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Ideas about education are changing in the United States. Education today is not just a hig

h school diploma (文凭) or a college degree. Many adults are not interested in going to college. They are interested in other kinds of learning. For them, learning does not end with a diploma.

Continuing education gives these adults the opportunity to increase their knowledge about their own field or to learn about a new field. It also gives them a chance to improve their old skills or to learn new ones. Scientists, mechanics (技师) and barbers (理发师) can take classes to improve their work skills. . If they know more or learn more, they can get a better job or earn more money.

Continuing education classes give more adults the chance to learn new skills. There is usually a large variety of classes to choose from: typing, foreign cooking, photography, auto repair, furniture repair, or swimming. There are only some of the classes available.

Some adults take classes for fun or because the class will be useful for them. Other adults take continuing education classes to improve their own lives because they want to feel better about themselves.

Almost any community college or public school system has a continuing education program. There are classes in schools, community buildings or churches. Most classes are in the evenings, so working people can attend. The classes are usually small, and they are inexpensive.

The new idea about education in the U. S. is that______ .

A.everyone should get a college degree

B.it's no use for adults to go to college

C.a high school diploma is the end of education

D.adults should go on learning after graduating from school

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更多“Ideas about education are chan…”相关的问题
In this text the writer is expressing______.A.her personal opinionsB.the opinions of the g

In this text the writer is expressing______.

A.her personal opinions

B.the opinions of the general public

C.her feelings about cancer sufferers

D.some ideas of fund-raising


Which of the following is the best title for the passage?()。

A.We Should Eat Different Foods

B.Special Foods on Certain Holidays

C.People in Western Countries Like Coffee Most

D.Different Ideas about Foods and Drinks

Some Americans complain about elementary schools because they think______.A.children are r

Some Americans complain about elementary schools because they think______.

A.children are reluctant to help each other

B.schools lay too much emphasis on cooperation

C.children should grow up with competitive ideas

D.schools give little actual instruction to children

The study of philosophies should make our own ideas flexible. We are all of us apt to take
certain general ideas for granted, and call them common sense. We should learn that other people have held quite different ideas, and that our own have started as very original guesses of philosophers.

A scientist is apt to think that all the problems of philosophy will ultimately be solved by science. I think this is true for a great many of the questions on which philosophers still argue. For example, Plato thought that when we saw something, one ray of light came to it from the sun, and another from our eyes and that seeing was something like feeling with a stick. We now know that the light comes from the sun, and is reflected into our eyes. We don't know in much detail how the changes in our eyes give rise to sensation. But there is every reason to think that as we learn more about the physiology of the brain, we shall do so, and that the great philosophical problems about knowledge are going to be pretty fully cleared up.

But if our descendants know the answers to these questions and others that perplex us today, there will still be one field of which they do not know, namely the future. However exact our science; we cannot know it as we know the past. Philosophy may be described as argument about things of which we are ignorant. And where science gives us a hope of knowledge it is often reasonable to suspend judgment. That is one reason why Marx and Engels quite rightly wrote to many philosophical problems that interested their contemporaries.

But we have got to prepare for the future, and we cannot do so rationally without some philosophy. Some people say we have only got to do the duties revealed in the past and laid down by religion, and god will look after the future. Others say that the world is a machine and the course of future events is certain, whatever efforts we may make. Marxists say that the future depends on ourselves, even though we are part of the historical process. This philosophical view certainly does inspire people to very great achievements. Whether it is true or not, it is powerful guide to action.

We need a philosophy, then, to help us to tackle the future. Agnosticism easily becomes an excuse for laziness and conservatism. Whether we adopt Marxism or any other philosophy, we cannot understand it without knowing something of how it developed. That is why knowledge of the history of philosophy is important to Marxists, even during the present critical days.

What is the main idea of this passage?

A.The argument whether philosophy will ultimately be solved by science or not.

B.The importance of learning philosophies, especially the history of philosophy.

C.The difference between philosophy and science.

D.A discuss about how to set a proper attitude towards future.

Passage 2There is nothing new about TV and fashion magazines giving girls unhealthy ideas

Passage 2

There is nothing new about TV and fashion magazines giving girls unhealthy ideas about how thin they need to be in order to be considered beautiful. What is _1_ is the method psychologists at the University of Texas have come up with to keep girls from developing eating disorders. Their main weapon against superskinny (role) models: a brand of civil disobedience _2_ “body activism.” Since 2001,more than 1,000 high school and college students in the U.S. have participated in the Body Project, which works by getting girls to understand how they have been buying into the _3_ that you have to be thin to be happy or successful. After critiquing (评论)the so-called thin ideal by writing essays and role-playing with their peers, participants are _4_ to come up with and execute small,_5_acts. They include slipping notes saying “Love your body the way it is” into dieting books at stores like Borders and writing letters to Mattel, makers of the impossibly _6_ Barbie doll. According to a study in the latest issue of the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, the risk of developing eating disorders was reduced 61% among Body Project participants. And they continued to exhibit _7_ body-image attitudes as long as three years after completing the program, which consists of four one-hour _8_. Such lasting effects may be due to girls’ realizing not only how they were being _9_ but also who was benefiting from the societal pressure to be thin.“These people who promote the perfect body really don’t care about you at all,” says Kelsey Hertel, a high school junior and Body Prqject veteran in Eugene, Oregon. “They _10_ make you feel like less of a person so you’ll buy their stuff and they’ll make money.”

A) nonviolent

B) notification

C) dubbed

D) sessions

E) purposefully

F) surprising

G) expired

H) directed

I) positive

J) casually

K) notion

L) proportioned

M) ambiguous

N) influenced

O) entities


Much has been written about the potential for management to become isolated from customers
and employees. This phenomenon often occurs not just within top management, but also within middle management.

I've seen this isolation phenomenon in many companies. The symptoms are quite apparent: Managers spend a great deal of time talking to themselves and studying operating numbers. They spend precious little time with customers or with employees, trying to understand the system of the business. And when they do spend time with them, they often do not probe deeply into needs, concerns, and opportunities. This phenomenon, often referred to as being" internally focused," can be tremendously insidious.

Although the need for understanding and spending time with customers has been well documented, I find few managers spending time in the field. The benefits of doing so are clear. A visit with your counterparts at customers' distribution centers, for example, not only builds relationships that can prove useful when problems arise, but also uncovers numerous opportunities to enhance your performance and deepen your company's linkage with those customers.

There are many ways to connect with and understand employee perspectives. Some companies have found formal sessions in which senior managers solicit ideas from employees to be very useful. These can be run either as focus groups or as structured discussions.

Managers also should exploit every opportunity to gather organizational knowledge from employees. Some successful managers collect employees' opinions by what often is referred to as" managing by walking around" or the" 10-minute cup of coffee. "They may, for example, go to employees' offices and solicit, their opinions. Or at lunch or when they take a cup of coffee, they" mix with the troops" and solicit their input.

Rather than talk about the latest game, you can solicit employees' ideas by asking questions like: What are you working on? How's it going? What's good about our organization? What could be better? How could we better serve our customers or improve our processes? What do you think we Should be doing differently?

You'll be surprised at how valuable a" 10-minute cup of coffee" together with a brief conversation with an employee can be. It will make you a more effective manager.

What is the common problem in management?

A.Infrequent contact with customers and employees.

B.Managers spend little time on study.

C.Managers do not know their employees well.

D.Managers lack of experience.

It fascinates me to observe the way in __ (31)___ children so often react against thei
It fascinates me to observe the way in __ (31)___ children so often react against thei

r parents’ ideas, while at the same time _ _(32)___ their parents’ characteristics.That is to say, the children grow up to _ _(33)___ different views from their parents’, yet to have ___(34)___ personalities.There is a __ _(35)____ going on in the toy world at present over whether children should be ___(36)___ to have war toys.I don’t believe in encouraging war toys, but I do not see any ___(37)___ in forbidding them when I think of the __ (38)___ of my friend Harry.Harry is the __ (39)___ of strict parents who were totally opposed to war.He was never allowed toy soldiers __ (40)___ a boy, never allowed toy guns.Harry grew up and went into the army, becoming a first-class soldier and ___(41)___ all sorts of military honors in a rather fierce unit.He became the opposite in __ (42)___ way of what his parents might have expected __ (43)___ their son.And yet there is a gentleness about Harry which shows a ___(44)____ personality.There is a sympathetic element about the man which I can see __ (45)____ have come from his family.In ___(46)___ of doing things differently from our parents, a lot of the spirits gets passed on.Parents in all conscience have to __(47)___ their children what they believe to be right; but it is not so much your ideas that the children _ (48)___ as your example.Perhaps the best __ (49)__ to teach one’s child gentleness is not to forbid toy guns, but to be gentle in one’s __ (50)___ every day life.











































C.having won

D.did win





































How men first learnt to invent words is unknown; in other words, the origin of language is
a mystery. All we really know is that men, unlike animals, somehow invented certain sounds to express thought and feelings, actions and things, so that they could communicate with each other; and that later they agreed upon certain signs, called letters, which could be combined to present those sounds, and which could be written down. Those sounds, whether spoken or written in letters, we call words.

The power of words, then, lies in their associations - the things they bring up before our minds. Words become filled with meaning for us by experience; and the longer we live, the more certain words recall to us the glad and sad events of our past; and the more we read and learn, the more the number of words that mean something increases.

Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which appeal powerfully to our minds and emotions. This charming and telling use of words is what we call literary style. Above all, the real poet is a master of words. He can convey his meaning in words which sing like music and which by their position and association can move men to tears. We should therefore learn to choose our words carefully and use them accurately, or they will make our speech silly and vulgar.

1.The origin of language is _________.

A、a legend handed down from the past

B、a matter that is hidden or secret

C、a question difficult to answer

D、a problem not yet solved

2.What is true about words? _______

A、They are used to express feelings only.

B、They can not be written down.

C、They are simply sounds.

D、They are mysterious.

3.The real power of words consists in their ______.




D、representative function

4.By "association" in the last paragraph, the author means ______.

A、a special quality

B、a joining of ideas in the mind

C、an appearance which is puzzling

D、a strange feature

5.Which of the following statements about the real poet is NOT true? _________

A、He is no more than a master of words.

B、He can convey his ideas in words which sing like music.

C、He can move men to tears.

D、His style. is always charming.

Learning a foreign language is not a matter of reading some grammar rules and learning
some vocabulary words — although those are important activities not to be ignored.Acquiring (学到) a language is learning a skill, not a body of information.It’s as much like learning to swim or ride a bike as it is like learning about the Second World War.That is, you must not only understand the ideas and have information at hand, but also make your body accustomed to using that information in physical activity: In this case, the physical activity is speaking, listening, writing and reading.

You need, then, not only to learn and understand, but also to practice!

Here are a few suggestions on effective practice/study techniques.

1.Make your mouth or hand do what your mind is learning.Study out loud.Do go to the lab and work on the tapes.Study with a friend, and, thus, participate in speaking and listening.Try to write sentences or a short paragraph using the skills you have practiced with your own lips.

2.Study day-by-day.You cannot get by in a foreign language course by cramming (临时抱佛脚) at the last minute.You may be able to “learn” vocabulary items that way, but you cannot teach your mouth to use them in sentences.

3.Sometimes go back and review “old”topics and vocabulary.Language learning is cumulative (累积的).You learn new skills on the basis of old ones.The more you “recycle”familiar information and skills, the better you will be able to take in new ones.

4.Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.Self-consciousness (害羞) can be a strong barrier to learning a language.Perhaps part of the reason small children readily learn languages is that they are not afraid of making mistakes.

41.The first paragraph of the passage has been written to lay stress on the fact that______.

A.memorizing vocabulary words is necessary in language learning

B.learning to swim is quite similar to learning about the Second World War

C.understanding the ideas is more important than anything else

D.language learning is a process of acquiring different language skills

42.One of the major benefits of studying with a friend is that ________ .

A.it makes one talk in a particular language

B.it builds the friendship between two friends

C.friends can share tapes or other learning materials

D.one studies better in with a friend

43.Cramming is no good while learning a language because _________.

A.it is of little use to study without a clear purpose

B.nothing can be learned through cramming

C.anything learned that way can hardly be put into use

D.one may not find enough time to use at the last minute

44.The purpose of reviewing old topics is __________.

A.to build up a good basis for new skills

B.to enjoy the good ideas contained in them

C.to throw away the old, useless information

D.to avoid making mistakes in the future

45.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A.Why Children Are Able to Learn a Language Better than Grown-ups

B.A Few Suggestions on Studying a Foreign Language

C.Why Learning a Foreign Language Is More Difficult than Anything Else

D.An Introduction to Language Teaching and Learning

Though society is increasingly open-minded, the rates of interracial marriages are sti
ll fairly infrequent.However, if you consider that, in a society with a much more conservative attitude, there were not interracial marriages before, at least not ones that were supported, then the current rates are higher.There are still problems in addition to societal approval.

There is a need for people to conform. with society, therefore preventing social-emotional support for interracial couples.Many people are afraid of getting involved because of what others will think.People are often much more open to and ready to embrace the idea when it does not affect their life.“ I support the kid down the street marrying for love, no matter what color skin the person they love has.” However, the same person is not necessarily so supportive when his child brings home someone of another race.Without the support of family, relationships feel more stressful.

Different cultural ideas also increase stress in a relationship.People tend to argue more when they agree less.They tend to agree less when their ideas about things are different.People naturally value their ideas more than they value the ideas of others.This causes each person in the relationship to constantly try to convince the other that their ideas are worthy and that they are worthy of love.A relationship with constant disagreement and a consistent effort to convince the other they deserve their love, without a social network for support, is not likely to be a long-term relationship.

Experts suggest that the way to overcome this is to have a new identity.After securing themselves in the relationship, the partners develop new relational identities that are uniquely and mutually theirs as an interracial couple.This new identity provides the support that is needed to make a relationship succeed.

11.The main idea of Paragraph 1 is that_______.

A.in a conservative society in the past, there were no interracial marriages

B.in a conservative society in the past, interracial marriages were not supported

C.the rates of interracial marriages are still infrequent in an open society

D.compared with the rates of interracial marriages in the past, the current rates are higher

12.According to the passage, which of the following is true?

A.Since people are much more open in the modern society, they support interracial marriages

B.When their child falls in love with someone of another race, parents are usually supportive

C.People do not have to obey the rules of the society

D.Many people are supportive to interracial marriages when they are not concerned.

13.The author’s attitude toward interracial marriages is _______.





14.The main idea of Paragraph 3 is that _______.

A.people always try to convince other people that they are worthy of love

B.modern people tend to value their ideas more than they value the ideas of others

C.constant disagreement will usually lead to a short-term relationship if a supportive social network is not available

D.because of different cultural ideas, people tend to argue more while they agree less

15.The author mentions in the last paragraph that a successful interracial marriage depends on _________.

A.support from society

B.a new identity

C.a new identity and social support

D.a unique and mutual relationship

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