the number of accidents. Did you know that somebody dies in a road accident in Britain every two and a half hours? Another thing I hate is the way that road building is destroying the countryside. Finally, I would love to live without that constant traffic noise coming through the window. In fact, I think it’s the noise that bothers me most.

1、What does Johnny think of cars? ()

A、They cause pollution and accidents

B、They are slow and smelly

C、They are comfortable

2、Which is not the reason why Johnny supports cars?()

A、The public transport system in most countries is not good enough

B、Road building is destroying the countryside

C、Roads are much safer and more efficient now

3、Did Amanda use to have a car?()

A、Yes, she did

B、No, she didn’t

C、It doesn’t mention

4、What bothers Amanda most?()

A、What bothers Amanda most

B、The destroying of the countryside

C、The constant traffic noise

5、How serious is the road accident in Britain?()

A、Someone dies every 2 hours

B、Someone dies every 2.5 hours

C、Someone dies every 0.5 hours






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