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Now that she is sick with cold, I feel I ____ have stopped her from going out in the


A. could

B. might

C. must

D. ought to

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更多“Now that she is sick with cold…”相关的问题
Student A:I feel sick.Student B:______Student A:I'm not sure,but I have got a bad headache.

A: I'm sorry to hear that.

B: How are you feeling now?

C: How long have you been sick?

D: Do you have a temperature?

Which italicized part in the following sentences indicates REASON?[A] Stepping of

Which italicized part in the following sentences indicates REASON?

[A] Stepping off the pavement, he was knocked down by the bus.

[B] He went out shutting the door behind him.

[C] Being sick, I stayed at home.

[D] She hurried into office, carrying documents in hand.

My mother _____ at the age of 55, and now she studies painting at a night school





We thought she’d come for a visit,but it seems she’s staying_________.

A、for good

B、for nothing

C、for now

D、for all

When her grandmother's health began to get worse in the fall, Mary would make the drive fr
om Washington, DC to Winchester, Virginia, every few days. To make the trip to the hospital, Mary had to get on highway 81. It was here that she discovered a surprising bit of beauty during one of her trips. Along the middle of the highway, there were a long stretch of wild flowers. They were beautiful and almost poetic(诗意的)in appearance. The first time she saw the flowers, Mary was seized by an urge(冲动)to pull over. She then stopped her car and picked a bunch from the soil. She carried them into her grandmother's room when she arrived at the hospital and placed them in a glass by her bed. For a moment her grandmother seemed better than usual. She thanked Mary for the flowers, commented on their beauty and asked where she had gotten them. Mary was filled with joy because of the flowers' seeming ability to wake something up inside her sick grandmother. Afterwards, Mary would pick a bunch of flowers on her way to visit grandma. Each time Mary placed the flowers in the glass, her grandmother's eyes would light up, and they would have a splendid conversation. One morning in late October, Mary got a call that her grandmother had taken a turn for the worse. Mary was in such a hurry to get to her grandmother that she drove past her flower spot. She decided to turn around. She headed several miles back and got a bunch. Mary arrived at the hospital to find her grandmother very weak and unresponsive(无应答的).She placed the flowers in the glass and sat down to hold her grandmother's hand. She felt a press on her fingers. It was the last conversation they had. Mary drove from Washington, DC to Winchester, Virginia to _____.A.see her doctor

B.pick some flowers

C.go on a business trip

D.see her sick grandma

The first time Mary carried the flowers to the hospital, she _____.A.handed them to her grandma

B.placed them on the bed

C.put them in a glass

D.left them on the table

Which of the following can be the best title from this text?A.The Planting of Flowers

B.The Power of Flowers

C.The Discovery of Flowers

D.The Beauty of Flowers

One morning, when she drove past the flower spot, Mary decided to _____.A.turn back for the flowers

B.bring no flowers with her

C.buy some flowers instead

D.head for another flower spot

When Mary's grandma saw the flowers, she asked Mary _____.A.where they were from

B.what flowers they were

C.to get her more next time

D.to send them to the doctor


It is difficult for her to make the final decision now, ________ she is in a deli
cate situation.

Monica is () to think so, on both (). Now a 40-year-old mother of four, she is preside
Monica is () to think so, on both (). Now a 40-year-old mother of four, she is preside

nt of a public sector labor union with 45,000 members. "() with my employees are probably different from those of male managers () me," she says. "I know what it's like to have to call and say my kid got the () so I won't be coming in. I have a more () style. - not soft, just more understanding." The man who is Monica's () agrees, "She tends to () more and is always looking for a (). People are happy and flourish because they have an input into decisions and they are not mere (); their energies are harnessed. On the other hand, consensus takes longer."

On 11 December, 1979, Mother Teresa went to Norway. She went to receive the greatest p
rize in the world—the Nobel Peace Prize. She stood in her blue and white sari in front of hundreds of important people. She spoke simply. She had no notes. She told them of the poverty and sadness in the world.

She received the prize of $190 000 not for herself but for the poor people of the world. She used the money to feed hungry people, to give homes to those who have nowhere to live, to give help to the sick and the dying. In fact she received more than $190 000. There was not the usual Nobel banquet in 1979. The money which was saved on the banquet bought meals for fifteen thousand hungry people.

The Nobel Peace Prize is usually given to famous politicians, but Mother Teresa is not a politician. She is a nun, the Mother Superior of the Missionaries of Charity. She received theNobel Peace Prize because her whole fife has been given to loving and helping people.

81.The Nobel Prize is awarded in ___.





82.According to the passage, Mother Teresa ___.

A.did not speak from prepared notes

B.spoke to fifteen thousand people in Norway

C.used to live in Albania

D.had worked in Russia

83.The Nobel Peace Prize was given to Mother Teresa because ____.

A.she has made great contributions to world politics

B.she is head of an influential religious organization

C.she lives simply herself but is generous to other people

D.she has devoted her life to loving and helping people

84.According to the text, there is usually ____ for the Nobel Prize receiver.

A.a banquet

B.a show

C.a celebration

D.a tour

85.The best title for this passage can be: _____

A.Mother Teresa's Life

B.Mother Teresa Receives the Nobel Peace Prize

C.A Famous Woman

D.Angel of the Poor

Christmas is a sad season. The phrase came to Charlie an instant after the alarm clock had
woken him and named for him an amorphous depression that had troubled him all the previous even hag. The sky outside his window was black. He sat up in-bed and pulled the light chain that hung in front of his nose. Christmas is a very sad day of the year, he thought. Of all the millions of people in New York, I am practically the only one who has to get up in the cold black of 6 a.m. on Christmas Day in the morning; I am practically the only one.

He dressed, and when he went downstairs from the top floor of the rooming house in which he lived, the only sounds he heard were the coarse sounds of sleep; the only lights burning were lights that had been forgotten. Charlie ate some breakfast in an all-night lunch wagon and took an elevated train uptown. From Third Avenue, he walked over to Sutton Place. The neighbourhood was dark. House after house put into the shine of the streetlights a wall of black windows. Millions and millions were sleeping, and this general loss of consciousness generated an impression of abandonment, as if this were the fall of the city, the end of time.

He opened the iron-and-glass doors of the apartment building where he had been working for six months as an elevator operator, and went through the elegant lobby to a locker room at the back. He put on a striped vest with brass buttons, a false ascot, a pair of pants with a light blue stripe on the seam, and a coat. The night elevator man was dozing on the little bench in the car. Charlie woke him. The night elevator man told him thickly that the day doorman had been taken sick and wouldn't be in that day. With the doorman sick, Charlie wouldn't have any relief for lunch, and a lot of people would expect him to whistle for cabs.

Charlie had been on duty a few minutes when 14 rang-Mrs. Hewing, who, he happened to know, was kind of immoral. Mrs, Hewing hadn't been to bed yet, and she got into the elevator wearing a long dress under her fur coat. She was followed by her two funny looking dogs. He took her down and watched her go out into the dark and take her dogs to the curb. She was outside for only a few minutes. Then she came in and he took her up to 14 again. When she got off the elevator, she said, "Merry Christmas, Charlie."

"Well, it isn't much a holiday for me, Mrs. Hewing," he said. "I think Christmas is a very sad season of the year. It isn't that people around here ain't generous--I mean I got plenty of tips--but, you see, I live alone in a furnished room and I don't have any family or anything, and Christmas isn't much of a holiday for me."

"I'm sorry, Charlie," Mrs. Hewing said. "I don't have any family myself, It is kind of sad when you're alone, isn't it?" she called her dogs and followed them into her apartment. He went down.

It was quiet then, and Charlie lit a cigarette. The heating plant in the basement encompassed the building at that hour in a regular and profound vibration, and the sullen noises of arriving steam heat began to resound, first in the lobby and then to reverberate up through all the sixteen stories, but this was a mechanical awakening, and it didn't lighten his loneliness or his petulance. The black air outside the glass doors had begun to turn blue, but the blue light seemed to have no source; it appeared in the middle of the air. It was a tearful light, and he wanted to cry. Then a cab drove up, and the Walsers got out, drunk and dressed in evening clothes, and he took them up to their penthouse. The Walsers got him to brood about the difference between his life in a furnished room and the lives of the people overhead. It was terrible.

All the following statements may account for the sadness felt by Charlie on Christmas EXCEPT______.

A.he had to get up early to work on Christmas morning

B.he felt lonely

C.he had a sense of inferiority

D.he was poor

Most shoplifters agree that the January sales offer wonderful opportunities for the h
ard-working thief. With the shops so crowded and the staff so busy, it does not require an extraordinary talent to help yourself to one or two little things and escape unnoticed. It is known, in the business, as hoisting.

But the hoisting game is not what it used to be. Even at the height of the sales, shoplifters today never know if they are being watched by one of those evil little balls that hang from the ceilings of so many department stores above the most desirable goods.

As if that was not trouble enough for them, they can now be filmed at work and obliged to attend a showing of their performance in court.

Selfridges was the first big London store to install close-circuit videotape equipment to watch its sales floors. In October last year the store won its first court case for shoplifting using as evidence a videotape clearly showing a couple stealing dresses. It was an important test case which encouraged other stores to install similar equipment.

When the balls, called sputniks, first made an appearance in shops it was widely believed that their only function was to frighten shoplifters. Their strange appearance, the curious holes and red lights on and off, certainly made the theory believable.

It did not take long, however, for serious shoplifters to start showing suitable respect. Soon after the equipment was in operation at Selfridges, store detective Brian Chadwick was sitting in the control room watching a woman secretly putting bottles of perfume into her bag.

As she turned to go, Chadwick recalled, she suddenly looked up at the sputnik and stopped. She could not possibly have seen that the camera was trained on her because it is completely hidden but she must have had a feeling that I was looking at her. For a moment she paused, then she returned to the counter and started putting everything back. When she had finished, she opened her bag towards the camera to show it was empty and hurried out of the store.

(1)Why is January a good month for shoplifters?

A、Because the shop staff will serve them.

B、Because they are not excellent thieves.

C、Because there are so many people and the staff are busy.

D、Because there are so many wonderful goods in the shops.

(2)Sputniks are to __________________.

A、frighten shoplifters.

B、entertain customers.

C、show the performance of the shoplifters.

D、make films that can be used in evidence.

(3)The woman stealing perfume __________________.

A、checked at the cosmetics counter

B、sensed that Brian was watching her

C、saw the hidden camera

D、was thinking what the sputnik was for

(4)Why the woman opened her bag towards the camera?

A、To show she was sorry for what she had done.

B、Because she was afraid of being arrested.

C、To show she didn’t steal anything.

D、Because she didn’t want the things she had picked up.

(5)The author believes that __________________.

A、shoplifters respect sputniks now

B、to play the hoisting game, you need to be talented

C、the theory in paragraph 5 tells us how sputniks work

D、the case last October let other shops realize sputniks is useful

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