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When I was a kid, I never knew what my parents—or anyone else's—did for a living. As far a

s I could tell, all grownups had mysterious jobs that involved drinking lots of coffee and arguing about Richard Nixon. If they had job-related stress, they kept it private. Now American families are expected to be more intimate. While this has resulted in a lot more hugs, "I love you's," and attendance at kids' football games, unfortunately we parents also insist on sharing the frustrations of our work byes.

While we have complained about our jobs or fallen asleep in car-pool lines, our children have been noticing. They are worried about us. A new survey, "Ask the children," conducted by the Families and Work Institute of New York City, queried more than 1,000 kids between the ages of 8 and 18 about their parents' work lives. "If you were granted one wish to change the way your parents' work affected your life," the survey asked kids, "what would that wish be?" Most parents assumed that children would want more time with them, but only 10% did. Instead, the most common wish (among 34% ) was that parents would be less stressed and tired by work.

Allison Levin is the mother of three young children and a professional in the growing field of "work/ life quality". Levin counsels employees who are overwhelmed by their work and family obligations to carefully review their commitments-not only at the office but at home and in the community too—and start paring them down. "It's not about getting up earlier in the morning se you can get more done," she says. "It's about saying no and making choices."

We can start by leaving work, and thoughts of work, behind as soon as we start the trip home. Do something to get yourself in a good mood, like listening to music, rather than returning calls on the cell phone. When you get home, change out of your work clothes, let the answering machine take your calls, and stay away from e-mail. When your kids ask about your day, tell them about something good that happened. (In the survey, 69% of moms said they liked their work, but only 42% of kids thought their mothers really did. )

Parents can also de-stress by cutting back on their children's activities. If keeping up with your kid's schedule is killing you, insist that he choose between karate lessons and the theater troupe. Parents should also sneak away from work and family occasionally to have some fun. I keep a basketball in the trunk of my can. I might never be able to fix everything at work or at home, but at least I can work on my jump shot.

Which of the following sentences can be the best title of this passage?

A.Kids Say: Chill

B.Kids Stress Parents

C.Parents Complain about work

D.Parents Get in Good Mood

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更多“When I was a kid, I never knew…”相关的问题
When I was a small kid, I()swim in the river near our house.

A.be used to

B.used to

C.get used to

D.was used to

In 1989,Melissa started Kids F.A.C.E.as an after-school club at her elementary school

In 1989,Melissa started Kids F.A.C.E.as an after-school club at her elementary school.The six-member group met each Monday to write letters and plan cleanup activities."We never thought it was anything more than a group of kids coming together so they could talk about the environment,"says Trish Poe,her mother.But then a letter from Milissa to the "Today" show got her club on television in 1990.When other kids heard about the club,they wrote asking how they could get involed.So Melissa,with the help of her mother,who today manages the Kids F.A.C.E.office as executive director,developed a membership book that instructed kids on environmental projects and how to start a club of their own."I felt like I had to write them all back at once because I didn't like what the president did to me.Because I didn't like being ignored...I didn't want the kids to have the same feeling,"says Melissa.Requests for information came from all over the nation.At first,Melissa's parents paid the postage and supply bills for the club,but soon expenses became too high.So the club found a sponsor,War-Mart Inc.,which began underwriting the bimonthly newsletter,Kids F.A.C.E.illustrated,which currently provides environmental updates,suggestions,and ideas to more than 2 million people world wide.

问题:How many people worldwide can have access to the club's bimonthly newsletter ___

A、1 million

B、2 million

C、3 million

D、4 million

More people wanted to join the club after________

A、a newspaper interview was made

B、enough letters were distributed

C、they heard about the club from a television show

D、Melissa became an executive director

When Melissa was starting the club,she was________

A、a school teacher working for the kids

B、a social worker taking care of children after school

C、the parent of a kid at school

D、a kid attending an elementary school

When Melissa first organized Kids F.A.C.E.,she meant to ()

A、have a writing club for the kids

B、ask the kids to clean the environment

C、give kids a chance to talk about the environment

D、have a national club

"Tear'em apart!" "Kill the fool!" "Murder the referee(裁判)!"These are common remarks one

"Tear'em apart!" "Kill the fool!" "Murder the referee(裁判)!"

These are common remarks one may hear at various sporting events. At the time they are made, they may seem innocent enough. But let's not kid ourselves. They have been known to influence behavior. in such a way as to lead to real bloodshed. Volumes have been written about the way words affect us. It has been shown that words having certain connotations(含义)may cause us to react in ways quite foreign to what we consider to be our usual humanistic behavior. I see the term "opponent" as one of those words. Perhaps the time has come to delete it from sports terms.

The dictionary meaning of the term "opponent" is "adversary"; "enemy"; "one who opposes your interests." Thus, when a player meets an opponent, he or she may tend to treat that opponent as an enemy. At such times, winning may dominate one's intellect, and every action, no matter how gross, may be considered justifiable. I recall an incident in a handball game when a referee refused a player's request for a time out for a glove change because he did not considered them wet enough. The player proceeded to rub his gloves across his wet T-shirt and then exclaimed, "Are they wet enough now?"

In the heat of battle, players have been observed to throw themselves across the court without considering the consequences that such a move might have on anyone in their way. I have also witnessed a player reacting to his opponent's intentional and illegal blocking by deliberately hitting him with the ball as hard as he could during the course of play. Off the court, they are good friends. Does that make any sense? It certainly gives proof of a court attitude which departs from normal behavior.

Therefore, I believe it is time we elevated(提升)the game to the level where it belongs thereby setting an example to the rest of the sporting world. Replacing the term "opponent" with' "associate" could be an ideal way to start.

The dictionary meaning of the term "associate "is "colleague"; "friend"; "companion". Reflect a moment! You may soon see and possibly feel the difference in your reaction to the term "associate" rather than "opponent."

Which of the following statements best expresses the author's view?

A.Aggressive behavior. in sports can have serious consequences.

B.The words people use can influence their behavior.

C.Unpleasant words in sports are often used by foreign athletes.

D.Unfair judgments by referees will lead to violence on the sports field.

Monica is () to think so, on both (). Now a 40-year-old mother of four, she is preside
Monica is () to think so, on both (). Now a 40-year-old mother of four, she is preside

nt of a public sector labor union with 45,000 members. "() with my employees are probably different from those of male managers () me," she says. "I know what it's like to have to call and say my kid got the () so I won't be coming in. I have a more () style. - not soft, just more understanding." The man who is Monica's () agrees, "She tends to () more and is always looking for a (). People are happy and flourish because they have an input into decisions and they are not mere (); their energies are harnessed. On the other hand, consensus takes longer."

It happened again the other night.We’re watching the weather report on television.Agener

ic-looking(相貌平平)man in a generic-looking suit slides back and forth before a map of the region,telling us we have nothing to worry about.Only a slight chance of an isolated thunderstorm after midnight.It’s 6:30 p.m.He smiles,tells us to have a great evening and fades away to sports.Less than an hour later,it’s pouring.And I mean pouring.Sheets-of-rain-down-the-windowpanes pouring.It remains one of life’s 1ittle mysteries to me how such well-intentioned and well-trained people using such high-tech equipment can be so wrong,and so often. I’ve often said that if I made that many mistakes in front of so many people,I’d have been out of job 35 years ago.I grew up on the windswept(受大风侵袭的)plains of western New York State.When the m an on the Buffalo station said it was going to snow,it snowed.It never failed. This was October,usually around Halloween(万圣节)。 He then predicted snow for the next six months,and he was never wrong November. December.January.February.March.April.Snow.Even as a kid,I figured Out this wasn’t rocket science.But at least he was always accurate.He had no equipment,no red or blue or green spots floating across his map.In fact,I’ll not sure I remember a map。In those days,we a11 knew where we were.NO map was Required。He got most()f his forecast tips,I suspect,from his bones and how they felt.

I have my simple theories why weather reporting is so inaccurate. WeatherepOrters rarely go outside.Nor can they see outside.MOst 0f them work in windowless buildings.

31.The sentence “It happened again the 0ther night” implies that ().

A.weather reporters are Often fired because they are inaccurate

B.it rains much too 0ften at night in that area of the country

C.inaccuracies in teleVisiOn weather reports are frequent

D.the author Often watches the weather report on teleVisiOn

32.The phrase“fades away to sports”(para.1)means ().

A.he goe s on t0 talk ab0ut sports programs

B.he goes away t0 play sports after work

C.sports programs begin when he disappears

D.sports have to be cancelled because 0f ranin

33.1t began to rain ().

A.at 6:30 p.m.

B.before 7:30 p.m.

C.after 7:30 p.m

D.by midnight

34.What the author intends to say id that weather reports are inaccurate because weaher reporters ().

A.are not well—equipped as expected

B.are not always responsible enough

C.go unpunished for their mistakes

D.do not conduct enough fieldwork

35.According to the author ,the man on the Buffalo station was accurate in predicting weather because ().

A.his pay depended on the tips he got from weather reports

B.what he felt in his bones helped to foresee the weather

C.it was the knowledge he gained from his ancestors

D.he could see snow coming from the windswept plains

When I was by myself, I felt_____A. aloneB. onlyC. lonely

When I was by myself, I felt_____

A. alone

B. only

C. lonely

I remember ______ to the zoo by my father when I was a child.A.to be takenB.had been taken

I remember ______ to the zoo by my father when I was a child.

A.to be taken

B.had been taken

C.being taken

D.to be taking


The instant () I saw him, I knew he was the man from the restaurant.




D. then

Don't hesitate to click on our website when you need us.—().Thank you.

A.I can

B.I will

C.I know

I first began to wonder _____ I was doing on a college campus.





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