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听力原文:W: Oh, Larry, I have been meaning to talk to you.M: Hi, Jenis. What's up?W: I hav

听力原文:W: Oh, Larry, I have been meaning to talk to you.

M: Hi, Jenis. What's up?

W: I have this great job lined up to manage the clothing store at the mall.

M: So what's the problem?

W: Well, one of the professors in my department just told me about a summer internship program that's available. She thinks I might be able to intern in the office of the Way fare Hotel here in town.

M: That sounds like a great opportunity too. Why not take advantage of it?

W: I'd love to, especially since I'm studying hotel management. It would be a great way to get some practical experience in my field.

M: And you never know, it might lead to something with them after graduation. They are on of the biggest hotel chains in the area.

W: You're right. But the drawback is I wouldn't be making nearly as much money as I would be working in the clothing store, not to mention the discount I could get on clothes there.

M: How much is the internship paid?

W: They pay their internship a small stipend and give them free room and board for the sum- mer.

M: Well, if I were you, I would take the internship anyway. You could always get a job during the school year to make a few extra bucks.

Why does Jenise want to talk to Larry?

A.To ask for help finding a job.

B.To find out what he's doing during the summer.

C.To ask him to give her some advice.

D.To invite him to go shopping with her later.

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更多“听力原文:W: Oh, Larry, I have been…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: John, I'm going to visit the book fair tomorrow.M: Oh, Kate. I wish I could go

听力原文:W: John, I'm going to visit the book fair tomorrow.

M: Oh, Kate. I wish I could go with you but you know...

What does John mean?

A.John may go with Kate.

B.Nobody can go with John.

C.Kate has to go by herself.

听力原文:M: Hi, Sally. W: Hello, Tom. How are you?M: I'm fine, where are you going?W: Oh,

听力原文:M: Hi, Sally.

W: Hello, Tom. How are you?

M: I'm fine, where are you going?

W: Oh, I'm on my way home from work.

M: I didn't know you had a job.

W: Yeah. I work part-time at a supermarket.

M: What do you do there?

W: I work in the produce section. Trimming and wrapping fresh fruit and vegetables. I also stock shelves. Some times when it gets really busy, I work at the check-out counter. Have you got a job, Tom?

M: Yeah. I do yard work for people. You know, cutting grass, raking leaves, pulling weeds, things like that.

W: I'd like doing that. It must be nice to work outdoors.

M: Sometimes it is. Except when it rains or snows or gets too hot or too cold or. . . Ha-ha. Tuition is sure high, isn't it? Well, I'd better go. I've got to plant some trees for my neighbours this afternoon.

W: Well, don't work too hard. Holding down a job, going to class, studying. Sometimes it can become too much for one person. Take it easy.

M: You, too. It was great seeing you, Sally!

What does Sally do at her supermarket job?

A.She works at the meat counter.

B.She puts groceries out on the shelves.

C.She carries groceries out of the store for customers.

D.She checks the quality of milk products.

听力原文:W: Hi, Jack, have you finished Professor Smith's assignment?M: The assignment? No

听力原文:W: Hi, Jack, have you finished Professor Smith's assignment?

M: The assignment? No, not yet.

W: But tomorrow's the deadline.

M: Anna, take it easy. I can always pull it together in no time.

W: Hey, don't you think playing PC games takes up too much of your time?

M: Oh, computer games represent the latest technology. You can't simply ignore them.

W: I know. You can play as much as you like during the holiday, but not now. It's affecting your studies.

M: It's not. I feel I'm getting smarter day by day, and my reaction time is much quicker.

W: You only become alive and alert at those war games. In class, I saw you doze off.

M: It's not my fault. The textbooks are boring and the lectures are tedious. I dislike those teachers who love to call the roll. But the games are interesting, challenging and can broaden my mind as well.

W: I didn't say the games are all bad, but you can't play games all the time. Have you ever considered what you will do if you fail the exams?

M: well…

W: I know it's not easy to resist the temptation, but self-discipline is essential to one's success. It's part of one's character. Look at yourself in the mirror. You look pale and haggard. See, you have nothing but half a life.

M: Really? Oh, heavens!


A.Teacher and student.

B.Mother and son.


D.Brother and sister

听力原文:W: Good morning.M: Morning, can I help you?W: Yes, I' d like to join the library.

听力原文:W: Good morning.

M: Morning, can I help you?

W: Yes, I' d like to join the library. We' re new to the district you see.

M: Certainly. Well all we need is some sort of identification with your name and address on it.

W: Oh dear. We just moved, you see, and everything has my old address.

M: A driving licence, perhaps?

W: No, I don' t drive.

M: Your husband' s would do.

W: Yas, but his licence will stir have the old address on it.

M: Perhaps you have a letter addressed to you at your new house?

W: No, I' m afraid not. We' ye only been there a few days you see and no one' s written to us yet.

M: What about your bank book?

W: That' s just the same. Oh dear, and I did want to get some books out this weekend. We' re going on holiday to relax after the move, you see, and I wanted to take something with me to read.

M: Well, I' m sorry, but we can' t possibly issue tickets without some form. of identification. What about your passport?

W: What? Oh yes, how silly of me. I've just got a new one and it does have our new address. I' ve just been to book our tickets se I have it on me. Just a minute. Here you are.

M: Thank you. Well, that' s all right. Now if you' d like to ge and choose your books your tickets will be ready for you when you come back to the desk to have them stamped out.

W: Oh, thank you. Er, how many books am I allowed to take out?

M: You can take four books out at a time and you also get two tickets to take out magazines or periodicals. Newspapers, I' m afraid can' t be taken out; they have to be read here.

W: Oh that's fine. Thank you very much.


A.write down one's name and address

B.show some kind of identification with one' s name and address on it

C.give one' s address

D.give one' s driving license

听力原文:W: Did you go to the football match last Saturday?M: Oh yes. It was supposed to s

听力原文:W: Did you go to the football match last Saturday?

M: Oh yes. It was supposed to start at 2:30, but it was delayed 15 minutes.

Q: When did the football match start?


A.At 2:35.

B.At 2:45.

C.At 3:00.

D.At 3:1

听力原文:W: Excuse me. Do you live here?M: Yes, I've lived here in Edinburgh all my life.M

听力原文:W: Excuse me. Do you live here?

M: Yes, I've lived here in Edinburgh all my life. My name's Rory McDonald. How do you do?

W: Hi, I'm Chris Hudson from Phoenix, Arizona. I'm an oil engineer. I'm on my way to London on business.

M: How long are you staying in Edinburgh?

W: Just a day. What can I see here in twenty-four hours?

M: Well, most tourists want to visit the Castle. It's on Castle Rock. It's where the Scottish government used to be. From there you can walk down the Royal Mile.

W: What's the Royal Mile?

M: It's a narrow street of medieval houses. It's worth seeing. Then you really should visit Holyrood Palace.

W: Who lives in the Palace?

M: No one, except the Queen when she comes to Edinburgh, which is usually once a year. But the kings and queens of Scotland used to live there be fore Scotland was united with England.

W: When was that?

M: That was...er, let me see 2. in 1603.

W: You seem to know a lot about Scottish history.

M: Aye, well, I'm a McDonald of the McDonald clan. You know there are clans in Scotland, and we're all proud of our history.

W: I'd like to buy something as a souvenir of the trip. What should I buy?

M: Why don't you buy some sweaters? Scottish sweaters are famous for their quality. And you must buy some whiskey. Of course you know that's our national drink.

W: Yes, I've already bought the whiskey.

M: Good. But remember you mustn't put ice in it. That spoils the flavor!

W: Oh, we Americans put ice in everything!


A.She comes to visit this famous town.

B.She comes to visit her friend.

C.She comes to Edinburgh on business.

D.She is on her way to London on business.

听力原文:M: Oh, it's so cold. We haven't had such a severe winter for so long, have we?W:

听力原文:M: Oh, it's so cold. We haven't had such a severe winter for so long, have we?

W: Yes, the forecast says it's going to get worse before it warms up.

What do we learn from the conversation?

A.The weather is mild compared to the past years.

B.They are having the coldest winter ever.

C.The weather will soon get winner.

D.The weather may get even colder.

听力原文:M: Good afternoon. Can I help you?W: I want to try the black shoes.Q: Where does

听力原文:M: Good afternoon. Can I help you?

W: I want to try the black shoes.

Q: Where does this conversation take place?


A.At a restaurant.

B.At a hospital.

C.At a shop.

听力原文:M: Hi, Jack, do you mind if I borrow your bike? Mine is under repair. W: Of cours

听力原文:M: Hi, Jack, do you mind if I borrow your bike? Mine is under repair.

W: Of course not, if only I could find it. I remember I put it here this morning, but it’s gone.

What happened to the woman's bike?

A.It was gone.

B.The woman borrowed it.

C.He sold it.

D.He forgot where he put it.

听力原文:W: How's your dinner, sir?M: It's just fine.W: Can I bring you any thing?M: No, t

听力原文:W: How's your dinner, sir?

M: It's just fine.

W: Can I bring you any thing?

M: No, thanks. Everything's fine.

What does the man think of the dinner?

A.He thinks it's bad.

B.He thinks it's fine.

C.He thinks it's neither bad or fine.

听力原文:W: I think there should be greater restrictions placed on the press and the stori
es they print. I can't open a newspaper or magazine without reading stories full of false information about myself or people I know. It's get ting...

M: Sorry, but I can't believe that you're actually complaining about free publicity. I mean I remember, Shelley, before you were famous, you were begging us to write features about you...anything...

W: If you would just let me finish of course the press have been important. I'm an actress and I understand the power of the press. But the thing is, I rarely seem to read anything true about myself these days... The point I'm trying to make here is that famous people have families with feelings.

M: Oh, sorry. You're really hurt by that particular article last week.

W: To increase circulation and make more money, certain newspapers continue to print those stories when it's obvious that they're not true.

M: But I think we have to consider the relationship between fame, the public and the press. The public are fascinated by fame and scandal, and they love to read about their favorite stars.

W: I'm sick of gutter-press making up stories. It's irresponsible and it messes up people's life.

M: The problem is, it's not always clear what's true and what isn't. I mean, if a newspaper prints something scandalous or embarrassing about a famous person, they're bound to deny it, but that doesn't mean it's not true.

W: Are you trying to say...

M: No smoke without fire, if you ask me.


A.A little known actress and a literary critic.

B.A well-known actress and a newspaper editor.

C.A movie star and one of her fans.

D.A movie star and a TV interviewer.

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