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Last July, Julie Baldocchi's mother had a massive stroke and was paralyzed

Section B

A)Last July, Julie Baldocchi's mother had a massive stroke and was paralyzed. Baldocchi suddenly had tobecome a family caregiver, something that she wasn't prepared for. "I was flying by the seat of my pants," saysBaldocchi, an employment specialist in San Francisco. Both of her parents are 83, and she knew her fathercouldn't handle her mother's care. The hospital recommended putting her mother in a nursing home. Baldocchiwasn't willing to do that. But moving her back into her parents' home created other problems. Baldocchi,48, ismarried and lives about a mile away from her parents. She has a full-time job and has back problems thatmake it difficult for her to lift her mother. "I couldn't do it all," she says. "But I didn't even know how to findhelp."


With help from the Family Caregiver Alliance, she eventually hired a live-in caregiver. "But even if you planintellectually and legally, you're never ready for the emotional impact," Baldocchi says. In the first two monthsafter her mother's stroke, she lost about 30 pounds as stress mounted. More than 42 million Americans providefamily caregiving for an adult who needs help with daily activities, according to a 2009 survey by the AARP.An

additional 61.6 million provided at least some care during the year. And many are unprepared.


While many parents lack an advance care directive, it's the most basic and important step they can take. Thedirective includes several parts, including: a durable power of attorney, which gives someone legal authority tomake financial decisions on another's behalf; a health care proxy, which is similar to the power of attorney,except it allows someone to make decisions regarding medical treatment; and a living will that outlinesinstructions for end-of-life care. (For example, parents can say if they want to be kept alive by artificialmeasures.) "It's invaluable for the kids, because it's hard to make those decisions for a parent," says JenniferCona, an elder-law attorney at Genser Dubow Genser & Cona in Melville, N.Y. An advance care directive isthe first line of defense if a situation arises, says Kathleen Kelly, executive director of the Family CaregiverAlliance, which supports and educates caregivers. Without an advance directive, the family will have topetition the court to be appointed the parent's legal guardian, says AgingCare.com.


It's important for families to talk about long-term care so the adult children know their parents' preferences,wishes and goals, says Lynn Feinberg, a caregiving expert at AARP. But ifs not an easy conversation. Elderlyparents are sometimes suspicious of their children's financial motives, says Susan John, a financial planner atFinancial Focus in Wolfeboro, N.H. One client asked John to hold a family meeting because they needed anintermediary to talk about financial issues, she says. And when there are many siblings, the family decisionscan become a three-ring circus with much acrimony, says Ann-Margaret Carrozza,

an elder-law attomey inGlen Cove, N.Y. Families who need information and help sorting out disagreements can call on elder-lawattorneys, financial planners, geriatric care managers and caregiver support groups. In February, AARP said itwill offer its members a new caregiving support service through financial services firm Oenworth.


Many families are unprepared for quick decisions, especially when they find out that Medicare doesn't pay forlong-term care, Feinberg says. The median cost of a year in a private room at a nursing home in 2011 was$77,745, according to Genworth. And only those who have spent most of their assets can qualify for Medicaidto pay for the nursing home.


Assisted living is another option. Residents can have their own apartment to maintain some independence. Butthe facilities generally provide personal care services, such as meals, housekeeping and assistance withactivities. Still, it's not cheap: The national median cost in 2011 was $39,135, according to Genworth. Assistedliving isn't covered by Medicaid.


If they have a choice, at least 90% of elderly parents prefer to stay at home as long as they can, according toAARP research. But if the parents can no longer safely live at home, it can be hard for children to move theminto an adult care facility. There may be another option. Sometimes the home can be modified so a parent canstay there. For example, Baldoechi put in a chair lift for her mother. She also arranged for a home caregiver.

H) Family caregivers take over many responsibilities. One might manage a parent's finances, while anothersibling will take the parent to doctors' appointments and shopping. Those who move in with a parent take on asignificant and sustained burden of care. Jan Walker moved into her mother's home in Leesburg, Fla. After hermother, who is 83, had fallen, she wasn't able to get around as well. Walker,55, has three brothers. But she isthe only daughter, is divorced and has no children. "I always knew that this was the role that I would have, andI guess my mind was prepared for it," says Walker, who now is a full-time caregiver and works from home asa tutorial instructor for a digital scrapbooking website. "When you get into the trenches, it's literally baptismby fire," she says. "New things come up. It's not just about advance planning for finances or medical care. It'severything," she says.

I) Carcgivers need to also watch their own health. "There is such a thing as caregiver burnout," Cona says.Among female caregivers 50 and older,20% reported symptoms of depression, according to a 2010 study onworking caregivers by MetLife. "It's a hard job," Walker says. "But most worthwhile things are hard. She wasalways there for me when I needed a helping hand. It's only natural that I be here for her now."


46、When elderly parents cannot live at home safely, their children can change their home instead of sending them to an adult care facility.

47、To talk about long-term care is not easy because sometimes aged parents are suspicious of their children's financial motives.

48、Besides advance planning for finances or medical care, family caregivers take over many other responsibilities.

49、The difference between a durable power of attorney and a health care proxy is that the latter allows someone tomake decisions regarding medical treatment.

50、Baldocehi did not want to send her mother to a nursing home, but she had difficulty taking care of her.

51、Over 42 million caregivers helped an adult with everyday activities in the USA in 2009.

52、If a family needs information or help to sort out disagreements, there are many people they can call on.

53、Caregivers should pay attention to their own health, or they may bum out or.become depressed.

54、One will have to petition the court to be the parent's legal guardian, if there is no advance directive.

55、The national median cost of assisted living in 2011 was $39,135 and it is not covered by Medicaid.

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The Biscuits division (Division B) and the Cakes division (Division C) are two divisions o

The Biscuits division (Division B) and the Cakes division (Division C) are two divisions of a large, manufacturing company. Whilst both divisions operate in almost identical markets, each division operates separately as an investment centre. Each month, operating statements must be prepared by each division and these are used as a basis for performance measurement for the divisions.

Last month, senior management decided to recharge head office costs to the divisions. Consequently, each division is now going to be required to deduct a share of head office costs in its operating statement before arriving at ‘net profit’, which is then used to calculate return on investment (ROI). Prior to this, ROI has been calculated using controllable profit only. The company’s target ROI, however, remains unchanged at 20% per annum. For each of the last three months, Divisions B and C have maintained ROIs of 22% per annum and 23% per annum respectively, resulting in healthy bonuses being awarded to staff. The company has a cost of capital of 10%.

The budgeted operating statement for the month of July is shown below:


(a) Calculate the expected annualised Return on Investment (ROI) using the new method as preferred by senior management, based on the above budgeted operating statements, for each of the divisions. (2 marks)

(b) The divisional managing directors are unhappy about the results produced by your calculations in (a) and have heard that a performance measure called ‘residual income’ may provide more information. Calculate the annualised residual income (RI) for each of the divisions, based on the net profit figures for the month of July. (3 marks)

(c) Discuss the expected performance of each of the two divisions, using both ROI and RI, and making any additional calculations deemed necessary. Conclude as to whether, in your opinion, the two divisions have performed well. (6 marks)

(d) Division B has now been offered an immediate opportunity to invest in new machinery at a cost of $2·12 million. The machinery is expected to have a useful economic life of four years, after which it could be sold for $200,000. Division B’s policy is to depreciate all of its machinery on a straight-line basis over the life of the asset. The machinery would be expected to expand Division B’s production capacity, resulting in an 8·5% increase in contribution per month.

Recalculate Division B’s expected annualised ROI and annualised RI, based on July’s budgeted operating statement after adjusting for the investment. State whether the managing director will be making a decision that is in the best interests of the company as a whole if ROI is used as the basis of the decision. (5 marks)

(e) Explain any behavioural problems that will result if the company’s senior management insist on using solely ROI, based on net profit rather than controllable profit, to assess divisional performance and reward staff. (4 marks)


















The British SummerBritain is well known for its rainy climate. People joke that even in
The British SummerBritain is well known for its rainy climate. People joke that even in

The British Summer

Britain is well known for its rainy climate. People joke that even in the summer time the country never gets any sun and that the skies stay disappointingly grey even during the months of July and August. Last summer though, it was so hot that people could hardly believe it. British people weren't used to such high temperatures, so every day on the news there were stories about people struggling to work in such unusual weather conditions. Radio and television programmers also reminded everyone to drink more water and not to stay too long in the sun.

When the sun comes out, British people tend to spend time in their garden if they have one. It’s common to invite friends and neighbours around for a barbecue, where everyone sits outside and eats food like grilled meat (烤肉)and salads. There's always a back-up plan in case of rain though, and the meal sometimes has to be cooked in the kitchen and eaten indoors. People also spend a lot of time in parks during the summer, having picnics or playing sports. In every green area, there’s always at least one ice cream van, a kind of car that plays children’s music and sells ice creams. Towns like Blackpool and Brighton are popular for their beaches and amusement arcades(游乐场).People go there to swim, sunbathe and eat fish and chips. The water can be quite cold, though, and that’s why quite a lot of people prefer to go abroad for their summer holiday instead. Popular destinations include Spain, Germany and France: all countries that promise a lot of sunshine!

1、There is little sunshine in Britain in summer.()

A. True

B. False

C. Not Given

2、British people like to tell jokes about each other.()

A. True

B. False

C. Not Given

3、It was unusually hot last summer in Britain.()

A. True

B. False

C. Not Given

4、British people enjoyed the high temperatures of last summer.()

A. True

B. False

C. Not Given

5、The media advised people to enjoy the sunshine.()

A. True

B. False

C. Not Given

6、Most British people have a garden of their own.()

A. True

B. False

C. Not Given

7、People having a barbecue often have a plan against the rain.()

A. True

B. False

C. Not Given

8、Children like the music from the ice cream vans.()

A. True

B. False

C. Not Given

9、Blackpool and Brighton are known for their beaches.()

A. True

B. False

C. Not Given

10、People go to Spain in summer to enjoy the cooler sea water.()

A. True

B. False

C. Not Given











D.注射药物治疗肿瘤(鼻咽癌 、中央型肺癌、肺泡细胞癌 )







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