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She has made up her mind to become a doctor working for the () ofsuffering.





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更多“She has made up her mind to be…”相关的问题
The woman has made up her mind again to go on a diet to get rid of her ______ weight,
thought she failed several times in the past.





Passage Three Shopping for clothes is not the same experience for a man as it is for

Passage Three

Shopping for clothes is not the same experience for a man as it is for a woman. A man goes shopping because he needs something.

His purpose is settled and decided. He knows what he wants and he just finds it and buys it, but cares little about the price. All men simply walk into a shop and ask the assistant for what they want. If the shop has it, the salesman quickly takes it out, and the business of trying it on follows at once. If all is well, the deal(买卖) can be and is often completed in less than five minutes, with hard any chat and to everyone's satisfaction.

For a man, small problems may begin when the shop does not have what he wants, or does not have exactly what he wants. In that case the salesman tries to sell the customer something else—he offers the nearest he can to the thing asked for. He would say, "I know this jacket is not the style. you want, Sir, but would you like to try it on for size? It happens to be the color you mentioned." Few men have patience (耐心 ) with this treatment, and the usual answer is, "This is the right color and may be the right size, but I should be wasting my time and yours by trying it on."

Now how docs a woman go about buying clothes? In almost every respect (方面) she does so quite differently. Her shopping is not often based on need. She has never fully made up her mind about what she wants, and she is only "having a look around". She is always open to what the salesman tells her, even to what her friends tell her. She will try on any number of things. What is most important in her mind is the thought of finding something that everyone thinks suits her. Besides, most women have an excellent sense of value when they boy clothes. The), are always ready for the unexpected bargain (便宜货). Faced with a roomful of dresses, a woman may easily spend an hour going from one counter to another before selecting the dresses she wants to try on. It takes time, but surely it is enjoyable to women shoppers. Most dress shops provide chairs for the waiting husbands.

44. When a man is buying clothes, ______.

A. he buys cheap things and does not care about the quality

B. he chooses things that others recommend

C. he does not mind how much he has to pay for the right things

D. he buys good quality things, so long as they are not too expensive

On 11 December, 1979, Mother Teresa went to Norway. She went to receive the greatest p
rize in the world—the Nobel Peace Prize. She stood in her blue and white sari in front of hundreds of important people. She spoke simply. She had no notes. She told them of the poverty and sadness in the world.

She received the prize of $190 000 not for herself but for the poor people of the world. She used the money to feed hungry people, to give homes to those who have nowhere to live, to give help to the sick and the dying. In fact she received more than $190 000. There was not the usual Nobel banquet in 1979. The money which was saved on the banquet bought meals for fifteen thousand hungry people.

The Nobel Peace Prize is usually given to famous politicians, but Mother Teresa is not a politician. She is a nun, the Mother Superior of the Missionaries of Charity. She received theNobel Peace Prize because her whole fife has been given to loving and helping people.

81.The Nobel Prize is awarded in ___.





82.According to the passage, Mother Teresa ___.

A.did not speak from prepared notes

B.spoke to fifteen thousand people in Norway

C.used to live in Albania

D.had worked in Russia

83.The Nobel Peace Prize was given to Mother Teresa because ____.

A.she has made great contributions to world politics

B.she is head of an influential religious organization

C.she lives simply herself but is generous to other people

D.she has devoted her life to loving and helping people

84.According to the text, there is usually ____ for the Nobel Prize receiver.

A.a banquet

B.a show

C.a celebration

D.a tour

85.The best title for this passage can be: _____

A.Mother Teresa's Life

B.Mother Teresa Receives the Nobel Peace Prize

C.A Famous Woman

D.Angel of the Poor

A 10-year-old girl who weighs 175 pounds has been told by doctor :"diet or die &quo
A 10-year-old girl who weighs 175 pounds has been told by doctor :"diet or die ".

Brooke Walker keeps eating junk food(垃圾食品)and already weighs more than Britain's fattest teenager did at the same age .she's been warned by the doctor that they can do no more for her .Next month ,she will begin a healthy eating and exercise plan to save her life.

Brook, who’s too large for girls’ clothes and has to wear boys’ clothes, has been laughed at all her life. She stays indoors much of the time. ”when ”I look in the mirror I feel sad,” she said.

“Doctors have told me that unless I lose weight and exercise I will be very, very sick when I grow up. I have tired really hard to do as the doctors say. But every time I play outside, people stop and look at me and call me “fatso”. I end up crying in my room. ”

Brooke’s weight increased quickly when she developed a love of takeaways and fatty junk food. She often ordered food from shops or restaurant and ate at home. Her daily meal used to be potato chips, chocolates, pizza, and sweet drinks. Brooks’ mum Stacey, a busy single mum, admits Brooke suffered from being dished up with fast food in her early year.

In the first seven days she won’t be able to phone home, but she’s determined to succeed. “I can’t wait to go,” she says. “I am not afraid of going away. My one wish is to lose weight and look like other girls. I am tired of being called fatty and want it to end.”

32、what does the underlined word “diet” most probably mean in the text?()

A.To limit(限制) food

B.To do exercise

C.To see a doctor

D.To go outdoors

33、How does Brooke feel about being fat?()





34、What has caused Brooke’s health problem?()

A.Poor family background

B.bad eating habit

C.lack of exercise equipment

D.little food at home

Christmas GiftMary didn’t know what to send to her grandparents for Christmas. It was
Christmas Gift

Mary didn’t know what to send to her grandparents for Christmas. It was always hard to choose a good Christmas present for them. They didn’t need much, and it was hard for her to be creative every year.

One year, she sent them a big wooden elephant. It sat on the counter for a year, but then it disappeared, probably into a closet somewhere. Another year, she made handmade soaps with nice smells, but they probably weren’t any better than store-bought soaps. Last year, she sent lots of nice pictures of herself in frames, but grandparents’ house was small, and they couldn’t hang up very many.

This year, she decided on fruit. She lived where it was warm and there was lots of nice fruit. Her grandparents lived up north, where it colder and they couldn’t get fresh fruit all year, or at least not oranges and grapefruit. Fresh fruit was healthy for her grandparents, too.

Mary went to a fruit store and sampled the red oranges. She really liked them and bought a kilogram. Then she tried three kinds of grapefruit. The white ones were sour. The star grapefruit were interesting, but the dark red grapefruit were great. So she got a kilogram.

Mary carefully packed the fruit in a box to keep them safe and dry in case one got smashed and its juice got everywhere. Then she wrote the address on the box and mailed it from the store. She felt happy with what she bought.

A few days later, Mary got a phone call from her grandparents, thanking her for the lovely fruit. They said it was a healthy, tasty, and very thoughtful gift. Mary had never felt sogood before.

1.Mary wastroubled because she___________.

A. had no idea for a holiday gift

B. we no creative in her work

C. could notafford Christmas gifts

D. found her grandma bard to please

2.What didMary send her grandparents last year_________.

A. A wooden elephant

B. Handmade soaps

C. Her own pictures

D. A store-bought closet

3.In se1ecting the gifts, Mary was ___________.

A. excited

B. impatient

C. exhausted

D. thoughtful

4.Which ofthe following did Mary buy for her grandparents this year_________.

A. Yellow oranges

B. Dark red grapefruit

C. White grapefruit

D. Star grapefruit

5. Mary’s grandparents___________.

A. loved her gift

C. wrote her a letter

B. sent her a card

D. put her gift away

The world of taxi drivers is dominated by men. But there is one small taxi company in De
lhi,where all the drivers and passengers are female. Women’s safety is a hot topic in India at the moment, so it's proving a very popular service.

“When I’m on the road driving our taxi I feel very proud,because this is the first taxi service only for women,” says 31­year­old Shanti Sharma, who is one of eight female drivers with a taxi service called Cabs for Women by Women.

The last couple of months, since the rape and murder in the city of a college student travelling on a bus, have been particularly busy for her and her colleagues.

“After this case,our workload has increased so much,” says Sharma.“Women who used other cab services are also turning to us now.”

Most women in Delhi say they routinely face harassment(骚扰), and worse, especially on public transport.

Sharma, a single parent with three daughters, has been working as a taxi driver since 2011, when the service was first set up, and it has changed her life. This is the first time that she has earned enough—about 250 a month—to support her family.

Of course, she and the other female taxi drivers are completely outnumbered by male cabbies.“When I park somewhere there are always men there and inevitably five or six of them get together and hang out, ” she says.“I’m usually the only woman in the parking lot, so I just stay inside the car.”

It’s not much better when she is out on the road. Sharma says the male drivers give her a hard time.“As soon as they see a woman at the wheel they start honking(按喇叭) for no reason. They’ll try to overtake you. I’m always worrying about how to avoid getting hit by someone.”

The company behind Cabs for Women by Women, Sakha Consulting Wings, had a number of goals when it set up the service .It wanted to give women from poor backgrounds an opportunity to earn money. By putting women in charge of technologies, it also wanted to change people’s attitudes, and open up boundaries for women.

21、The taxi service Cabs for Women by Women _____.

A、is greatly needed at present in India

B、causes a hot debate in India

C、was set up in 2012

D、is free of charge for women

22、Why are women who used other cab services turning to Cabs for Women by Women?

A、Because it is cheap.

B、Because it is safe.

C、Because it is famous.

D、Because it is convenient.

23、What do we know about Sharma?

A、She is the first female taxi driver in Delhi.

B、She lives in harmony with her husband.

C、She has regretted becoming a taxi driver.

D、She has a better salary after becoming a taxi driver.

24、What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A、The opportunities Cabs for Women by Women provides for women.

B、The main purposes of Cabs for Women by Women.

C、People’s attitudes towards Cabs for Women by Women.

D、The background information of Cabs for Women by Women.

There was a time when, if a lady got onto a crowded bus or train, a gentleman would immedi
ately stand up and offer her his seat. Today a gentleman will probably look out of the window or hide behind his newspaper. Either way, the lady will have to stand until someone gets off.

You can' t entirely blame men for this change in manners. The days are gone when women could be treated as the weaker sex. A whole generation of women has grown up demanding equality with men; not just equality in jobs or education, but in social attitudes. Hold a door open for some women and you're likely to get an angry lecture on treating women as inferiors, unable to open doors for themselves. Take a girl out for a meal and she'll probably insist on paying her share of the bill.

It' s no wonder, then, that men have given up some of the gestures of politeness and consideration which they used to show towards women. On the other hand, man' s politeness is perhaps slowly being replaced by true consideration for the needs and feelings of women, so that men can see women as equal human beings.

What do gentlemen now do when a lady gets on a crowded bus or train?

A.They will stand up reluctantly.

B.They will offer her their seats after a while.

C.They will pretend not to see her.

D.They will get off the bus.

阅读理解:根据文章内容,完成选择题。Lilian Hanson, a college students, expects to graduate


Lilian Hanson, a college students, expects to graduate in about two years. What makes Mrs. Hanson different from her classmates is her age—73 years. She has been studying at college, a few courses at a time, for 27 years.

When Lilian Hanson graduated from high school, she went to the bank to borrow money for the further education. The banker gave her no encouragement. He didn't think that a country girl should borrow money to go to college. He thought she should be at home doing work in the house or around the farm. So Lilian Hanson went home and raised a family of nine children instead of going to college. Mrs. Hanson never forgot her dream of getting a higher education. When her children were grown, she tried again.

She finds the hardest part of going back to school at her age is to sit in class for long periods of time. Because she is not as quick as she used to be, Mrs. Hanson often gets up and walks around classes to keep from getting stiff (僵硬). At the beginning of a course in using the computer, the other students all stood up to give her a warm welcome when she introduced herself and explained why she was there and what her aims were.

1. Mrs. Hanson couldn't go to college immediately after she graduated from high school because{A; B; C}.

A. she hadn't got enough money

B. she was a country girl

C. the banker ordered her not to borrow money

2. Mrs. Hanson wanted to borrow money from the bank{A; B; C}.

A. to support her family

B. because she was 73 years old

C. to further her education at college

3. In the college, what makes Mrs. Hanson different from her classmates is{A; B; C}.

A. the fact that she is poor

B. that she has a family of nine children

C. that she is 73 years old

4. The computer students welcome Mrs. Hanson warmly because {A; B; C}.

A. she had got an excellent result in the exam

B. she was good at telling funny stories

C. they were deeply moved by her spirit

5. Mrs. Hanson is the sort of person who{A; B; C}.

A. cares for study very much

B. likes to borrow money from the bank

C. tries to save money for her family."

Danielle Steel,the 71-year-old romance novelist is notoriously productive,having publi
shed 179 booksat a rate of up to seven a year.But a passing reference in a recent profile by Glamour magazine to her 20-hour workdays prompted an outpouring of admiration.

Steel has given that 20-hour figure when describing her“exhausting”process in the past:“I start thebook and don 't leave my desk until the first draft is finished.”She goes from bed,to desk,to bath,tobed,avoiding all contact aside from phone calls with her nine children."I don 't comb my hair for weeks,”she says.Meals are brought to her desk,where she types until her fingers swell and her nails bleed.The business news website Quartz held Steel up as an inspiration,writing that if only we all followedher“actually extremely liberating"example of industrious sleeplessness,we would be quick to see results.well,indeed.With research results showing the cumulative effects of sleep loss and its impact onproductivity,doubt has been voiced about the accuracy of Steel's self-assessment.Her output may beundeniable,but sceptics have suggested that she is guilty of erasing the role of ghostwriters (代笔人) atworst,gross exaggeration at best.

Steel says working 20 hours a day is “pretty brutal physically.”But is it even possible?“No,”saysMaryanne Taylor of the Sleep Works. While you could work that long,the impact on productivity wouldmake it hardly worthwhile. If Steel was routinely sleeping for four hours a night,she would be drasticallyunderestimating the negative impact,says Alison Gardiner,founder of the sleep improvement programmeSleepstation.“It's akin to being drunk.”

lt's possible that Steel is exaggerating the demands of her schedule. Self-imposed sleeplessness has“become a bit of a status symbol", says Taylor, a misguided measure to prove how powerful and productive you are.Margaret Thatcher was also said to get by on four hours a night,while the 130-hour work weeksendured by tech heads has been held up as key to their success.

That is starting to change with increased awareness of the importance of sleep for mental health.“People are starting to realise that sleep should not be something that you fit in between everything else,"says Taylor .

But it is possible—if statistically extremely unlikely—that Steel could be born a “short sleeper”withan unusual body clock,says sleep expert Dr. Sophie Bostock." It's probably present in fewer than 1% ofthe population.”

Even if Steel does happen to be among that tiny minority,says Bostock,it's “pretty irresponsible”tosuggest that 20-hour days are simply a question of discipline for the rest of us.

46. What do we learn from the passage about Glamour magazine readers?

A) They are intrigued by the exotic romance in Danielle Steel's novels.

B)They are amazed by the number of books written by Danielle Steel.

C)They are deeply impressed by Danielle Steel's daily work schedule.

D)They are highly motivated by Danielle Steel's unusual productivity.47. What did the business news website Quartz say about Danielle Steel?

A) She could serve as an example of industriousness.

B) She proved we could liberate ourselves from sleep.

C) She could be an inspiration to novelists all over the world.

D) She showed we could get all our work done without sleep.48. What do sceptics think of Danielle Steel's work schedule claims?

A) They are questionable.

CThey are irresistible.

B)They are alterable.

D)They are verifiablc.

49. What docs Maryanne Taylor think of self-imposed sleeplessness?

A) It may turn out to be key to a successful career.

B)It may be practiced only by certain tech heads.

C)It may symbolise one's importance and success.

D) It may well serve as a measure of self-discipline.

50. How does Dr. Sophic Bostock look at the 20-hour daily work schedule?

A)One should not adopt it without consulting a sleep expert.

B) The general public should not be encouraged to follow it.

C) One must be duly self-disciplined to adhere to it.

D) The majority must adjust their body clock for it.

The most obvious purpose of advertising is to inform. the consumer of available products o
r services.The second【C1】______is to sell the product.The second purpose might be more important to the manufacturers than the【C2】______.The manufacturers go beyond only telling consumers about their products.They also try to persuade customers to buy the【C3】______by creating a desire【C4】______it.Because of advertisement,consumers think that they want something that they do not need.After buying something,the purchaser cannot always explain why it was【C5】______.

Even【C6】______the purchaser probably does not know why he or she bought something,the manufacturers【C7】______.Manufacturers have analyzed the business of【C8】______and buying.They know all the different motives that influence a consumer's purchase—some rational and【C9】______emotional.Furthermore,they

take advantage of this【C10】______.

Why【C11】______so many products displayed at the checkout counters in grocery stores? The store management has some good【C12】______. By the time the customer is【C13】______to pay for a purchase, he or she has already made rational. thought-out decisions【C14】______what he or she needs and wants to buy. The【C15】______

feels that he or she has done a good job of choosing the items. The shopper is especially vulnerable at this point. The【C16】______of candy, chewing gum, and magazines are very attractive. They persuade the purchaser to buy something for emotional, not【C17】______motives. For example, the customer neither needs nor plans to buy candy. but while the customer is standing, waiting to pay money, he or she may suddenly decide to buy【C18】______

This is exactly【C19】______the store and the manufacturer hope that the customer will【C20】______

The customer follows his or her plan.


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