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My parents had explained everything to me and now ().

A.I am having in no doubt left

B.I have not in doubt left

C.I was left in no doubt

D. leaving me in no doubt left

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更多“My parents had explained every…”相关的问题
My parents had trouble_____to living in an apartment.





The day I discovered that the good name my parents had () brought our whole family the respect of our neighbor.





Most people have no idea of the hard work and worry that goes into the collecting of those
fascinating birds and animals that they pay to see in the zoo. One of the questions that is always asked of me is【C1】______I became an animal collector in the first【C2】______. The answer is that I have always been interested in animals and zoos. According to my parents, the first word I was able to say with any【C3】______was not the conventional "mamma" or "daddy",【C4】______the word "zoo", which I would【C5】______over and over again with a shrill【C6】______until .someone, in order to【C7】______me up, would take me to the zoo. When I【C8】______a little older, we lived in Greece and I had a great【C9】______of pets, ranging from owls m seahorses, and I spent all my spare time【C10】______the countryside in search of fresh specimens to【C11】______to my collection of pets.【C12】______on I went for a year to the City Zoo, as a student【C13】______, to get experience of the large animals, such as lions, bears, bison and ostriches,【C14】______were not easy to keep at home. When I left, I【C15】______had enough money of my own to be able to【C16】______my first trip and I have been going【C17】______ever since then. Though a collector's job is not an easy one and is full of【C18】______, it is certainly a job which will ap peal【C19】______all those who love animals and【C20】______.






Nowadays most people decide quite【61】what kind of work they would do. When I was at school
, we had to choose【62】when we were fifteen. I chose scientific subjects. "【63】, scientists will earn a lot of money," my parents said.【64】I tried to learn physics and chemistry, but in the【65】I decided that I【66】a scientist. It was a long time【67】I told my parents that I wasn't happy at school. " I didn't think you were," said my mother. "【68】," said my father. "Well, the best thing to do now is to look for a job. "

I【69】about it with my friends Frank and Lesley.【70】of them【71】suggest anything, but they promised that they would ask their friends. A few days later【72】I was still in bed,【73】telephoned. "Is that Miss Jenkins?" a man' s voice asked. "I【74】your hobby is photography and I've got a job that might interest you in my clothes factory. My name is Mr. Thomson. " He seemed pleasant on the phone【75】I went to see him. I was so excited that I almost forgot【76】goodbye. "Good luck!" my mother said to me.

I arrived【77】early and when Mr. Thomson came he asked me if I【78】waiting a long time. "No, not long. " I replied. After talking to me for about twenty minutes he【79】me a job —not as a photographer,【80】a model!






Most people have no idea of the hard work and worry that go into the collecting of those f
ascinating birds and animals that they pay to see in the zoo. One of the questions that is always asked of me is【C1】______I became an animal collector in the first【C2】______.

The answer is that I have always been interested in animals and zoos. According to my parents, the first word I was able to say with any【C3】______was not the conventional “mamma” or “daddy”,【C4】______the word “zoo”, which I would【C5】______over and over again with a shrill【C6】______until someone, in group to【C7】______me up, would take me to the zoo. When I

【C8】______a little older, we lived in Greece and I had a great【C9】______of pets, ranging from owls to seahorses, and I spent all my spare time【C10】______the countryside in search of fresh specimens to【C11】______to my collection of pets.【C12】______on I went for a year to the City Zoo, as a student【C13】______, to get experience of the large animals, such as lions, bears, bison and ostriches,【C14】______were not easy to keep at home. When I left, I【C15】______had enough money of my own to be able to【C16】______my first trip and I have been going【C17】______ever since then. Though a collector's job is not an easy one and is full of【C18】______, it is certainly a job which will appeal【C19】______all those who love animals and【C20】______.






When I was a kid, I never knew what my parents—or anyone else's—did for a living. As far a
s I could tell, all grownups had mysterious jobs that involved drinking lots of coffee and arguing about Richard Nixon. If they had job-related stress, they kept it private. Now American families are expected to be more intimate. While this has resulted in a lot more hugs, "I love you's," and attendance at kids' football games, unfortunately we parents also insist on sharing the frustrations of our work byes.

While we have complained about our jobs or fallen asleep in car-pool lines, our children have been noticing. They are worried about us. A new survey, "Ask the children," conducted by the Families and Work Institute of New York City, queried more than 1,000 kids between the ages of 8 and 18 about their parents' work lives. "If you were granted one wish to change the way your parents' work affected your life," the survey asked kids, "what would that wish be?" Most parents assumed that children would want more time with them, but only 10% did. Instead, the most common wish (among 34% ) was that parents would be less stressed and tired by work.

Allison Levin is the mother of three young children and a professional in the growing field of "work/ life quality". Levin counsels employees who are overwhelmed by their work and family obligations to carefully review their commitments-not only at the office but at home and in the community too—and start paring them down. "It's not about getting up earlier in the morning se you can get more done," she says. "It's about saying no and making choices."

We can start by leaving work, and thoughts of work, behind as soon as we start the trip home. Do something to get yourself in a good mood, like listening to music, rather than returning calls on the cell phone. When you get home, change out of your work clothes, let the answering machine take your calls, and stay away from e-mail. When your kids ask about your day, tell them about something good that happened. (In the survey, 69% of moms said they liked their work, but only 42% of kids thought their mothers really did. )

Parents can also de-stress by cutting back on their children's activities. If keeping up with your kid's schedule is killing you, insist that he choose between karate lessons and the theater troupe. Parents should also sneak away from work and family occasionally to have some fun. I keep a basketball in the trunk of my can. I might never be able to fix everything at work or at home, but at least I can work on my jump shot.

Which of the following sentences can be the best title of this passage?

A.Kids Say: Chill

B.Kids Stress Parents

C.Parents Complain about work

D.Parents Get in Good Mood

It was the late spring of 1979, a hot Saturday afternoon. Hundreds of us sat 21 , side by,
side, in rows of wooden chairs on the maincampus lawn (校园草坪). We 22' blue robes (毕业生长袍). We listened carefully to long 23 . When the ceremony (典礼)was 24_,we threw! our caps in the air, and we were officially graduated from college.

After that, I found Morrie Schwartz, my25 professor, and introduced him to

my 26 .. He was a small man who took small steps, as ifa 27 wind could; at any time, 28 him up:into the cloudS! His teeth were in good shape: When he smiled it was as if you had just 29 him the funniest joke on earth.

He told my parents how I 30 every class he taught. He told them, "You havea 31 boy here. He helped me a 10t." Shy but 32 , I looked at my feet. Before we left,I 33 Mr. Schwartz a 'present, a briefcase with his name on the front. I didn't want to forget him. 34 I didn't want him to forget me. He asked if I would keep in35 , and without hesitation (犹豫) I said, "Of course." When he turned around, I saw tears in his eyes.

21. A. along B. around C. beside D. together

I lost my sight when I was four years old by falling off a box car in a freight yard in At
lantic City and landing on my head. Now I am thirty-two. I can vaguely remember the brightness of sunshine and what color red is. It would be wonderful to see again, but a disaster can do strange things to people. It occurred to me the other day that I might not have come to love life as I do if I hadn't been blind. I believe in life now. I am not so sure that I would have believed in it so deeply, otherwise. I don't mean that I would prefer to go without my eyes. I simply mean that the loss of them made me appreciate the more what I had left.

Life, I believe, asks a continuous series of adjustments to reality. The more readily a person is able to make these adjustments, the more meaningful his own private world becomes. The adjustment is never easy. I felt helpless and afraid. But I was lucky. My parents and my teachers saw something in me--a potential to live, you might call it--which I didn't see, and they made me want to fight it out with blindness.

The hardest lesson I had to learn was to believe in myself. That was basic, If I hadn't been able to do that, I would have collapsed and become a chair rocker on the front perch for the rest of my life. When I say belief in myself I am not talking about simply the kind of self-confidence that helps me down an unfamiliar staircase alone. That is part of it. But I mean something bigger than that: an assurance that I am, despite imperfections, a real, positive person; that somewhere in the sweeping, intricate pattern of people there is a special place where I can make myself fit.

It took me years to discover and strengthen this assurance. It had to start with the most elementary things. Once a man gave me an indoor baseball. I thought he was making fun of me and I was hurt. "I can't use this," I said. "Take it with you," he urged me, "and roll it around." The words stuck in my head. "Roll it around!" By rolling the ball I could hear where it went. This gave me an idea how to achieve a goal I had thought impossible: playing baseball. At Philadelphia's Overbrook School for the Blind I invented a successful variation of baseball. We called it ground ball.

All my life I have set ahead of me a series of goals and then tried to reach them, one at a time. I had to learn my limitations. It was no good to try for something I knew at the start was wildly out of reach because that only invited the bitterness of failure. I would fail sometimes anyway but on average I made progress.

The disaster that happened when the writer was 4 years old ______.

A.makes him believe in life more deeply than the other people.

B.makes him appreciate the value of the rest of his faculties.

C.makes him prefer going without his eyes.

D.strengthens his memory of the color of red.

—What do your parents do? —My father is a manager. My mother is a nurse.()
– Are you free in July? – No, I()with my parents in July.



C.have stayed

D.am staying

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