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Of all the 18th century novelists Henry Fielding was the first to set out,both in theo

ry and practice,to write specifically a“____in prose,”the first to give the modern novel its structure and style.

A、tragic epic

B、comic epic


D、lyric epic

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Philip Coates-Wright freely admits that his obsession with Napoleon rules his life. I
Philip Coates-Wright freely admits that his obsession with Napoleon rules his life. It has cost him his marriage, eats up all his spare money, and dominates his spare fime. Philip. 29, a lecturer in modern history, is a founder member of the Napoleonic Association, which re-enacts battles all over England. On field, he is a French Brigade Commander and wears authentic uniforms. The orders he gives his troops are in 18th century French. Philip even got married in a French Hussar 's uniform.

The Main Idea:()

Passage Four:Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage.For any given task in B
ritain there are more men than are needed. Strong unions keep them there in Fleet Street, home of some London’s biggest dailies, it is understood that when two unions quarrel over three jobs, the argument is settled by giving each union two. That means 33 per cent overmanning, 33 per cent less productivity than could be obtained.

A reporter who has visited plants throughout Europe has an impression that the pace of work is much slower here. Nobody tries too hard. Tea breaks do matter and are frequent. It is hard to measure intensity of work, but Britons give a distinct impression of going at their tasks in a more leisurely way.

But is all this so terrible? It certainly does not improve the gross national product or output per worker. Those observant visitors, however, have noticed something else about Britain. It is a pleasant place.

Street crowds in Stockholm. Paris and New York move quickly and silently heads down, all in a hurry. London crowds tend to walk at an easy pace (except in the profitable, efficient City, the financial district).

Every stranger is struck by the patient and orderly way in which Britons queue for a bus: if the saleswoman is slow and out of stock she will likely say, ‘oh dear, what a pity’; the rubbish collectors stop to chat (聊天) and call the housewives “Luv.” Crime rises here as in every city but there still remains a gentle tone and temper that is unmatched in Berlin, Milan or Detroit.

In short, what is wrong with Britain may also be what is right. Having reached a tolerable standard, Britons appear to be choosing leisure over goods.

第36题:What happens when disputes over job opportunities arise among British unions?

A) Thirty three per cent of the workers will be out of work.

B) More people will be employed than necessary.

C) More jobs will be created by the government.

D) The unions will try to increase productivity.

The long years of food shortage in this country have suddenly given way to apparent abunda
nce. Stores and shops are choked with food. Rationing is virtually suspended, and overseas suppliers have been asked to hold back deliveries. Yet instead of joy, there is widespread uneasiness and confusion. Why do food prices keep on rising, when there seems to be so much more food about7 Is the abundance only temporary, or has it come to stay7 Does it mean that we need to think less now about producing more food at home? No one knows what to expect.

The recent growth of export surpluses on the world food market has certainly been unexpectedly great, partly because a strange sequence of two successful grain harvests in North America is now being followed by a third. Most of Britain's overseas suppliers of meat, too, are offering more this year and home production has also risen.

But the effect of all this on the food situation in this country has been made worse by a simultaneous rise in food prices, due chiefly to the gradual cutting down of government support for food. The shops are overstocked with food net only because there is more food available, but also because people, frightened by high prices, are buying less of it.

Moreover, the rise in domestic prices has come at a time when world prices have begun to fall, with the result that imported food, with the exception of grain, is often cheaper than the home-produced variety. And now grain prices, too, are falling. Consumers are beginning to ask why they should not be enabled to benefit from this trend.

The significance of these developments is not lost on farmers. The older generations have seen it all happen before. Despite the present price and market guarantees, farmers fear they are about to be squeezed between cheap food imports and a shrinking home market. Present production is running at 51 per cent above pre-war levels, and the government has called for an expansion to 60 per cent by 1956; but repeated Ministerial advice is carrying little weight and the expansion program is not working very well.

Why is there "wide-spread uneasiness and confusion" about the food situation in Britain?

A.Despite the abundance, food prices keep rising.

B.The abundant food supply is not expected to last.

C.Britain will cut back on its production of food.

D.Britain is importing less food.

There have been changes in all sorts of different areas of British society.In recent

years in the UK we have had a very large increase in the number of couples who get divorced

After 1969 and the Divorce Law Reform. Act we had a very rapid increase in the number of divorces.The rate increased steadily and in recent years has increased much more rapidly.But there are also quite a lot of people who do actually get married.At present the marriage rate in the UK is about 70 per cent, which has gone down since the number of people who marry has gone down qui te a lot in the last 20 years, but more significantly in the last 10 years.Quite high proportions of people now live together without marrying, and, for example, 40 per cent of children born in the UK are born to couples who aren't married or are born to lone parents.There are quite a large number of lone parent families, 90 per cent of these are headed by a woman rather than a man

The average family size now in the UK is 1.8 children per couple, which

Means that there’s been quite a decline in the birth rate in the UK along with other European countries.

21.What does the passage mainly discuss?()

A.The declining divorce rate in the UK.

B.Trends in marriage and divorce in the UK.

C.The increasing divorce rate in the UK.

22.During the last ten years,()

A.the marriage rate has gone down more rapidly in the UK

B.the marriage rate has gone up a lot in the UK

C.40% of children were born to unwed couples in the UK

23.According to the passage, the cohabitation rate in the UK tends to ___



C.stay stable

24.According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.The highest divorce rate was around 1969.

B.The marriage rate has gone down in recent years.

C.The marriage rate is currently 70 percent.

25.The last paragraph tells us()

A.the birth rate in the UK is increasing at the moment

B.the birth rate in other European countries keeps increasing

C.the birth rate in the UK is decreasing rapidly now

We get energy from the foods we eat. Our food supplies energy to keep our organs worki
ng. Our food also supplies heat to warm our bodies.

The main energy foods are the carbohydrates (碳水化合物). These are sugars and starch (淀粉). Wheat and rice are rich in starch and many fruits and vegetables contain considerable amount of sugar. Sweets, honey and jam are also rich in sugar.

Like carbohydrates, fats are food that provides us with energy. Butter, margarine, certain types of fish, eggs, cooking oils and most red meats are rich in fats. Fats can be stored in various parts of the body as reserves of energy. Because fats in general are slowly digested, they satisfy hunger for long periods.

Proteins (蛋白质) are very complex substances. The body needs proteins for the growth of new cells and for the repair and replacement of old cells. Foods rich in proteins are essential to a balanced diet. Milk, some vegetables, meat, chicken, fish, cheese, grains and nuts are some foods rich in proteins.

A good diet will contain a variety of foods so that the body contains all the minerals it needs for good health.

Vitamins are necessary for the proper working of the body. If we eat a variety of foods, we can be sure of obtaining all the vitamins we need.

Water makes up about 70 per cent of the weight of the human body. The average adult needs about two liters of water daily to replace the water the body loses.

If equal weight of the following substances is “burned” in the body, the largest amount of energy is produced by().




D、mineral salts

Ours has become a society of employees. A hundred years or so ago only one out of every fi
ve Americans at work was employed, i. e. , worked for somebody else. Today only one out of five is not employed but working for himself. And when fifty years ago "being employed" meant working as a factory laborer or as a farmhand, the employee of today is increasingly a middle-class person with a substantial formal education, holding a professional or management job requiring intellectual and technical skills. Indeed, two things have characterized American society during these last fifty years: middle-class and upper-class employees have been tile fastestgrowing groups in our working population—growing so fast that the industrial worker, that oldest child of the Industrial Revolution, has been losing in numerical importance despite the expansion of industrial production.

Yet you will find little if anything written on what it is to be an employee. You can find a great deal of very dubious advice on how to get a job or how to get a promotion. You can also find a good deal of work in a chosen field, whether it be the mechanist's trade or book-keeping(簿记). Every one of these trades requires different skills, sets different standards, and requires a different preparation. Yet they all have employeeship in common. And increasingly, especially in the large business or in government, employeeship is more important to success than the special professional knowledge or skill. Certainly more people fail because they do not know the requirements of being an employee than because they do not adequately possess the skills of their trade; the higher you climb the ladder, the more you get into administrative or executive work, the greater the emphasis on ability to work within the organization rather than on technical abilities or professional knowledge.

It is implied that fifty years ago _______.

A.eighty per cent of American working people were employed in factories

B.twenty per cent of American intellectuals were employees

C.the percentage of intellectuals in the total work force was almost the same as that of industrial workers

D.the percentage of intellectuals working as employees was not so large as that of industrial workers

To get a chocolate out of a box demands a considerable amount of unpacking: the box has to
be taken out of its paper bag; the plastic wrapper has to be torn off, the lid opened and the packing paper inside removed; the chocolate itself then has to be unwrapped from its own piece of paper. Similarly a pot of face cream comes surrounded by layers of paper, waged inside a cardboard box, and the whole thing wrapped tightly in plastic.

It is not only luxuries which are wrapped in this way, With so many goods now produced centrally and sold in supermarkets it is becoming increasingly difficult to buy anything from nails to potatoes that is not already done up in plastic or paper.

The wrapper itself is of no interest to the shopper, who usually throws it away immediately. Useless wrapping accounts for much o the 31 pounds in weight of rubbish put out by the average London household each week. So why is it done? Some of it, like the wrapping on meat, is necessary, but most of the rest is simply competitive selling. This is stupid. Packaging is using up scarce energy and raw materials and ruining all the time. One big firm reports that its glass, cans and paper have all gone up by 30 per cent in the last couple of months, while plastic has increased by 50 percent and all these prices are still rising. This seems as yet to have had surprisingly little effect on the packaging practice of manufacturers.

Little research is being carried out on the costs in energy and materials of other possible types of packaging. Just how practical is it, for instance, for local authorities to save waste paper and re-manufacture it as egg-boxes? Would it be cheaper to plant another forest to produce new paper?

One reason for the unorganized behavior. of everyone concerned is probably the varied nature of the packaging industry. So many people, with so many different interests of their own, are affected that it is extremely hard to reach any agreement on what should be done. Also, packagers say that preserving forests and preventing waste is not their concerns.

The shopper gets rid of the wrapper immediately because______.

A.he is careless.

B.it adds to the weight.

C.it is difficult for him to handle.

D.it has no importance for him.

Stratford-on-Avon, as we all know, has only one industry--William Shakespeare--but there a
re two distinctly separate and increasingly hostile branches. There is the Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC), which presents superb productions of the plays at the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre on the Avon. And there are the townsfolk who largely live off the tourists who come, not to see the plays, but to look at Anne Hathaway's Cottage, Shakespeare's birthplace and the other sights.

The worthy residents of Stratford doubt that the theatre adds a penny to their revenue. They frankly dislike the RSC's actors ,them with their long hair and beards and sandals and noisiness. It's all deliciously ironic when you consider that Shakespeare, who earns their living, was himself an actor(with a beard)and did his share of noise-making.

The tourist streams are not entirely separate. The sightseers who come by bus-and often take in Warwick Castle and Blenheim Palace on the side--don't usually see the plays, and some of them are even surprised to find a theatre in Stratford. However, the playgoers do manage a little sightseeing along with their playgoing. It is the playgoers, the RSC contends, who bring in much of the town's revenue because they spend the night(some of them four or five nights)pouring cash into the hotels and restaurants. The sightseers can take in everything and get out of town by nightfall..

The townsfolk don't see it this way and local council does not contribute directly to the subsidy of the Royal Shakespeare Company. Stratford cries poor traditionally. Nevertheless every hotel in town seems to be adding a new wing or cocktail lounge. Hilton is building its own hotel there, which you may be sure will be decorated with Hamlet Hamburger Bars, the Lear Lounge, the Banquo Banqueting Room, and so forth, and will be very expensive.

Anyway, the townsfolk can't understand why the Royal Shakespeare Company needs a subsidy. (The theatre has broken attendance records for three years in a row. Last year its 1,431 seats were 94 per cent occupied all year long and this year they'll do better.) The reason, of course, is that costs have rocketed and ticket prices have stayed low.

It would be a shame to raise prices too much because it would drive away the young people who are Stratford's most attractive clientele. They come entirely for the plays, not the sights. They all seem to look alike (though they come from all over)--lean, pointed, dedicated faces, wearing jeans and sandals, eating their buns and bedding down for the night on the flagstones outside the theatre to buy the 20 seats and 80 standing-room tickets held for the sleepers and sold to them when the box of rice opens at 10:30am.

From the first two paragraph, we learn that ______ .

A.the townsfolk deny the RSC's contribution to the town's revenue

B.the actors of the RSC imitate Shakespeare on and off stage

C.the two branches of the RSC are not on good terms

D.the townsfolk earn little from tourism

听力原文:An American study found, on average, a child watches between four and five hours

听力原文: An American study found, on average, a child watches between four and five hours of television each weekday, and ten hours on Saturday and Sunday. It was also noted that a typical child watches 25, 000 hours of television before his or her 18th birthday. In the life of Children, watching television is a significant sensory ex perience. Many children easily spend more time with the box than they do with any other form. of entertainment. Each year children read less and less and watch television more and more. In fact, Americans of all ages watch more television each year. The typical child sits in front of the television about four hours a day -- and for children in lower socioeconomic families the a mount of time thus spent is even greater. In either case, the child spends more time with TV than he or she spends talking to parents, playing with peers, attending school, or reading books. TV time appropriates family time, play time, and the reading time that could pro mote language development. Watching TV is a passive event. Children and adults, remain completely immobile while viewing the box. Most viewing experiences, at least among Americans, are both quiet and non-inter active. All attention is given to the images. Just like the operating room light, television creates an environment that attacks and beats the child; he can respond to it only by bringing into play his shutdown mechanism, and thus becomes more passive. Children arc often hooked. A highly active child will remain inactive while watching TV because that is what the medium requires. To morrow, we shall talk about violence on TV and its effects on children.


A.Children's IQ and TV.

B.The whole amount of time children spend watching TV.

C.The effect TV has on learning.

D.The amount of time the average child spends watching TV.

Who suggested in the 18th century that English should be protected? A.Walt Wolfram.B.Jo

Who suggested in the 18th century that English should be protected?

A.Walt Wolfram.

B.John Adams.


D.Dick Tucker.

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