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Other modern industrial nations such as Japan, Germany and France have managed A(all along

Other modern industrial nations such as Japan, Germany and France have managed A(all along) to thrive B(with mere fractions) of C(man-made coolness) used in the US, and D(precious little of that) in private dwellings.

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Modern short story writers,however,turn to explore and delve into man's interior world. Instead of looking at the stern reality from the angles of money,class status,social desire,or other material desires,they tend to be preoccupied by the sub-consciousness of the mind.()
Many people would agree that stress is a major problem in modern life. It is certainly true that worry and quarrel can cause a

ll kinds of illnesses,(1)backache to severe headaches, or even more serious complaints such as high blood pressure.

Many of us think(2)stress as something that other people impose on us. We often complain about how other people put us(3)pressure. But we should try not to let such pressure affect us. We should not forget that we are largely responsible for some of the stress ourselves. We sometimes take(4)more work than our bodies and our minds can handle. We should learn to(5)our limitations. We should be aware of which things are really important and which are not.

Many people would agree同意 that stress压力 is a major 主要的 problem in modern life.
It is certainly当然 true that worry担忧 and quarrel争吵 can cause导致 all kinds种类of illnesses疾病,(1) backache背疼 to severe严重的 headaches 头疼, or even甚至 more serious严重的 complaints投诉 such as igh blood pressure高血压

Many of us think of stress as some thing that other people (2) on us.We often complain fel 2 about how other people put us under pressure 压力.But we should try not to let such pressure affect影响us.We should not forget忘记 that we are largely大部分(3) for some of the stress ourselves.Sometimes 有时候 we take(4) more work than our bodies and our minds头脑 can handle处理, And we should be aware意识到Of(5) things are really important and which are not.(完型填空)







The first ancient Olympics were held in 776 B.C. The games got their name from Olympia, the Greek city where they took place. Like the summer Olympics of today, the ancient Olympics were held every four years.

Thousands of people from all over the Greek world came to watch. The main stadium held about 45,000 people. "We have accounts of visitors and pilgrims setting up tents all around the site", Lisa Cerrato of Tufts University said.

During the first Olympics, there was only one competition—a 200-meter race. But over time the games grew to include wrestling, chariot racing, boxing, and other sports. Women were not allowed to compete, but they had their own separate games.

"The ancient athlete became celebrities(名人), just like today. They often lived the rest of their lives being treated to free dinners", Cerrato said. "City-states even tried to steal away each other's athletes by offering them various awards".

The ancient Olympics existed until A.D. 393. But the modern Olympics are still going strong.

Where did the ancient Greeks hold their first Olympics?()

A.In Athens.

B.In Olympics.

C.In a town.

D.In a state.

The history of English is conventionally, if perhaps too neatly, divided into three pe
riods usually called Old (or Anglo-Saxon) English, Middle English, and Modern English.The earliest period begins with the migration of certain Germanic tribes from the continent to Britain in the fifth century A.D., though no records of their language survive from before the seventh century, and it continues until the end of the eleventh century or a bit later.By that time, Latin, Old Norse (the language of the Viking invaders), and especially the Anglo-Norman French of the dominant class after the Norman Conquest in 1066 had begun to have a substantial impact on the vocabulary, and the well-developed inflectional(词尾变化的)system that typify the grammar of Old English had began to break down.

The period of Middle English extends roughly from the twelfth century through the fifteenth.The influence of French(and Latin,often by way of French)upon the vocabulary continued throughout the period,the loss of some inflections and the reduction of others accelerate, and many changes took place within the grammatical systems of the language.A typical prose passage, especially one from the later part of the period, will not have such a foreign look to us as the prose of Old English, but it will not be mistaken for contemporary writing either.

The period of Modern English extends from the sixteenth century to our own day.The early part of this period saw the completion of a revolution in vowel distribution that had began in late Middle English and that effectively brought the language to something resembling its present pattern.Other important early developments include the stabilizing effect on spelling of the printing press and the beginning of the direct influence of Latin, and to a lesser extent.Greel pm the vocabulary.Later, as English came into contact with other cultures around the world and distinctive dialects of English developed in the many areas which Britain had colonized, numerous other languages made small but interesting contributions to our word-stock.

1.The earliest writing record of English available to us started_____.

A.from the seventh century

B.from the fifth century

C.from the twelfth century

D.from the ninth century

2.What is the main features of the grammar of Old English?()

A.The influence of Latin

B.A revolution in vowel distribution

C.A well-developed inflectional system

D.Loss of some inflection

3.What can be inferred from the passage?()

A.Even an educated person cannot read old English without special training

B.A person who knows French well can understand old English

C.An educated person can understand old English but cannot pronounce it

D.A person can pronounce old English words but cannot understand them

4.Which of the following is NOT mentioned?()





5.What is the most remarkable characteristic of Modern English?()

A.Numerous additions to its vocabulary.

B.Completion of a revolution in vowel distribution.

C.Gradual changes in tis grammatical system.

D.The direct influence of Latin.

It is undeniable that English is beginning to become a global language in most parts of t
he world by and large. It is spoken frequently specially in【M1】______ developed countries. This is an inescapable process of globalization. However, according to many experts in linguistics, English is dominating todays modern world and thus, disregard most minority languages.【M2】______ Therefore, it is essential to consider the history of how English gradually becomes dominant down to the present time.【M3】______ The key to English globalization and extension up to the current is basically due to the three eras where English had undergone in the past.【M4】______ English benefited from three overlapping eras of world history. The first era was the imperial expansion of European powers which spread the use of English so well as of other languages, like Spanish, French and Portuguese【M5】______ around the world. The second is the era of technological revolution, begun【M6】______ with the industrial revolution which the English-speaking nations of Britain【M7】______ and United States made a leading part, and the later electronic revolution,【M8】______ led above all by the USA. The third is the era of globalization. The mentioned three eras are pertinent to one another, for example the second era, namely as the electronic revolution has introduced the Internet【M9】______ technology including e-mail, e-commerce, e-business and other e-activities which support the third era, the globalization era likely to take place.【M10】______ Further development of the globalization era leads to the commonness of English in several fields such as science, technology and world trade.


Michael, a typical American, stays at home on workdays. He plugs into his personal co
mputer terminal in order to connect with the office. After work, he puts on his headphones, watches a movie on his home video recorder, or plays baseball on the computer. On many days, Michael doesn't talk to any other human beings, and he doesn't see any people except the ones on television. Michael is imaginary, but his lifestyle. is very possible. The inventions of modern technology seem to be cutting us off form. contact with our fellow human being.

The world of business is one area in which technology is isolating us. Experts say, for example, that many people will soon be able to work at home. With access to a large central computer, employees such as office clerks, insurance agents, and accountants could do their jobs at display terminals in their own homes. They would never have to actually see the people they're dealing with. In addition, the way employees are paid will change. Workers' salaries will be automatically paid into their bank accounts, making paper checks unnecessary. No workers will stand in line to receive their pay or cash their checks. Personal banking will change, too. Customers will deal with machines to put in or take our money from their accounts.

Another area that technology is changing is entertainment.

Music, for instance, was once a group experience. People listened to music at concert halls or in small social gatherings. For many people now, however, music is an individual experience. Walking along the street or sitting in their living rooms, they wear headphones to build a wall of music around them. Movie entertainment is changing, too. Movies used to be social events. Now, fewer people are going out to see a movie. Many more are choosing to wait for a film to appear on television or are borrowing videotapes to watch at home. Instead of laughing with others, viewers watch movies in their own living rooms.

(1)After work, Michael likes to ______.

A、listen to music at the concert hall

B、watch a movie in his living room

C、run a program on his computer in his office

D、play baseball with his workmates

(2)The sentence “Michael is imaginary, but his lifestyle. is very possible” means ______.

A、Michael is a person full of imagination and he can make his dreams come true

B、Michael is not a real person but probably the lifestyle. does exist

C、Michael has ambitions but he can't make his dreams come true

D、Michael is a person full of imagination and his lifestyle. is common nowadays

(3)In the modern world, people will

A、stand in line to receive their pay or cash their checks

B、see the people they' re dealing with

C、listen to music at concert halls or in small social gatherings

D、watch movies in their own living rooms

(4)What is the main idea of the passage?

A、We may no longer need to communicate with other human being.

B、Modern technology seems to be separating human beings.

C、We may no longer need to work in the office.

D、Modern technology makes it possible for us to work and entertain ourselves at home.

(5)What will the author most probably discuss after the last paragraph?

A、Games and sports.

B、Personal banking.

C、Music and films.

D、International business.

Recent stories in the newspapers and magazines suggest that teaching and research contra d
iet each other that research plays too prominent a part in academic promotions, and that teaching is badly under-emphasized. There is an element of truth in these statements, but they also ignore deeper and more important relationships.

Research experience is an essential element of hiring and promotion at the research university because it is the emphasis on research that distinguishes such a university from an arts college. Some professors, however, neglect teaching for research, and that presents a problem.

Most research universities reward outstanding teaching, but the greatest recognition is usually given for achievements in research. Part of the reason is the difficulty of judging teaching. A highly responsible and tough professor is usually appreciated by top students who want to be challenged, but disliked by those whose records are less impressive. The mild professor gets overall ratings that are usually high, but there is a sense of disappointment on the part of the best students, exactly those for whom the system should present the greatest challenges. Thus, a university trying to promote professors primarily on the basis of teaching qualities would have to confront this confusion.

As modern science moves faster, two forces are exerted on professors: one is the time needed to keep up with the profession; the other is the time needed to teach. The training of new scientists requires outstanding teaching at the research university as well as the arts college. Although scientists are usually "made" in the elementary schools, scientists can be "lost" by poor teaching at the college and graduate school levels. The solution is not to separate teaching and research, but to recognize that the combination is difficult but vital. The title of professor should be given only to those who profess, and it is perhaps time for universities to reserve it for those willing to be an earnest part of the community of scholars. Professors unwilling to teach can be called "distinguished research investigators," or something else.

The pace of modern science makes it increasingly difficult to be a great researcher and great teacher. Yet many are described in just those terms. Those who say we can separate teaching and research simple do not understand the system, but those who say the problem will disappear are not fulfilling their responsibilities.

What idea does the author want to convey in the first paragraph?

A.It is wrong to overestimate the importance of teaching.

B.Teaching and research are contradictory to each other.

C.Research can never be emphasized too much.

D.The relationship between teaching and research should not be simplified.

Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage. Recent stories in the newspapers an
d magazines suggest that teaching and research contradict each other, that research plays too prominent a part in academic promotions, and that teaching is badly underemphasized. There is an element of truth in these statements, but they also ignore deeper and more important relationships.

Research experience is an essential element of hiring and promotion at a research university because it is the emphasis on research that distinguishes such a university from an arts college. Some professors, however, neglect teaching for research and that presents a problem.

Most research universities reward outstanding teaching, but the greatest recognition is usually given for achievements in research. Part of the reason is the difficulty of judging teaching. A highly responsible and tough professor is usually appreciated by top students who want to be challenged, but disliked by those whose records are less impressive. The mild professor gets overall ratings that are usually high, but there is a sense of disappointment in the part of the best students, exactly those for whom the system should present the greatest challenges. Thus, a university trying to promote professors primarily on the teaching qualities would have to confront this confusion.

As modern science moves faster, two forces are exerted on professor: one is the time needed to keep on with the profession; the other is the time needed to teach. The training of new scientists requires outstanding teaching at the research university as well as the arts college. Although scientists are usually “made” in the elementary schools, scientists can be “lost” by poor teaching at the college and graduate school levels. The solution is not to separate teaching and research, but to recognize that the combination is difficult but vital. The title of professor should be given only to those who profess, and it is perhaps time for universities to reserve it for those willing to be an earnest part of the community of scholars. Professor unwilling to teach can be called “distinguished research investigators” or something else.

The pace of modern science makes it increasingly difficult to be a great researcher and a great teacher. Yet many are described in just those terms. Those who say we can separate teaching and research simply do not understand the system but those who say the problem will disappear are not fulfilling their responsibilities.

第31题:What idea does the author want to convey in the first paragraph?

A) It is wrong to overestimate the importance of teaching.

B) Teaching and research are contradictory to each other.

C) Research can never be emphasized too much.

D) The relationship between teaching and research should not be simplified.

Liu Hui interviews Dr. Smith about the issue of educational inequality.Liu Hui: Thank yo

Liu Hui interviews Dr. Smith about the issue of educational inequality.

Liu Hui: Thank you, Dr. Smith, for agreeing to be interviewed by our Campus News Weekly. First, what do you mean by educational inequality?

Dr. Smith: Educational inequality is the disparity that certain students experience in their education as compared to other students. But the meaning of it varies in different social contexts.

Liu Hui: Why does it exist in modern society?

Dr. Smith: Well, researchers link educational inequality to socioeconomic, racial and geographic reasons.

Liu Hui: So it is very likely that educational inequality exists in different forms in different countries.

Dr. Smith: Yeah, you are right. For example, in the United States, although skin color is linked to other forms of inequality, it is evident in education.

Liu Hui: Educational inequality exists in China, too. For example, the college entrance rate is much higher in Beijing than in other provinces. How do you think can we someday eradicate the inequality?

Dr. Smith: It's impossible to answer such a big question in few words. Educational inequality has become one of the most important political and social issues in every nation nowadays. There have been numerous attempts at reforms and.....

1. Well, researchers link educational inequality to {A; B; C}.

A. socioeconomic, racial and educational reasons

B. racial, economic and geographic reasons

C. racial, socioeconomic and geographic reasons

2. According to the passage, {A; B; C}.

A. in the United States, skin color is linked to other forms of inequality, but not in education

B. in the United States, skin color is only linked to the form. of inequality in education

C. in the United States, skin color is linked to the inequality in education

3. Educational inequality exists in {A; B; C}.

A. China only

B. many countries

C. all the countries

4. What does the word “eradicate” mean in the passage? {A; B; C}

A. get rid of

B. cope with

C. carry out

5. What's the attitude of Dr. Smith to the future of education equality? {A; B; C}

A. reserved

B. positive

C. negative

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