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Are you_____ to do homework every day?


B. believed

C. thought

D. ought

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更多“Are you_____ to do homework ev…”相关的问题
-Hey Peter. Can you_____

A.A.do something good

B.B.do anything for me

h of the ollwing is the best example of an open question?以下哪个是开放问题的最好例子()?

A."Does this exercise hurt?"“这个运动困难吗? 。

B."Why do you want to lose 20 pounds?"“你为什么想要减掉20磅?”

C."Are you teady to get started today?"“你准备好今天开始了吗?”

D."Are you feling okay?"“你感觉好吗?”

Many teachers believe that the responsibilities for learning lie with student. If a long reading ___
___ is given, instructors expect students to be familiar with the information in the reading even if they do not discuss it in class or take an examination. The ideal student is considered to be one who is motivated to learn for the ______ of learning, not the one interested only in getting high grades. Sometimes, homework is ______ with brief written comments but without a grade. Even if a grade is not given, the student is ______ for learning the material assigned. When research is assigned, the professor expects the students to take it actively and to ______ it with minimum guidance. It is the student's responsibility to find books, magazines, and articles in the library. Professors do not have the time to explain what a university library works; they ______ students, particularly graduate students, to be able to exhaust the reference sources in the library. Professors will help students who need it, but prefer that their students should not be too ______. on them. In the United States, professors have many other duties besides teaching, such as ______ or research work. Therefore, the time that a professor can spend with a student outside of class is ______. ff a student has problems with classroom work, the student should either approach a professor during office hours or make an ______.

A) expect B) administrative C) returned D) recycled E) dependent

E) complete G) sake H) temper I) responsible J) limited

K) likely L) assignment M) concept N) qualified O) appointment

The 26()of an application is far more often the fault of the applicant, for many appli
The 26()of an application is far more often the fault of the applicant, for many appli

cants do not set about their task in the right way. They do not study the job requirements 27()enough and dispatch applications to all and sundry (所有的人) in the hope that one will bear fruit (奏效). The personnel manager of a textiles manufacturer for example 28()for designers. He was willing to consider young people 29()working experience provided they had good ideas. The replies contained many remarks like this,"At school I was good at art", "I like drawing things" and even "I write very interesting stories". Only one applicant was sensible enough to30() samples of her designs. She got the job.

Personnel managers emphasize the need for a good letter of application. They do not look for the finest writing paper or perfect typing, but it is 31() to expect legible writing on a clean sheet of paper, not a piece torn roughly from an exercise book.

As soon as the applicant is lucky enough to receive an invitation to attend all interviews, he 32()acknowledge the letter and say he will attend. But the manager does not end there. The wise applicant will fill in the interval making himself familiar with Some activities of the company he hopes to33()applicants have not the faintest idea 34() the company does and this puts them 35() a great disadvantage when they come to answer the questions that will be put to them in the interview.
















Wise buying is a positive way in which you can make your money go further. The way you g
o about purchasing an article or a service can actually 1 you money or can add to the cost. Take the 2 example of a hairdryer. If you are buying a hairdryer, you might think that you are making the 3 buy if you choose one whose look you like and which is also the cheapest 4 price. But when you get it home you may find that it takes twice as long as a more expensive 5 to dry your hair.The cost of the electricity plus the cost of your time could well make your hairdryer the most expensive one of all.

So what principles should you 6 when you go out shopping? If you keep your home, your car or any valuable 7 in excellent condition, you&39;ll be saving money in the long run. Before you buy a new 8 , talk to someone who owns one .If you can, use it or borrow it to check it suits your particular purpose. Before you buy an expensive 9 , or a service, do check the price and what is on offer. If possible, choose 10 three items or three estimates.
















&8226;Read this text taken from an article on theories of management,&8226;Choose the best

&8226;Read this text taken from an article on theories of management,

&8226;Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps.

&8226;For each gap 9-14, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.

&8226;Do not use any letter more than once.

&8226;There is an example at the beginning (O).

Don't follow that theory - think for yourself!

In the 1990s, according to US author Eileen Shapiro, managers have abandoned the right to manage. She argues that managers in the USA have lost confidence. (0) H

She describes a corporate culture which is extremely defensive and which has as its motto 'Managers should always follow the latest short-lived management theory, no matter how irrelevant it may be'. (9) In turn, these have been followed blindly by managers who have given up their central responsibility - taking decisions about their own business in their own particular circumstances.

"I really believe a manager's job is to manage", she says. But increasingly, she feels, they do everything but that. (10) That's because this, the identification of problems and opportunities, is the scariest part of management. Managers try to avoid the anxiety it brings by simply applying the latest theory to any problem. (11) Managers should, she believes, confront these head-on.

It is not that Ms Shapiro does not believe in cutting out unnecessary management layers and opening up organisations. Her criticism is that theories are often presented unthinkingly as solutions and are applied by managers who do not really understand what they are saying.

"Theories are often regarded as if they are some sort of miraculous cure for any type of problem", she says. "However, many projects have failed because theories have been applied which were not appropriate to the situation." (12) The blame for this inappropriate application of theories lies, she claims, mainly at the door of consultancy firms. It is difficult for big firms of consultants to specialise sufficiently. They cannot hope to offer exactly the service that a company requires at a price which the client is able to afford. (13) This is worse than having no help at all.

One of the most serious potential consequences of following theories without considering whether they are appropriate or not is a loss of staff morale and motivation. Obviously, this is something to be avoided. (14) However, Ms Shapiro believes that, unfortunately, unless managers begin again to take responsibility for their own actions that is exactly what will happen.

A. They therefore end up developing generalised solutions which are offered to clients regardless of an organisation's specific problems.

B. There are many firms of consultants offering help to companies.

C. No manager in their right mind would want to work with an angry, cynical or alienated workforce.

D. Just because a course of action has succeeded in one context, it does not mean it will be right in other circumstances.

E. From 'mission statements' to 're-engineering' she shows how one theory has replaced another in quick succession.

F. But in doing so, they often fail to address the real issues.

G. They fail to tackle the central management task, which is diagnosis.

H. They therefore no longer have the courage or the ability to take responsibility for their decisions.


回答下列各题: How to Make Peace with Your Workload A)Swamped (忙碌的), under the gun, j

回答下列各题: How to Make Peace with Your Workload A)Swamped (忙碌的), under the gun, just struggling to stay above water...; whateveroffice cliche you employto depict it. weve all been in that situation where wefeel like we might be swallowed up by our workload.Nonetheless many a way maybe used to manage your to-do list to prevent feeling overwhelmed. How tomakepeace with your workload once and for all goes as follows. B)Getorganized. "Clear the deadwood outof your desk and keep your office in shape, which enhances yourcapability tohandle other tasks and raises the probability that youll retrieve the itemsyou do need in a fasterand easier fashion," says Jeff Davidson who worksas a work/life expert and writer of more than 50 books onworkplace issues."When something can be disposed, let i! go, given in reality most of whatyou retain isreplaceable." Joel Rudy, vice president of operations forPhotographic Solutions, with better than thirty yearsof business managementexperience, believes that keeping organized is a must. "Messy work areas arenonproductive insome measure. Provided that you cant locate a document or report easily becauseits lost in apile of mess, then you have a problematic situation," he says."Thereby you are supposed to take the time totidy up your work areas andkeep your important files, manuals and reports in an accessible location,whichwill maximize your efficiencies." C)Make ato-do list, then cover it up. It may sound weird, but it works, says JessicaCarlson, an accountexecutive at Bluefish Design Studio which is an advertisingconsulting firm. Carlson urges her team to utilizeto-do lists to stay on trackand highlight items that are a priority. "Cover up the list, with theexception of onehigh-priority task at one time," she suggests. "This will allow you to focus better onthe task at hand;otherwise, it will be easy to get overwhelmed if youre readingthrough a to-do list that spans an entire page.Concentrating on a single itemwill make your tasks appear like they are more doable," Carlson says. D)Stopmultitasking. Despite what you may consider multitasking, itscounterproductive. Unless youre drinkingcoffee while scanning your morninge-mails, youre not saving any time by attempting to do ten things atonce. "If you find yourself getting tangled intoo many things, it may be of much necessity of you to re-- evaluate yourinvolvement," Rudy says. "Your mind will wander from one topic toanother and you.may endup never accomplishing a thing." Rudy recommendsthe best way to stop multitasking is to create priority listswith deadlines."When applicable, complete one project before you move further on to thenext one," he says. E)Set timelimits. Deborah Chaddock-Brown, a work-at-home s.mgle parent, says shesfrequently overwhelmedby the demands of maintaining order in her residence andrunning her own business. Still, she manages to "doit all" by settinga time limit for each task. "I have the type of personality thatflits (轻轻地掠过)from thingto thing because I do have so much on my plate,"Brown says. "As a consequence I assign time slots: For thenext 15 minutesI will participate in Social media for the purpose of marketing mybusiness (not sendingphotos or playingFarmville)and that is the only thing I am about to do for the next 15 minutes.When thetime is up, I move on to the next task. That way, at night I dont endup with a pile of tasks to accomplish eventhough I felt busy all day." F)Talk toyour manager. "Quite often, peopleare working on things that are no longer a top priority, butsomeone forgot totell them (that theyre no longerimportant). There are usually clear priorities in themanagers head; he or shehas just not done a great job communicating those with the employee," saysHollyGreen, CEO of The Human Factor. Greens suggestion unfoldsin thismanner: "If you find yourselfconfrontedwith too many responsibilitieS, sit down, note the significantthings you are in charge of, and go toyour manager to have a conversation todiscuss priorities, trade-offs, timecommitments andinterdependencies required to do each thing well, and then ask whatyou should stop working on or work onless so you can get the right thingsdone." Greefi says managers should be willing to help sort out priorities,solong as employees have a can-do approach and arent just complaining abouttheir workload. G)Eliminatetime wasters. "If interruptions are l keeping you from yourresponsibilities, learn how to deal withthem accordingly," says EileenRoth, author of Organizing for Dummies. Roth proposes the followingsuggestionsto combat disruptions: "Use voicemail to cut down on telephone interruptions, turn offthe alertthat says "Youve got an e-mail and give staffmembers a set time to visit you." Justin Gramm, president ofGlobellaBuyers Realty, exemplifies Roths point. "E-mail had been a big time waster for me in the pastbecause it wasa constant interruption, causing me to lose focus on the task at hand," hesays. Sincedetermined to check his e-mails only twice a day, Gramm says he hasbecome much more efficient. "If peoplewant to get more work done, theyneed to stop checking e-mails and get down to business," he says. H)Assessyour workload before taking on new tasks. "The paradox of todays workenvironment is that the moreyou do, the more thats expected of you,"Davidson says. In order to better assess your workload, Davidsonsuggests askingyourself the following questions before agreeing to undertake newresponsibilities: Is the taskaligned (使一致)with your prioritiesand goals; Are you likely to be as prone to saying yes to such arequesttomorrow or next week; what else could you do that would be morerewarding; what other pressing tasks andresponsibilities are you likely toface; Does the other party have options other than you; Will he or shebecrushed if you say no? I)Want to know more? Most of our expertsrecommended books for additional tips on how to maximizeefficiency, but onebook was mentioned time and again. Check out The Seven Habits of HighlyEffectivePeople. "The more you do, the more you are expected to do" has been a paradoxin todays work environment.

Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required

Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item with a single line through the center. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

Every social experience we have affects us in at least some small ways. Family, schooling, peers, and mass media all have an【S1】______on how we are socialized as children. Each of these factors has the power to shape our thoughts, feelings, and actions. The family is the most important because it【S2】______the center of children's lives. Babies are almost totally【S3】______on others, and the responsibility of meeting their needs almost falls on parents and other family members. At least until the start of schooling, the family is responsible for teaching children cultural【S4】______and attitudes. Schooling【S5】______children's social world to include people with backgrounds that differ from their own. Formally, schooling teaches children a wide range of knowledge and skills. School is also most children's first experience with rigid【S6】______. Children are encouraged to conform. to roles and be on time. Another factor that【S7】______children is their peer group. Unlike the family and school, the peer group allows young people to【S8】______from the direct control of adults. Peer groups also give young people the【S9】______to discuss interests that may not be shared by adults. The fourth major influence on social development is the mass media--【S10】______ television. Years before children learn to read, watching television has become a regular habit. Indeed, children spend as much time watching television as they do interacting with their parents.

A) obviously B) opportunity C) relevant D) represents

E) impact F) dominant G) especially H) discipline

I) stretches J) values K) solution L) escape

M) vary N) affects O) dependent



A.What do you do on Saturday

B.What are you do on weekend

C.What do you do on the weekend


A.What do you often do

B.What do you often do on the weekend

C.What do you often do on the Monday

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