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—Jeff, I'd appreciate it if you could help me with the opening speech I'm giving next week.—___________________________, but I'll have some time between five and six p.m.

A.Don’t mention it

B.Yes, it’s so quiet as we expected

C.Well, it's pretty busy this morning

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更多“—Jeff, I'd appreciate it if yo…”相关的问题
Jeff: Morning, Roger.

Roger:Good morning, Jeff.(1)_________Would you mind going to get me a cup of coffeeat the Starbucks across the street? I know you just got here, but I would really appreciate it.


Roger:Yes. Impressed that you remember!

Jeff:Your flavour I never forget.

Jeff leaves to go get a coffee, and then comes back with it.

Jeff:Here you go, Roger.

Roger:Thanks. Oh, Jeff,(3)_________with the opening speech I' m giving next week at our company.

Jeff:Well, it' s pretty busy this morning, but I' ll have some time between five and six p. m. Would that be okay?

Roger: (4)_________I' m going to talk about the new energy storage material, and I think you have an excellent grasp of the subject.

Jeff: Thank you.

Roger: Oh, by the way,(5)_________?

Jeff: It's going pretty well.

Roger: I' d like to see it some time.Do you think you could get it on my desk by 4 p. m. today?

Jeff: No problem. I' ll get it to you.

Roger: Great. Have a good one, Jeff.

Jeff: You too.

A.how was your report of the new batteries coming along?

B.I'd appreciateit if you could help me

C.No problem! You want the usual?

D.It' s good to see you.

E.Yes, that would be great.


A.Steve Profontaine

B.Jeff Jefferson

C.Bill Bowerman

D.Phil Knight


A.Bill Bowerman

B.Phil Knight

C.Jeff Johnson


E.Gary Gilmore

F.Steve Prefontaine




C.Steve Prefontaine

D.Jeff Jefferson


A.名字的灵感来自JEFF JOHNSON的梦境希腊胜利女神

B.NIKE LOGO的设计灵感来源于跑道的转弯处,象征着动力与速度


回答下列各题: How to Make Peace with Your Workload A)Swamped (忙碌的), under the gun, j

回答下列各题: How to Make Peace with Your Workload A)Swamped (忙碌的), under the gun, just struggling to stay above water...; whateveroffice cliche you employto depict it. weve all been in that situation where wefeel like we might be swallowed up by our workload.Nonetheless many a way maybe used to manage your to-do list to prevent feeling overwhelmed. How tomakepeace with your workload once and for all goes as follows. B)Getorganized. "Clear the deadwood outof your desk and keep your office in shape, which enhances yourcapability tohandle other tasks and raises the probability that youll retrieve the itemsyou do need in a fasterand easier fashion," says Jeff Davidson who worksas a work/life expert and writer of more than 50 books onworkplace issues."When something can be disposed, let i! go, given in reality most of whatyou retain isreplaceable." Joel Rudy, vice president of operations forPhotographic Solutions, with better than thirty yearsof business managementexperience, believes that keeping organized is a must. "Messy work areas arenonproductive insome measure. Provided that you cant locate a document or report easily becauseits lost in apile of mess, then you have a problematic situation," he says."Thereby you are supposed to take the time totidy up your work areas andkeep your important files, manuals and reports in an accessible location,whichwill maximize your efficiencies." C)Make ato-do list, then cover it up. It may sound weird, but it works, says JessicaCarlson, an accountexecutive at Bluefish Design Studio which is an advertisingconsulting firm. Carlson urges her team to utilizeto-do lists to stay on trackand highlight items that are a priority. "Cover up the list, with theexception of onehigh-priority task at one time," she suggests. "This will allow you to focus better onthe task at hand;otherwise, it will be easy to get overwhelmed if youre readingthrough a to-do list that spans an entire page.Concentrating on a single itemwill make your tasks appear like they are more doable," Carlson says. D)Stopmultitasking. Despite what you may consider multitasking, itscounterproductive. Unless youre drinkingcoffee while scanning your morninge-mails, youre not saving any time by attempting to do ten things atonce. "If you find yourself getting tangled intoo many things, it may be of much necessity of you to re-- evaluate yourinvolvement," Rudy says. "Your mind will wander from one topic toanother and you.may endup never accomplishing a thing." Rudy recommendsthe best way to stop multitasking is to create priority listswith deadlines."When applicable, complete one project before you move further on to thenext one," he says. E)Set timelimits. Deborah Chaddock-Brown, a work-at-home s.mgle parent, says shesfrequently overwhelmedby the demands of maintaining order in her residence andrunning her own business. Still, she manages to "doit all" by settinga time limit for each task. "I have the type of personality thatflits (轻轻地掠过)from thingto thing because I do have so much on my plate,"Brown says. "As a consequence I assign time slots: For thenext 15 minutesI will participate in Social media for the purpose of marketing mybusiness (not sendingphotos or playingFarmville)and that is the only thing I am about to do for the next 15 minutes.When thetime is up, I move on to the next task. That way, at night I dont endup with a pile of tasks to accomplish eventhough I felt busy all day." F)Talk toyour manager. "Quite often, peopleare working on things that are no longer a top priority, butsomeone forgot totell them (that theyre no longerimportant). There are usually clear priorities in themanagers head; he or shehas just not done a great job communicating those with the employee," saysHollyGreen, CEO of The Human Factor. Greens suggestion unfoldsin thismanner: "If you find yourselfconfrontedwith too many responsibilitieS, sit down, note the significantthings you are in charge of, and go toyour manager to have a conversation todiscuss priorities, trade-offs, timecommitments andinterdependencies required to do each thing well, and then ask whatyou should stop working on or work onless so you can get the right thingsdone." Greefi says managers should be willing to help sort out priorities,solong as employees have a can-do approach and arent just complaining abouttheir workload. G)Eliminatetime wasters. "If interruptions are l keeping you from yourresponsibilities, learn how to deal withthem accordingly," says EileenRoth, author of Organizing for Dummies. Roth proposes the followingsuggestionsto combat disruptions: "Use voicemail to cut down on telephone interruptions, turn offthe alertthat says "Youve got an e-mail and give staffmembers a set time to visit you." Justin Gramm, president ofGlobellaBuyers Realty, exemplifies Roths point. "E-mail had been a big time waster for me in the pastbecause it wasa constant interruption, causing me to lose focus on the task at hand," hesays. Sincedetermined to check his e-mails only twice a day, Gramm says he hasbecome much more efficient. "If peoplewant to get more work done, theyneed to stop checking e-mails and get down to business," he says. H)Assessyour workload before taking on new tasks. "The paradox of todays workenvironment is that the moreyou do, the more thats expected of you,"Davidson says. In order to better assess your workload, Davidsonsuggests askingyourself the following questions before agreeing to undertake newresponsibilities: Is the taskaligned (使一致)with your prioritiesand goals; Are you likely to be as prone to saying yes to such arequesttomorrow or next week; what else could you do that would be morerewarding; what other pressing tasks andresponsibilities are you likely toface; Does the other party have options other than you; Will he or shebecrushed if you say no? I)Want to know more? Most of our expertsrecommended books for additional tips on how to maximizeefficiency, but onebook was mentioned time and again. Check out The Seven Habits of HighlyEffectivePeople. "The more you do, the more you are expected to do" has been a paradoxin todays work environment.

Organised volunteering and work experience has long been a vital companion to university d
egree courses. Usually it is left to【C1】______to deduce the potential from a list of extracurricular adventures on a graduate's resume, 【C2】______now the University of Bristol has launched an award to formalise the achievements of students who【C3】______time to activities outside their courses. Bristol PLuS aims to boost students in an increasingly【C4】______job market by helping them acquire work and life skills alongside【C5】______qualifications.

"Our students are a pretty active bunch, but we found that they didn't【C6】______appreciate the value of what they did【C7】______the lecture hall," says Jeff Goodman, director of careers and employability at the university. "Employers are much more【C8】______than they used to be. They used to look for【C9】______and saw it as part of their job to extract the value of an applicant's skills. Now they want students to be able to explain why those skills are【C10】______to the job.

Students who sign【C11】______for the award will be expected to complete 50 hours of work experience or【C12】______work, attend four workshops on employ ability skills, take part in an intensive skills-related activity【C13】______crucially, write a summary of the skills they have gained. 【C14】______efforts will gain an Outstanding Achievement Award. Those who【C15】______best on the sports field can take the Sporting PLuS Award which fosters employer-friendly sports accomplishments.

The experience does not have to be【C16】______organised. "We're not just interested in easily identifiable skills," says Goodman. "【C17】______, one student took the lead ir dealing with a difficult landlord and so【C18】______negotiation skills. We try to make the experience relevant to individual lives.

Goodman hopes the【C19】______will enable active students to fill in any gaps in their experience and encourage their less-active【C20】______to take up activities outside their academic area of work.






Robert Kohout, 39, was working outside his home last October when he heard a frightening n
oise. He turned round and saw Walter Graham’s car sinking into 8 feet of water of the swimming pool a little distance away from his yard.

Kohout immediately called to Graham’s wife, Evelyn, to telephone 911. Then he ran back to his house to get Terence Reif and Glenn Fajardo to help,who were at work inside the house. “There was no time for second thoughts,” said Reif,a farmer’ s son. “The only thing to do was to get in the pool.”

The car doors were locked. Graham,73, was unconscious (失去知觉),and his Mercury was rapidly filling with water. Reif struggled to break the driver’ s side window with a hammer but had trouble getting it done underwater.

Finally—some four minutes after the car had fallen into the pool—the glass was broken. By then,Graham was floating at the top of the flooded passenger compartment (车厢).

The three men pulled Graham out through the broken glass. He wasn’ t breathing and his heart stopped beating,so they performed mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. The rescue(急救)team arrived in no time. Doctors supplied him with advanced life support on the way to the hospital.

“ These people were getting to Graham through the glass,’’ said Dr. Jeff Messinger. “ All three acted without regard for their own safety. ’’Added Evelyn Graham,“They were truly angels(天使)watching over us.” Immediately after Robert found the car sinking into the pool, he ____.

A.jumped into the pool

B.shouted to let Evelyn call the rescue team

C.ran to the nearest telephone

D.rushed into Graham’s house to find his wife

What does the word “resuscitation” refer to in the story?A.A way of saving people who have stopped breathing

B.A way of helping people who have heart trouble

C.A way of saving people who have got drunk

D.A way of helping people who need water

Which of the following would be the best title for this story?A.The Underwater Gar.

B.Angels around Us.

C.Rescue Team in Time

D.Safety First.


??Team spirit??[A] Teams have become the basic building blocks of organizations. Recruitme

??Team spirit??

[A] Teams have become the basic building blocks of organizations. Recruitment advertisements routinely call for “team players”. Business schools grade their students in part on their performance in group projects. Office managers knock down walls to encourage team building. Teams are as old as civilization, of course: even Jesus had 12 co-workers. But a new report by Deloitte, “Global Human Capital Trends”, based on a survey of more than 7,000 executives in over 130 countries, suggests that the fashion for teamwork has reached a new high. Almost half of those surveyed said their companies were either in the middle of restructuring or about to embark on (开始)it; and for the most part, restructuring meant putting more emphasis on teams.

[B] Companies are abandoning conventional functional departments and organising employees into cross-disciplinary teams that focus on particular products, problems or customers. These teams are gaining more power to run their own affairs. They are also spending more time working with each other rather than reporting upwards. Deloitte argues that a new organisational form. is on the rise: a network of teams is replacing the conventional hierarchy (等级体制).

[C] The fashion for teams is driven by a sense that the old way of organising people is too rigid for both the modem marketplace and the expectations of employees. Technological innovation places greater value on agility (灵活性).John Chambers, chairman of Cisco Systems Inc., a worldwide leader in electronics products, says that “we compete against market transitions (过渡),not competitors. Product transitions used to take five or seven years; now they take one or two. ” Digital technology also makes it easier for people to co-ordinate their activities without resorting to hierarchy. The “millennials” (千禧一代) who will soon make up half the workforce in rich countries were raised from nursery school onwards to work in groups.

[D] The fashion for teams is also spreading from the usual corporate suspects (such as GE and IBM) to some more unusual ones. The Cleveland Clinic, a hospital operator, has reorganised its medical staff into teams to focus on particular treatment areas; consultants, nurses and others collaborate closely instead of being separated by speciality (专业)and rank. The US Army has gone the same way. In his book, “Team of Teams&39; General Stanley McChrystal describes how the army’s hierarchical structure hindered its operations during the early stages of the Iraq war. His solution was to learn something from the insurgents it was fighting: decentralise authority to self-organising teams.

[E] A good rule of thumb is that as soon as generals and hospital administrators jump on a management bandwagon, it is time to ask questions. Leigh Thompson of Kellogg School of Management in Illinois warns that, ‘Teams are not always the answer—teams may provide insight, creativity and knowledge in a way that a person working independently cannot; but teamwork may also lead to confusion, delay and poor decision-making.” The late Richard Hackman of Harvard University once argued, “I have no question that when you have a team, the possibility exists that it will generate magic, producing something extraordinary... But don’t count on it.”

[F] Hackman (who died in 2013) noted that teams are hampered by problems of co-ordination and motivation that chip away at the benefits of collaboration. High-flyers forced to work in teams may be undervalued and free-riders empowered. Groupthink may be unavoidable. In a study of 120 teams of senior executives, he discovered that less than 10% of their supposed members agreed on who exactly was on the team. If it is hard enough to define a team’s membership, agreeing on its purpose is harder still.

[G] Profound changes in the workforce are making teams trickier to manage. Teams work best if their members have a strong common culture. This is hard to achieve when, as is now the case in many big firms, a large proportion of staff are temporary contractors. Teamwork improves with time: America’s National Transportation Safety Board found that 73% of the incidents in its civil-aviation database occurred on a crew’s first day of flying together. However, as Amy Edmondson of Harvard points out, organisations increasingly use “team” as a verb rather than a noun: they form. teams for specific purposes and then quickly disband them.

[H] The least that can be concluded from this research is that companies need to think harder about managing teams. They need to rid their minds of sentimentalism (感情用事):the most successful teams have leaders who are able to set an overall direction and take immediate action. They need to keep teams small and focused: giving in to pressure to be more “inclusive” is a guarantee of dysfunction. Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s boss, says that “If I see more than two pizzas for lunch, the team is too big.” They need to immunize teams against group-think: Hackman argued that the best ones contain “deviants” (离经叛道者)who are willing to do something that maybe upsetting to others.

[I] A new study of 12,000 workers in 17 countries by Steelcase, a furniture-maker which also does consulting, finds that the best way to ensure employees are “engaged” is to give them more control over where and how they do their work―which may mean liberating them from having to do everything in collaboration with others.

[J] However, organisations need to learn something bigger than how to manage teams better: they need to be in the habit of asking themselves whether teams are the best tools for the job. Teambuilding skills are in short supply: Deloitte reports that only 12% of the executives they contacted feel they understand the way people work together in networks and only 21% feel confident in their ability to build cross-functional teams. Loosely managed teams can become hotbeds of distraction―employees routinely complain that they can’t get their work done because they are forced to spend too much time in meetings or compelled to work in noisy offices. Even in the age of open-plan offices and social networks some work is best left to the individual.

36. Successful team leaders know exactly where the team should go and are able to take prompt action.

37. Decentralisation of authority was also found to be more effective in military operations.

38. In many companies, the conventional form. of organisation is giving way to a network of teams.

39. Members of poorly managed teams are easily distracted from their work.

40. Teamwork is most effective when team members share the same culture.

41. According to a report by Deloitte, teamwork is becoming increasingly popular among companies.

42. Some team members find it hard to agree on questions like membership and the team’s purpose.

43. Some scholars think teamwork may not always be reliable, despite its potential to work wonders.

44. To ensure employees’ commitment, it is advisable to give them more flexibility as to where and how they work.

45. Product transitions take much less time now than in the past.


A.I am

B.I would be

C.I was

D.I were

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