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The domestic economy in the United States expanded in a remarkably vigorous and steady fas

hion. The revival in consumer confidence was reflected in the higher proportion of incomes spent for goods and services and the marked increase in consumer willingness to take on installment debt. A parallel strengthening in business psychology was manifested in a stepped-up rate of plant and equipment spending and a gradual pickup in expenses for inventory. Confidence in the economy was also reflected in the strength of the stock market and in the stability of the bond market. For the year as a whole, consumer and business sentiment benefited from the ease in East-West tensions.

The bases of the business expansion were to be found mainly in the stimulative monetary and fiscal policies that had been pursued. Moreover, the restoration of sounder liquidity positions and tighter management control of production efficiency had also helped lay the groundwork for a strong expansion. In addition, the economic policy moves made by the President had served to renew optimism on the business outlook while boosting hopes that inflation would be brought under more effective control. Finally, of course, the economy was able to grow as vigorously as it did because sufficient leeway existed in terms of idle men and machines.

The United States balance of payments deficit declined sharply. Nevertheless, by any other test, the deficit remained very large, and there was actually a substantial deterioration in our trade account to a sizable deficit, almost two thirds of which was with Japan. While the overall trade performance proved disappointing, there are still good reasons for expecting the delayed impact of devaluation to produce in time a significant strengthening in our trade picture. Given the size of the Japanese component of our trade deficit, however, the outcome will depend importantly on the extent of the corrective measures undertaken by Japan. Also important will be our own efforts in the United States to fashion internal policies consistent with an improvement in our external balance.

The underlying task of public policy for the year ahead—and indeed for the longer run—remained a familiar one: to strike the right balance between encouraging healthy economic growth and avoiding inflationary pressures. With the economy showing sustained and vigorous growth, and with the currency crisis highlighting the need to improve our competitive posture internationally, the emphasis seemed to be shifting to the problem of inflation. The Phase Three program of wage and price restraint can contribute to reducing inflation. Unless productivity growth is unexpectedly large, however, the expansion of real output must eventually begin to slow down to the economy's larger run growth potential if generalized demand pressures on prices are to be avoided.


inventory 存贷

East-West tensions 东西方紧张局势

fiscal (怀国库的钱有关的)财务的(常指税收)

liquidity 周转率,清偿力

leeway 余地

given 鉴于,由于

the Phase Three program 第三阶段计划

The author mentions increased installment debt in the first paragraph in order to show

A.the continuing expansion of the economy.

B.the growth of consumer purchasing power.

C.the consumers' confidence in the economy.

D.the soaring consumer incomes for spending.

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更多“The domestic economy in the Un…”相关的问题
英译汉:The Obama administration's Office of Management and Budget(预算) raised it

英译汉:The Obama administration's Office of Management and Budget(预算) raised its 10-year tally(计算)of deficits(赤字)expected to 2019 to $9.05 trillion, nearly $2 trillion more than it projected in February. That would represent 5.1 percent of the economy's estimated gross domestic product for the decade.The Congressional Budget Office(美国国会预算办公室)increased its projection of deficits over the next decade. It said the deficit would rise to $7.1 trillion, from $4.4 trillion in March.

Pursuing free trade through WTO has many attractions. Countries bind themselves and their
trading partners to transparent and non-discriminatory trade rules, which the WTO then enforces even handedly. Since most governments operate on the premise that opening domestic markets is a concession to be traded for access to foreign markets, multilateral liberalization is often the most effective route to free trade.

A successful WTO round requires two big bargains to be struck: a transatlantic deal between America and the EU and a north-south deal between the rich and the poor. Yet at Seattle this year there is a long way to go before such broad bargains can be considered, let alone struck.

America wants a few priority issues to be settled. Its list includes an extension of the duty-free status of e-commerce, a broader IT pact, reform. of the WTO dispute settlements system, increased WTO transparency and the phase out of tariffs in eight sectors including chemicals, energy products and environmental products. The EU on the other hand professes to want a more comprehensive approach that focuses on removing tariff peaks for such imports as textiles, glass and footwear, but would preserve tariff preferences for developing countries.

The biggest obstacle may be the insistence of many developing countries that they will block further liberalization until their gripes over the Uruguay round are addressed They want their obligations in areas such as intellectual property, investor protection, subsidies and anti-dumping to be eased. They argue that the Uruguay round has failed to deliver expected benefits in such areas as agriculture and textiles.

Though by no means a monolithic block, the developing countries share a feeling that whatever the promise of liberalization at the WTO, rich countries will Conspire to keep their markets closed. Indeed, the EU insists that freeing trade should be "controlled, steered and managed according to the concerns of EU citizens". That is in keeping with a view, widespread on the continent, that "a protectionist trade policy is a price readily paid for political objectives".

However great these obstacles are, they could be overcome if America were still leading the drive for freer world trade. With its economy doing well, greater access to foreign markets seems a less pressing priority. The Clinton administration is unwilling to make politically painful concessions required to achieve that aim. So there is a possibility that the Seattle round will turn out to be a fiasco. If that happens, it will encourage the anti-WTO groups to go on the offensive. America, the EU and Japan would increasingly be tempted by managed trade.

The WTO's transparent and non-discriminatory rules require all member countries to ______.

A.exchange domestic markets for foreign markets

B.make concessions in foreign trade

C.adopt the most effective route to free trade

D.enforce trade policies even handedly

Fishing adds only about 1 percent to the global economy, but on a regional basis it can co
ntribute enormously to human survival. Marine fisheries contribute more to the world's supply of protein than beef, poultry or any other animal source.

Fishing typically does not require land ownership, and because it remains, in general, open to all, it is often the employer of last resort in the developing world--an occupation when there are no other options. Worldwide, about 200 million people depend on fishing for their livelihoods. Within Southeast Asia alone, more than five million people fish full-time. In northern Chile ,40 percent of the population lives off the ocean. In Newfoundland, most employment came from fishing or servicing that industry--until the collapse of the cod fisheries in the early 1990s left tens of thousands of people out of work.

Although debates over the conservation of natural resources are often cast as a conflict between jobs and the environment, the restoration of fish populations would in fact boost employment. Michael P. Sissenwine and Andrew A. Rosenberg of the U. S. National Marine Fisheries Service have estimated that if depleted species were allowed to rebuild to their long-term potential, their sustainable use would add about $ 8 billion to the U. S. gross domestic product--and provide some 300, 000 jobs. If fish populations were restored and properly managed, about 20 million metric tons could be added to the world's annual catch. But restoration of ecological balance ,fiscal profitability, and economic security will require a substantial reduction in the capacity of the commercial fishing industry so that wild population can recover.

The necessary reductions in fishing power need not come at the expense of jobs. Governments could increase employment and reduce the pressure on fish populations by directing subsidies away from highly mechanized ships. For each $1 million of investment, industrial-scale fishing operations require only one to five people ,whereas small-scale fisheries would employ between 60 and 3000. Industrial fishing itself threatens tens of millions of fishermen working on a small scale by depleting the fish on which they depend for subsistence.

The animal source which supplies the most protein for human being is ______.





Section BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by som

Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

Movie directors sometimes shoot two endings to a film, undecided about which to use until the very last minute. In the Casablanca everyone knows, Ingrid Bergman leaves Humphrey Bogart, but in another ending Bogart got the girl.

In some ways, it feels like we're in the middle of a movie made by some deranged(疯狂的) economist, and we don't know yet if we're going to get the happy ending or the sad one. Does the rise of India and other developing countries supercharge(提高) global growth, or will all the new competition pull down wages in the industrialized world? Is this period going to be titled The Bright Dawn or The Big Squeeze?

Certainly for workers in the industrialized world, the latest signs are troubling. Profits seem to be outpacing wages just about everywhere. As a result, from Japan to the U.S. to Europe, labor is getting a smaller share of the economic pie. The numbers are pretty straightforward: In Japan, the share of national income going to workers dropped from 53.1% in 2001 to 51.1% in the year ending with the first quarter of 2005. In the U.S., the employee share of gross domestic income dropped from 58% to 56.8%. In Western Europe, workers' share of national income dropped from 51.7% in 2001 to 50.5% at the end of 2004, before bouncing up a bit in the latest quarter.

An obvious—and pessimistic—explanation for this broad decline is the intensification of global competition, forcing formerly privileged workers in advanced countries to accept a lower standard of living. Harvard economist Richard Freeman has argued that the entry of China, India, and the former Soviet countries into the global economy has effectively doubled the size of the world's workforce. As a result, labor is relatively abundant, capital is relatively scarce, the returns to labor go down, and the returns to capital go up.

"Having twice as many workers and newly the same amount of capital places great pressure on labor markets throughout the world", writes Freeman. That "shifts the balance of power in markets toward capital, as more workers compete for working that capital."

This is the unhappy ending to the global economy story. However, the numbers are also consistent with another, much more upbeat(乐观的)ending. It could be that corporate restructuring efforts in Japan and Europe are finally taking hold, leading to higher profits and faster productivity growth, even as U.S. companies continue their efforts to boost efficiency. And it could be that there's just a lag before the productivity gains get passed on to workers in the form. of higher wages.

So, will we get the happy ending or the sad ending? There's no way of telling yet—but hey, what fun is a movie with a predictable ending?

Similar to the story in the movie Casablanca, the world economy______.

A.is experiencing dramatic changes

B.is set in complicated political factors

C.involves fierce competition between different parties

D.is developing into two possible opposite directions


A.Great Domestic Product

B.Global Domestic Product

C.Gross Domestic Product

Domestic violence and abuse () one purpose only: to gain and maintain total control ov

Domestic violence and abuse () one purpose only: to gain and maintain total control over you.

A.are used for

B.is used to

C.is used for

My assistant will now______________ the machine in action.A、demonstrateB、demobilizeC、do

My assistant will now______________ the machine in action.




At the third stage of the development of tourism in China, there are().

A.in-bound travel

B.space travel

C.domestic travel

D.out-bound travel

支持球队 Support team()

A.国内 Domestic

B.国外 Foreign

C.国内外都有 Both

D.没有 No

The flight from China to America is called a()。

A.domestic flight

B.international flight

C.global flight

D.countries flight

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