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回答下列各题: How to Make Peace with Your Workload A)Swamped (忙碌的), under the gun, j

回答下列各题: How to Make Peace with Your Workload A)Swamped (忙碌的), under the gun, just struggling to stay above water...; whateveroffice cliche you employto depict it. weve all been in that situation where wefeel like we might be swallowed up by our workload.Nonetheless many a way maybe used to manage your to-do list to prevent feeling overwhelmed. How tomakepeace with your workload once and for all goes as follows. B)Getorganized. "Clear the deadwood outof your desk and keep your office in shape, which enhances yourcapability tohandle other tasks and raises the probability that youll retrieve the itemsyou do need in a fasterand easier fashion," says Jeff Davidson who worksas a work/life expert and writer of more than 50 books onworkplace issues."When something can be disposed, let i! go, given in reality most of whatyou retain isreplaceable." Joel Rudy, vice president of operations forPhotographic Solutions, with better than thirty yearsof business managementexperience, believes that keeping organized is a must. "Messy work areas arenonproductive insome measure. Provided that you cant locate a document or report easily becauseits lost in apile of mess, then you have a problematic situation," he says."Thereby you are supposed to take the time totidy up your work areas andkeep your important files, manuals and reports in an accessible location,whichwill maximize your efficiencies." C)Make ato-do list, then cover it up. It may sound weird, but it works, says JessicaCarlson, an accountexecutive at Bluefish Design Studio which is an advertisingconsulting firm. Carlson urges her team to utilizeto-do lists to stay on trackand highlight items that are a priority. "Cover up the list, with theexception of onehigh-priority task at one time," she suggests. "This will allow you to focus better onthe task at hand;otherwise, it will be easy to get overwhelmed if youre readingthrough a to-do list that spans an entire page.Concentrating on a single itemwill make your tasks appear like they are more doable," Carlson says. D)Stopmultitasking. Despite what you may consider multitasking, itscounterproductive. Unless youre drinkingcoffee while scanning your morninge-mails, youre not saving any time by attempting to do ten things atonce. "If you find yourself getting tangled intoo many things, it may be of much necessity of you to re-- evaluate yourinvolvement," Rudy says. "Your mind will wander from one topic toanother and you.may endup never accomplishing a thing." Rudy recommendsthe best way to stop multitasking is to create priority listswith deadlines."When applicable, complete one project before you move further on to thenext one," he says. E)Set timelimits. Deborah Chaddock-Brown, a work-at-home s.mgle parent, says shesfrequently overwhelmedby the demands of maintaining order in her residence andrunning her own business. Still, she manages to "doit all" by settinga time limit for each task. "I have the type of personality thatflits (轻轻地掠过)from thingto thing because I do have so much on my plate,"Brown says. "As a consequence I assign time slots: For thenext 15 minutesI will participate in Social media for the purpose of marketing mybusiness (not sendingphotos or playingFarmville)and that is the only thing I am about to do for the next 15 minutes.When thetime is up, I move on to the next task. That way, at night I dont endup with a pile of tasks to accomplish eventhough I felt busy all day." F)Talk toyour manager. "Quite often, peopleare working on things that are no longer a top priority, butsomeone forgot totell them (that theyre no longerimportant). There are usually clear priorities in themanagers head; he or shehas just not done a great job communicating those with the employee," saysHollyGreen, CEO of The Human Factor. Greens suggestion unfoldsin thismanner: "If you find yourselfconfrontedwith too many responsibilitieS, sit down, note the significantthings you are in charge of, and go toyour manager to have a conversation todiscuss priorities, trade-offs, timecommitments andinterdependencies required to do each thing well, and then ask whatyou should stop working on or work onless so you can get the right thingsdone." Greefi says managers should be willing to help sort out priorities,solong as employees have a can-do approach and arent just complaining abouttheir workload. G)Eliminatetime wasters. "If interruptions are l keeping you from yourresponsibilities, learn how to deal withthem accordingly," says EileenRoth, author of Organizing for Dummies. Roth proposes the followingsuggestionsto combat disruptions: "Use voicemail to cut down on telephone interruptions, turn offthe alertthat says "Youve got an e-mail and give staffmembers a set time to visit you." Justin Gramm, president ofGlobellaBuyers Realty, exemplifies Roths point. "E-mail had been a big time waster for me in the pastbecause it wasa constant interruption, causing me to lose focus on the task at hand," hesays. Sincedetermined to check his e-mails only twice a day, Gramm says he hasbecome much more efficient. "If peoplewant to get more work done, theyneed to stop checking e-mails and get down to business," he says. H)Assessyour workload before taking on new tasks. "The paradox of todays workenvironment is that the moreyou do, the more thats expected of you,"Davidson says. In order to better assess your workload, Davidsonsuggests askingyourself the following questions before agreeing to undertake newresponsibilities: Is the taskaligned (使一致)with your prioritiesand goals; Are you likely to be as prone to saying yes to such arequesttomorrow or next week; what else could you do that would be morerewarding; what other pressing tasks andresponsibilities are you likely toface; Does the other party have options other than you; Will he or shebecrushed if you say no? I)Want to know more? Most of our expertsrecommended books for additional tips on how to maximizeefficiency, but onebook was mentioned time and again. Check out The Seven Habits of HighlyEffectivePeople. "The more you do, the more you are expected to do" has been a paradoxin todays work environment.

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根据下列材料,请回答下列各题: Passage One Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following pas
sage. Living in a time when an ever-increasing number of news providers push a constant stream of headlines at us every day, people cannot say they do not feel overwhelmed. But what of its the ways we choose to read the news that make us feel overwhelmed? An interesting new study conducted by Avery Holton and Iris Chyi from the University of Texas looks at the factors that contribute to the concept of information overload. They surveyed more than 750 adults on their digital consumption habits and perceptions of information overload. What the findings suggest, Holton said, is that the news platforms a person is using can play a bigger role in making him feel overwhelmed than the sheer number of news sources being consumed. So even if you read The Huffington Post and The New York Times in a day, you may not feel as drowned with news ff you read on your phone instead of on your desktop. The more contained, or even constrained, aplat form. feels, the more it can contribute to people feeling less overwhelmed, Holton said. That may also explain why people have feelings of being overwhelmed by Facebook, which like reading on the web, can be a bottomless hole of stories, videos, and endless links. But it doesnt explain why people in the survey had different feelings towards Twitter, which can also be a stream of links. One possible explanation is whether you define yourself" as a news fan. The survey asked people to report. how much they enjoyed keeping up with the new——people who said they did had less of a perception of information overload. If youre the type of person who wants to follow news during the day, its likely you have an established routine and a set of sites you check regularly. You also may not need as much context around the news. All of that would make Twitter a good source for you. Conversely, if youre more passive about following the news, you might need to make more , of an effort to find the right sources or find background or contextual information, which could lead to feelings of being overloaded, Holton said. "Knowing what youre looking for can decrease overload or perceptions of overload. So can constant engagement," he said. The new study conducted by Avery Holton and Iris Chyi

A.examines how news providers take advantage of headlines

B.studies what can lead to the concept of information overload

C.discusses solutions for people who feel overwhelmed

D.reviews different attitudes to the digital consumption

根据以下内容回答下列各题,Insure means to protect _51_ a loss of money. Most people can bud
get their money so that their income will cover expected expenses _52_ food, clothing, housing, and public services. But, there is no way to know _53_ who will suffer a crisis (危机) such as a serious illness, fire, flood, or a car accident. Such crises usually _54_ great expense. Even if people could predict crises, it would be hard to save enough money to _55_ the expenses. Insurance is a system _56_ a company collects money from many individuals and then pays certain expenses whenever one of those insured individuals is faced with a certain crisis. An insurance policy _57_ how much the insurance costs and how much the company will pay when a policy holder is faced with a certain crisis. There are many different kinds of insurance, _58_ hospital, motor-car and fire. Insurance can be rather expensive but most people buy insurance of some kind. Insurance is something _59_ people buy and hope they will _60_ need .





根据以下资料,回答下列各题: Years ago,Charlie,a highly respected orthopedist and a mento
r of mine,found a lump in his stomach.He had a surgeon explore the area,and the diagnosis was pancreatic cancer. He went home the next day,closed his practice,and never set foot in a hospital again.He focused on spending time with family and feeling as good as possible.Several months later,he died at home.He got no chemotherapy,radiation,or surgical treatment.Medicare didn’tspend much on him. It’s not a frequent topic of discussion,but doctors die,t00.And they don’t die like the rest of us.What’s unusual about them is not how much treatment they get compared to most Americans,but how little.Of course,doctors don’t want to die;they want to live.But they know enough about modern medicine to know its limits.Almost all medical professionals have seen what we call“futile care”being performed on people.That’s when doctors bring the cutting edge of technology to bear on a grievously ill person near the end of life.The patient will get cut open,perforated with tubes,hooked up to machines,and assaulted with drugs.I cannot count the number of times fellow physicians have told me,in words that vary only slightly.“Promise me if you find me like this that you’ll kill me.” How has it come to this—that doctors administer so much care that they wouldn’t want for themselves?The simple,or not—s0—simple,answer is this:patients,doctors,and the system. To see how patients play a role,imagine a scenario in which someone has lost consciousness and been admitted to an emergency room,and shocked and scared family members find themselves caught up in a maze of choices.When doctors ask if they want“everything”done.they answer yes.Then the nightmare begins.Feeding into the problemare unrealistic expectations of what doctors can accomplish.For example,many people think of CPR as a reliable lifesaver when,in fact,the results are usually poor. But of course it’s not just patients making these things happen.Doctors play an enabling role,too.The trouble is that even doctors who hate to administer futile care must find a way to address the wishes of patients and families.Imagine,once again,the emergency room with those grieving family members.They do not know the doctor.Establishing trust and confidence under such circumstances is a very delicate thing.People are prepared to think the doctor is acting out of base motives,trying to save time,or money,or effort,especially if the doctor is advising against further treatment. Its easy to find fault with both doctors and patients in such stories,but in many ways all the parties are simply victims of a larger system that encourages excessive treatment.In some unfortunate cases,doctors use the fee.for-service model to do everything they can,no matter how pointless.to make money.More commonly,though,doctors are fearful of litigation and do whatever they’re asked to avoid geeing in trouble. The real problem the author is concerned about in this article is________.

A.the overtreatment for dying patients

B.the different attitude of doctor and patients toward death

C.the disproportionately high medicare expenditure in America

D.the unequal and non.transparent doctor—patient relationship

根据内容回答下列各题.Not long ago, there lived in Auckland a working family who dreamed ab


Not long ago, there lived in Auckland a working family who dreamed about a house of their own. Anyone then could read in the newspapers about the building companies who offered to put people into a new house 51 only a $1,000 deposit. Of course, the remainder had to be paid off with interest over a period of twenty years or so.

The worker and his wife hopefully went to one of these companies 52 this wonderful offer. And the man in the office said.“Yes, sure. You bring along $1,000 and we can 53 you with a new house.” So the worker and his wife had to work hard and in twelve months’ time they returned to the building man with $1,000. But the man in the office said, “Look, I’m sorry, 54 we’ll need $1,500 now. Costs have gone up since we saw you last, you know.”

The couple thought it over and decided it would not take very long to save the extra $500 if they worked hard. In six moths they worked 55 overtime and saved the $500 in spite of the high rent they had to pay for their flat. Back to the building man they 56 with their $1,500. But to their surprise he 57 the deposit was now $3,000. Now somewhat wiser, the worker said, “And the next time, I dare say we’ll find the deposit rising once more. How have we 58 save the extra $1,500?” “Well”, said the man, “I think we can stabilize the situation for about twelve months. By the time you come with $3,000, we will have had the house 59 for you.

The couple left, sad at heart as they saw their dream house 60 . By the time they had saved the extra $1.500, no doubt the deposit would have become still higher, maybe $5,000, then $10,000 and then…!






(二)根据下表,回答下列各题 北方某地区粮食作物产量统计图表(万斤/单位)A.41.5% B.43.4% C.45.1



A.41.5% B.43.4% C.45.1% D.46.3%

请根据以下内容回答下列各题 The passage mainly discusses __________.A.award-winning work

请根据以下内容回答下列各题The passage mainly discusses __________.

A.award-winning works of literature

B.an organization that awards artists

C.the special donation of an artist

D.the individual patrons of artists

回答下列各题: 下图中,两节点之间称为复用段的有()。






根据下列材料,请回答下列各题 2005到2011年,城镇职工基本医疗保险平均实际报销比例同比增长最快






根据材料回答下列各题: What impressions are you making on the people around you? Your word
s, phrases, even your message may soon be forgotten but believe me, good or 26 , your melody music. The dictionary 27 melody as a succession of sounds. Just as music affects the moods and emotions of people, so does the way you live your 28 Think of your life as a 29 sheet of manuscript. paper. Only the rhythm is there--it is 30 to you to create the harmony. Naturally you will want your composition to be a 31 So where to 32 ? YOU MUST BEGIN 33 YOURSELF. Be really 34 in other people. Make a conscience effort to bring peace and happiness into other people' s lives. 35 situations that generate excessive ambition, envy, anger, and pride .They are all 36 of peace and will play havoc with your harmony. 37 has been said that if these emotions or feelings were forgotten, the world would live in permanent peace. Well, to banish them from the world is probably aiming a bit high but it shouldn' t be too 38 to rid them from your own life. Develop features such as smart and social. Everything you do has an 39 on those around you, capable of making someone' s day bright or 40 . Besides take time to 41 other people. If there are not enough harmony in their lives, 42 them to have a 43 outlook. From the family unit 44 around the dinner table to world leaders at the conference table ,the name of the game is the pursuit of 45





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根据下面材料回答下列各题。 2007 ~2010年中国服务贸易进出口分项目情况 (单位:亿美元)






回答下列各题:某车间工段的用电设备的额定参数及使用情况如下: 请回答下列问题,并列出解答过

回答下列各题:某车间工段的用电设备的额定参数及使用情况如下:请回答下列问题,并列出解答过程:(计算时取小数点后两位) 采用需要系数法计算本工段起重机用电设备组的设备功率应为下列哪项数值?()





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