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Some 23 million additional U.S. residents are expected to become more regular users of the

U.S. health care system in the next several years, thanks to the passage of health care reform.Digitizing medical data has been promoted as one way to help the already burdened system manage the surge in patients. But putting people's health information in databases and online is going to do more than simply reduce redundancies. It is already shifting the very way we seek and receive health care.

"The social dynamics of care are changing," says John Gomez, vice president of Eclipsys, a medical information technology company. Most patients might not yet be willing to share their latest CT scan images over Facebook, he notes, but many parents post their babies' ultrasound images, and countless patients nowadays use social networking sites to share information about conditions, treatments and doctors.

With greater access to individualized health information-whether that is through a formal electronic medical record, a self-created personal health record or a quick instant-messaging session with a physician—the traditional roles of doctors and patients are undergoing a rapid transition.

"For as long as we've known, health care has been I go to the physician, and they tell me what to do, and I do it,'" says Nitu Kashyap, a physician and research fellow at the Yale Center for Medical Informatics. Soon more patients will be arriving at a hospital or doctor's office,having reviewed their own record, latest test results and recommended articles about their health concerns. And even more individuals will be able to skip that visit altogether, instead sending a text message or e-mail to their care provider or consulting a personal health record or smart phone application to answer their questions.

These changes will be strengthened by the nationwide shift to electronic medical records,which has already began. Although the majority of U.S. hospitals and doctors' offices are still struggling to start the changeover, many patients already have electronic medical records, and some even have partial access to them. The My Chart program, in use at Cleveland Clinic, the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas and other facilities, is a Web portal (门户)through which patients can see basic medical information as well as some test results.

Medical data is getting a new digital life, and it is jump-starting a "fundamental change in how care is provided," Gomez says.

Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

A.The Future of Your Medical Data.

B.Challenges Against Doctors and Hospitals.

C.Benefits of the U. S. Health Care Reform.

D.How to Access and Share Your Health Information.

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更多“Some 23 million additional U.S…”相关的问题
Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the authors assertion that, in the 1970
s, corporate response to federal requirements(lines 23 — 24)was substantial?

A.Corporate contracts with minority-owned businesses totaled $ 2 billion in 1979.

B.Between 1970 and 1972, corporate contracts with minority-owned businesses declined by 25 percent.

C.The figures collected in 1977 under-represented the extent of corporate contracts with minority-owned businesses.

D.The estimate of corporate spending with minority-owned businesses in 1980 is approximately $ 10 million too high.

E.The $1.1 billion represented the same percentage of total corporate spending in 1977 as did $ 77 million in 1972.

All the useful energy at the surface of the earth comes from the activity of the sun. The
sun heats and feeds creatures and mankind. Each year it provides men with two hundred million tons of grain and nearly ten million tons of wood.

Coal, oil, natural gas, and all other fuels are stored energy from the sun. Some was collected by this season's plants as carbon compounds. Some was stored by plants and trees ages ago. Even waterpower derives from the sun. Water turned into vapor by the sun falls as rain. It courses down the mountains and is converted to electric power. Light transmits only the energy that comes from the sun's outer layer, and much of this energy that is directed towards the earth never arrives. About nine tenths of it is absorbed by the atmosphere of the earth. In fact, the earth itself gets only one half millionth of the sun's entire output of radiant energy.

The sun is the source of all of the following EXCEPT______.


B.natural gas

C.atomic power

D.animal fat

All the useful energy at the surface of the earth comes from the activity of the sun. The
sun heats and feeds mankind. Each year it provides men with two hundred million tons of grain and nearly ten million tons of wood.

Coal, oil, natural gas, and all other fuels are stored-up energy from the sun. Some was collect ed by this season's plants as carbon compounds. Some was stored by plants and trees ages ago.

Even waterpower derives from the sun. Water turned into vapor by the sun falls as rain. It courses down the mountains and is converted to electric power.

Light transmits only the energy that comes from the sun' s outer layers, and much of this energy that is directed toward the earth never arrives. About nine-tenths of it is absorbed by the atmosphere of the earth. In fact; the earth itself gets only one half-billionth of the sun' s entire output of radiant energy.

All the useful energy at the surface of the earth comes ______.

A.directly from the sun

B.from the sun' s activity

C.from energy stored by the sun

D.from radiation of the sun

根据短文回答 46~50 题。 The Joy of Living Alone More and more Americans are living at

根据短文回答 46~50 题。

The Joy of Living Alone

More and more Americans are living atone. Some live atone because of divorce or the death of a partner._______(1) According to a recent U.S. census (人口普查), 25 percent of all households in the U.S. are made up of just one person. This is a dramatic change from the extended families of just a couple of generations ago.

The typical person living alone is neither old nor lonely._______(2) The majority of these people have chosen to live alone. They are responding to decreasing social pressure to get married and have a family.

It's now socially acceptable, even fashionable, to live alone. As people get better jobs and become financially independent, it becomes possible for them to maintain a one-person household._______(3) However, people who do get married are marrying at a later age and divorcing more often.

The number one reason given by most people for living alone is that they simply enjoy doing what they want when they want to do it. "Living alone is a luxury," says Nina Hagiwara, 38. "Once you do it, you can't ever go back to living with others." David C'Debaca, 46, agrees. _______(4)

Children think that being grown up means being able to do exactly as they please.

_______(5) The chance to discover whether that freedom is as wonderful as it sounds is a chance more and more Americans are taking.

第 46 题 请选择(1)处的最佳答案

A.There's more pressure to get married nowadays.

B.The growing number of women with good jobs has done much to increase the number of people living alone.

C.However, even more people are living alone because they have chosen to.

D.It seems that many grown-ups today are realizing that childhood dream.

E.In fact, a quarter of the 23 million single people in the U.S. are under the age of 35.

F.He says, "I like being by myself."







The number of people in the U.S.who choose not to marry is growing every year.By 1996 about 25 million people over the age of 21 years were living alone.50 years ago this number was less than 2 million.One reason for this is because people are getting married at a much later age than in the past.The average age for men is now 27 years.For women it is about 25 years.Another reason is the increase in the number of divorces.

Living alone has become more acceptable in American society.In the past people sometimes think those who lived alone were a little strange.These days,however,several of the most popular TV shows tell the story of men and women who can't meet "the right person" and who plan to be single forever.Many such single people (especially women) feel that they are more free to pursue (追求) their careers (事业) than those who are married.In a way these people are married to their jobs.

1.About 23 million people over the age of 21 were not married in America by 1996.



2.Most of men usually get married at the age of 27 in America.



3.In the past,people thought it was impossible to live alone.



4.Some people in America wouldn't like to get married,because they can't meet "the right person".



5.More and more people in the U.S.choose not to marry.



On the anniversary of the artist's birth, Van Gogh's Sunflowers was【21】for just under £ 25
million at the fine art auctioneers(拍卖), Christie's, in London. The【22】was triple the previous record of £ 8 million paid in 1985 for Mantegna's Adoration of the Magi. At least ten bidders【23】for the painting, half【24】telephone, anonymously battling it out in leaps of £ 500,000. Van Gogh wrote in a letter of 1889 that one of these Scots or Americans【25】to pay 500 francs--about £ 25 at that time-- for【26】a painting.

Christie's chairman【27】reporters after the sale, "it's a rare picture." A spokesman for the firm added, "It's fantastic." Not【28】who was at the auction agreed. One commented, "More money【29】sense."

Many people do【30】uneasy that a picture could be auctioned for such an unbelievable sum. They find distasteful the contrast【31】this sort of money and the impoverished life of the painter【32】Van Gogh, once a lay preacher among the miners of Belgium, was more【33】in producing work that dignified labor than he was in selling for a profit. Depressive, poor, unrecognized and【34】suicidal, he remains a romantic figure in the public【35】.






The () liberation movement has become an important social movement () much of the world
today.In the past few decades, it () one of the most important social movements in the United States.Women have been fighting () equal rights in the U.S.since ().But it was really in the 1960s and 70s () women began to gain equal rights and treatment in () of politics, education, employment and the home.

As for the field of politics, today’s politicians are well () that women have become a powerful () in the country.One of the reasons () this is () there are about 70 million women of voting age.Voting age in the United States, () some of you may already know, is eighteen.There are, in fact, 7 million more women of voting age than () men of voting age in the U.S.Today, not only() more women voting these days and () the political structure of the country, () more of them are becoming better educated.Today’s young American woman is more () to be a college student than() mother was.

Today, in the United States, there are at least 5 million women college graduates.(), this is 2.3 million () the number of American men with college degrees.But the number is growing each year.


2.A.throughoutB.throughC.in all over D.all over

3.A.becomesB.becameC.has become D.had become

4.A.againstB.with C.for D.toward

5.A.early the 1900sB.the early 1900s’C.early in 1900 D.early 1900s

6.A.when B.thatC.in whichD.in that

7.A.fieldsB.the fields C.some fieldsD.the research

8.A.aware B.aware ofC.aware about D.awared

9.A.populationB.forceC.party D.group


11.A.becauseB.owing to C.where D.that

12.A.if B.as C.even D.just like

13.A.are thereB.there were C.there areD.there is

14.A.are there B.there are C.is there D.were there

15.A.influence B.influencing C.to influence D.influence

16.A.also but B.but too C.but D.also

17.A.likeB.alikeC.likely D.liked

18.A.hisB.theirC.her D.one’s

19.A.Be sure B.To be sure C.Being sure D.It is sure

20.A.fewer than B.less than C.much fewer thanD.much less than

听力原文:There student thieves look out. Students can easily get many research papers off

听力原文: There student thieves look out. Students can easily get many research papers off the Internet. A new Website could help teachers catch copiers.

Some students research and write their term papers. Others, however, just copy them off the Internet and turn them in as their work.

Two graduate students at the University of California at Berkeley have written a program to catch the students who copy. It compares a student's paper with every other term paper on the Web.

A hundred million Web pages on the Internet are searched. The top 20 search engines are used for the search. This service can be found at www. Plagiarism.com. They also have a local database of term papers. Teachers who sign up can send their students' 'papers to the Website. Within 24 hours they know if the student did the work. Every sentence that was a word-for-word match with another sentence either found on the Internet or within our database is coded.

A U. C. Berkeley professor told his class he would use the program. Still some students copied papers. All 300 papers went through the program. In 45 papers or 15 percent of students had cut and pasted large amounts of material from different World Wide Websites.

Students that say they didn't copy can defend themselves. They can show the instructor where they got their material. Students at universities try hard to get good grades. Some students welcome the Internet research watchdog because they say it is fair to all. They think copying is wrong.

Instead of researching and writing their papers, some students ______.

A.ask other students to write their papers

B.draw pictures instead

C.copy from reference books

D.copy papers or large parts of papers from the Internet

For as long as humans have raised crops as a source of food and other products, insects ha
ve damaged them. Between 1870 and 1880, locusts ate millions of dollars' worth of crops in the Mississippi Valley. Today in the United States the cotton boll weevil damages about 300 million dollars' worth of crops each year. Additional millions are lost each year to the appetites of other plant-eating insects. Some of these are corn borers, gypsy moths, potato beetles, and Japanese beetles. In modern times, many powerful insecticides(杀虫剂) have been used in an attempt to destroy insects that damage crops and trees. Some kinds of insecticides, when carefully used, have worked well. Yet the same insecticides have caused some unexpected problems. In one large area, an insecticide was used against Japanese beetles, which eat almost any kind of flower or leaf. Shortly afterward, the number of corn borers almost doubled. As intended, the insecticide had killed many Japanese beetles. But it had killed many of the insect enemies of the corn borer as well. In another case, an insecticide was used in Louisiana to kill the troublesome fire ant. The insecticide did not kill many fire ants. It did kill several small animals. It also killed some insect enemies of the sugarcane borer, a much more destructive pest than the fire ants. As a result, the number of sugarcane borers increased and severely damaged the sugarcane crop. To be sure that one insect pest will not be traded for another when an insecticide is used, scientists must perform careful experiments and do wide research. The experiments and research provide knowledge of the possible hazards an insecticide may bring to plant and animal communities. Without such knowledge, we have found that nature sometimes responds to insecticides in unexpected ways. An insecticide was used in Louisiana to kill the troublesome______.

A.corn borer

B.Japanese beetle

C.gypsy moth

D.fire ant

Section CDirections: In this section you will hear a short recorded passage. The passage h

Section C

Directions: In this section you will hear a short recorded passage. The passage has some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read three times. During the second reading, you are required to put the missing words or phrases on the blank in order of numbered blanks according to what you hear. The third reading is for you to check your writing. Now the passage will begin.

Ladies and gentleman,

It's a great pleasure to have you visit us today. I'm very happy to have the opportunity to 【11】 our company to you.

The company was established in 1950. We mainly manufacture electronic goods and 【12】them all over the world. Our sales were about $100 million last year, and our business is growing steadily. We have offices in Asia,【13】and Europe. We have about 1000 employees, who are actively working to serve the needs of our 【14】. In order to further develop our overseas market, we need your help to promote (促销) our products.

I【15】doing business with all of you. Thank you.


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